My first grow


Well-Known Member
Hey Scoob - the gals (hopefully) are still looking pretty good! The haze has perked up again as well I see... I'm not one to give any advice being a total noob and just starting my own first grow, but I sure hope my babies grow up as bushy as yours! :joint:


Well-Known Member
i really did spare no expense to these girls, i know a lot of 14 year old grow this all over the country but i got the best of everything and hopefully a little common sense and friendly help can go a long ways. Really hoping i dont over nute these girls durring flowering period


Well-Known Member
i do enjoy how much people look at them though and keep tabs, got around 650 views so far and nothing to bad said. Thanks for checking them out and please keep comming back till there totally havested.


Well-Known Member
Well i've been drinking tonight and the WW and Haze are still wet according to the moisture meter and the WW is bone dry. anyways i just stumbled over my WW and broke a leaf off, god damn drunks. It was a small one so hopefully a little abuse wont hurt her to much, gonna wait a few hours and then pump some of all these crazy nutes i got into them being i wont be here for a couple days. Thanks again for checking them out man, I dont know what i'm gonna do with it once it buds, i cant smoke it. I get tested quite randomly and often. soo whatever, really fun hobby though ;)


Well-Known Member
Hmmm.... if you're going to be gone that long and they're needing alot of water, I hope you have someone that can feed them while you're away! Hey, if you can't smoke it, feel free to drop me a line - I can definitely help you out in that area!! :joint:


Well-Known Member
haha yeah i'm sure there's quite a few people that could help me out there. Anybody know what works for flushing your system, was Niacin last time i heard. Anythying new or better?


Well-Known Member
Yeah i know this pictures a little earlier than my weekly updates but cant help it. there hanging in there really well but the opium is kinda growing sort of retarded. Thanks for viewing, i'll try and space out the next photo to a full week before i post again. Anything look wrong with them at all?



Well-Known Member
anybody got a guestimate on how much i could yield from this girls if there good condition continues?


Well-Known Member
Ok so i looked at them today and there only a week into the flowering phase but the little pistils ( those stringy things that come up in the crotch of the branches) are on all 3 of them. I did buy all feminized seeds so it was expected but i'm glad i didnt get any of the 1% than can go hermie. Just keeping you guys posted, i would still like to know somewere close to how much these things can yield. If anybody has a guess please let me know. Thanks again for keeping watch on them and keep comming back please.:weed:


Well-Known Member
Guess no guesses cause the plants are doing so well right? That or i made an ass of myself while i was drinking and posting. Either way i do appreciate you guy's help and i'm glad i've gotten so many views. Girls are starting to bud now and i'm gonna keep posting. Thanks for keeping an eye on them and making sure i didnt kill them. I'll post again i'm thinking saturday. Thanks again for the views


Well-Known Member
Guess no guesses cause the plants are doing so well right? That or i made an ass of myself while i was drinking and posting. Either way i do appreciate you guy's help and i'm glad i've gotten so many views. Girls are starting to bud now and i'm gonna keep posting. Thanks for keeping an eye on them and making sure i didnt kill them. I'll post again i'm thinking saturday. Thanks again for the views
its pretty much imposdsile to guess but if i had to i would say hmmm.......3.25 oz. Thats my guess!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Oh really? i thought it would be around the same due to height and maybe some thickness of the stock. Thanks man i was wondering if i was gonna keep posting to myself or not. :)


Well-Known Member
Oh really? i thought it would be around the same due to height and maybe some thickness of the stock. Thanks man i was wondering if i was gonna keep posting to myself or not. :)
Lol it happens man, when things are going as good as yours people just dont have much to say... i think most of em just enjoy correcting people but there isnt much to correct here lol ;-)


Active Member
hey dude. i dunno if it's been mentioned, but the salt that guy was referring to was epsom salt, not table salt! epsom salt is magnesium sulfate, hence the recommendation for your possible mg deficiency!


Active Member
Those plants are really nice man..... this is also my first grow i struggled the first week but right now i have two kush plants growing pretty good i think. After almost two weeks the plants are about 7 inches tall.......... Question for water and feeding what did you do on a day to day basis. Right now im water like every 36 hours and using a very light plant food solution every three or 4 days not sure if this is good though.

phil le b

Well-Known Member
well i wood veg them till they r 6ince tall should take about 3 may b 4 weeks from wen u put the seeds in a glass of water then soon as they r 6inces put them on 12 12 and sit back and wait should grow to about 2 and half foot may b 3foot but smalll is better u get bigger buds cuz the 1st month they r jus getting there root up together then they grow 4 a month then bud for a month and u should start in a small pot 4 1st month then change it to a bigger pot ever month the reason 4 this is cuz the roots grow to bottom of pot so if u start them in a big pot they roots grow to the bottom and then they jus fill the bottom of the pot up which can stop the plant from growing i got got sum pic have a look


Well-Known Member
Those plants are really nice man..... this is also my first grow i struggled the first week but right now i have two kush plants growing pretty good i think. After almost two weeks the plants are about 7 inches tall.......... Question for water and feeding what did you do on a day to day basis. Right now im water like every 36 hours and using a very light plant food solution every three or 4 days not sure if this is good though.

I water mine every 3rd day then every 4th day, need a fan on them to pick that moisture up and move it off the dirt as well. every 36 hours is a bit much in my opinion. the moisture meter still says there very wet after that much time.