my first grow walkin in closet cfl's


Active Member
so i made my flower room in my closet that can fit 2 plants my one girl now just got my on her 12/12 and my seedling is looking pretty good here are some pic
[/IMG] this is the flower room
[/IMG] this is the seedling 11 days
[/IMG] btw way i just got my hands on some cidorella 99 its some fire ass bud,but tell what you guys think :)

lee harvey

Well-Known Member
woo hoo ! lookin sexxy brotha man.. if i were you i would just snip of the tips of where you burnt leaves ...if the burn is too far down the leaf just leave it be


Active Member
thanks man shes gottin big,i was just about to ask everyone should i trim them but you just told lols good looks man