My first grow using 400w hps in my wardrope

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
got a 150hps and just popd 4 seeds. chronic i think or lemon chese gift from a pal. mine in window in pots and soil. was going to put under hps but worried the heat wood cook the seeds. after seeing yours may stick em under light tomorrow in extra wardope. how close can you get hps to plants without burning or cooking them? rated the thread. good luck with th rest off grow.


Active Member
i had my seedling bout a meter away antil it was bigger bout 5days later!! my arjans ultra haze went straight under 400hps and blossomed!! spelt wrong!!! i want a continous cycle of weed so tht ultra haze #2 started on 12-12 light cycled and started to flower in 3wks!! and today one of my BARNEYS PINEAPPLE CHUNK has strouted so tht will go in pot later today and under the light some where, lol!! many thanks mate for rating my progress!! send me link for ur journel and ill be happy to do the same mate!!! enjoy your sunday!! peace :leaf:


Well-Known Member
trying to germinate some PINEAPPLE CHUNK but its not going well!! iv had 2 seeds in between 2 plates of wet tissue!! got 3 more seeds of them and they were free as i had problems wiv germinating them a mointh ago and had barneys send me a pack of 5 free!! but there still shit!! gonna start to germinate GHSC THE CHURCH!! CANT WAIT FOR HARVEST TIME WANNA SMOKE MY OWN BUD!!
Did you tell them you had problems germinating some seeds and they sent you some free ones!?!?! Surely they could just say 'Err, you're not allowed to germinate them.' I've had seeds that didn't germinate but I certainly wouldn't contact the supplier and tell them - you got balls!


Active Member
fuck it why not paid enough money for them!!lol still i only had 1 out of 5 tht has germinated so wont be buyin from them again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
how do? good to see postive results done on a budget. fair play fella.
Have you had a sly j yet? any good? so wot nutes was u using? and at wot strength.
I have a old wardrope in garage was going to build back up and do kinda wot you r doing but had a problem with the building a hammer and my temper. new plan cheap tent. i worry bout temps without a closed off unit. esp at nights. i did a bit off reading and this may help also with your stretching if its not down to light distance. apparently when you switch to flowering cycle your plants go through two three weeks off natural stretching. to help reduce this if you get your night temps near the same as day temps i.e 26c over the two weeks and reduce to normal again it decreases the stretching. now i am no pro far from it. this is only bits i can remember. i will try find the site again and put you a link up. so if anybody can correct me or are more informed on this matter then please do help.


Active Member
thats gr8 mad dog yeh my arjans ultra haze#2 has stretched a bit too!! yeh iv bin smoking it all wkend and its a strong plant as iv bin battered all wkend!! lol. fucking love smoking my own green!! i was using CANNA TERRA VEGA and CANNA TERRA FLORES, my m8 said he used them and they were a gd product. im jus drying and curing bout half oz all in all i got bout 6-7 8ths off it. was hopin for bit more but all gd 4 1st grow!! think im gonna grow some autos in couple months as they grow short and quick. have bin told u get bout half oz off a plant and i could fit 6 plants in my wardrobe of autos or dwarfs wot ever u wanna call them!! ill have a smoke report end of the wk on my cured weed!!!

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
still tho matey 6 7 8ths ent a bad starting numbers.sure it will increase with no how. now you no wot to expect and can start tweaking things accordingly. least you no with your own grown or home grown that isnt soaked or sprayed with s**t or glass. hear plants love music vibrations so got my babys under stairs on speakers. there growth is mental and had repot after 2-3 days as roots huge. dunno wot strain i got as a gift but they like on steroids or something. got few leaves wrinkling at th mo tho hoping it down to soil being to high in nutes then week arsed seeds. guess could be down to lack or air flow as no fan yet or temps dropping at night as also no real shelter for them bar a pinned up blanket and borded off with hard board. only temp till i get round to building a little veg room with p.c fan for air intake. hoping sorts self out by time its built and useable.


I wish we had mates in the us. Friends are weak. Excellent grow, especially considering you are running on a shoestring! DIY is bad ass! +rep


Active Member
yeh uno m8, no sprayed or dipped weed here!!! lol. yeh my m8 said he used to play cypress hill to his plants and he had big ass buds on his plant!! got a big phat sub a dolby 5.1 tht pumps but only when neighbours are out!! iv pinned up a blanket around my wardrobe so it keeps the light in which is buzzing, as i can hav my curtains and windows open without the neighbours noticing my 400w i dont hav a temp jus got a fan thats all!!! u got a journal mad dog??

