My First Grow with CFL's Only


Well-Known Member
The grow looks even better than when I checked a while ago.

My noobley advise on your skinny bud plants : patience. They may just need to mature a bit longer than the fatties, or as you stated, are a completely different strain with a genetically smaller yield. Especially if you got the seeds from a friend, who probably had a mixed bunch sitting out waiting to be thrown away from his previous smokes.


Active Member
The seeds I got are from a friend of a friend who grows his own. But I dont really have any contact with this guy so he hasnt told me what strain it is. The buds are really beginning to fatten up. Today is 29 days flowering and they are looking and SMELLING great! One of the plants is real frosty and has stopgrowing vertically. No it's just producing buds and becoming more resinous. The others seem to be slowing their growth but are literally covered in bud. It could be a pretty good yield for my first grow. Im thinkin like 4-5 ounces. Maybe to some that wouldnt be considered a good yield, but to me that is AWESOME!

You really think Radio Shack would have a magnifier like that? I'll give them a call. Thanks!


Active Member
I pulled my plants and trashed them. Probably unneccessarily but I did what I did. Now my conscience is clear.