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
am thinking bout it . bit paranoid to a journal coming round and getting me in trouble with photos and all. legislations in this country aint fair to the harmless smoker. but yeah once i figure out how 2 get one started and figure out how get picts up. may ask the misses to set one up for me if i cant sus it. so how many plants you got on th go now? you say 6 8ths on the one plant?


Active Member
yeh i got 2 left wiv one seedling waitng to sprout. got one tht im gonna chop 2moro then one tht is in wk 3 of flowing thts a arjans ultra haze #2 from GHSC then my seedling is GHSC the church. the plant im gonna chop 2moro is gonna be bout an 1oz and ill let u know and post sum pics!! i know wot ur sayin bout a journal and stuff but i heard this site is secure i dont have a real name on anything or addy so cant see no harm in showing my plants off and gettin gd advise from fellow growers round the world. its all gd!! im so happy i dnt have to buy bud for the nxt few wks!! going to buy sum seeds nxt wk!! autos i reckon. jus woke up bout ten mins ago 2 spliffs and im K.O`d for a couple of hrs, heavy stuff, SWEET. lol.


mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
yeah im sure is a safe site so many uk growers here. am surprised you planning on doing autos as i wood take advantage of the height of the wardrope and the penetrating abiity off 4oo hps. i hear you can do seeds from 12/12 on normal strains and it kicks to flower natural like,just got to do it from day one, also with the savings on electric be a plus. in your set up i wood go for tall plants, also if you do ever get sussed you still have small amount plants so caution only. i hear with the autos alot less yeild unless you find a banging strain. one more thing matey as you do all grow with hps you may want to check out the son t plus bulbs when your current bulb goes. it has added blue spec so helps out with the veg side more then average bulb. good luck with th chopping tomorrow. lucky sod bet your cabbaged as we speak,fair play haha


Active Member
yeh iv got my arjans ultra haze #2 which went straight onto 12/12 from seedling but looked earlier and it is droopin big time!! im not ova feeding it so i dont know!!?? wiv tht bulb u say it helps vegging out but wot about the red spectrum for flowing??? yes m8 but watchin the shit football. lol. on my ps3 l8r!! bit undersided bout auto`s due to wot u said!!lol


Active Member
Arjan is Legend.
You need to move that 400 much closer! Your girls are going through some serious stretching, and you're never gonna be able to fill all that stem out.
Also, stop cutting off big fan leaves. Large leafs are used like solar panels to a plant like solar panels are used to supply electricity to a house.
Let them soak up as much light as possible! You're setting your girls back by trimming off their solar panels. Trimming them and giving the bud sites "extra light" doesn't matter right now. focus on turning them into bushes and read up on "lollipopping" them instead. Especially with a 400.
what is the ideal distance for a 400w hps through out the whole growth? what should the distance be ?


Well-Known Member
what is the ideal distance for a 400w hps through out the whole growth? what should the distance be ?
close enough not to burn,hold your hand under for 30 secs, my 600 is around 12 inches..keep a good fan on the canopy.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
yeah it still has the red spec but they just added abit of blue to help out the vegging. guessin for budget growers like us who use hps from start to finish. i have a normal son t bulb full spec not the plus version. but i will get one when this one dies or maybe a 150w - 300w cfl for vegging if i manage to afford one. im always looking at tweaking things. i wanna seperate veg room but cash is slowing me down. should b built by weekend. was cold this morning matey my plants was sat at 18c. another 4 -5 c lower and they would bin in trouble. i must say i got a green house thermometer from home base or somewhere for squid and has helped so much. in first couple days my girls was very wilted and wrinkled leafs before i had one and was due to at 9-10 pm my grow place rises to over 30c, so now at that time i open up the boards and open window, pin back the sheeting and let them chill a little. i reckon that thermometer has saved my girls now and they look 10 times better for it. also del advised me try tap water rather then mineral bottled stuff and seems to b doing the trick for me so far. is the one thats wilting the one your chopping down?
one quick question for you fella, do you flush your ladys pre chopping? some do some dont? i just wanted to no if you dont can you taste th chemicals wen smoking or does it crackle wen you smoke it. some people swear by just curing it long enough to get rid off the harshness.


Active Member
na mate its not the one im chopping, ill take a pic of it when iv done!! my wilting one looks much beta today!! didnt have windows open so much so wasnt tht cold in my room ova night!! yes mate i flushed 2 wks b4 a chopped her down and done the same wiv the one im about to chop!! 6 days ago i feed it sugar water and a bit of water every couple of days!! yeh need to get a themo really. will have pics on l8r this evening mate.