My first grow! Updated daily. 400 watt Ebb and Flow - White Berry


Well-Known Member
get some cal-mag:weed:

Actually of the 2 strains I have going the WB is by far the toughest and least sensitive to changes. The Durban Poison I am growing is the picky little whore. What I can say is that these WB use LOTS of MG. Most strains do but I am having a hard time giving them enough MG to keep the leaves from yellowing in the margins. I am afraid I will burn them with Epsom if I give it what they seem to want. LOL


Well-Known Member
How long until you flower, doog? It gets so much easier in flower. No more worry about N burn because flower nutes are very low N.
Hi Mared,

These are moms. I plan on taking clones in the next week. Once the clones have roots they go straight to flower. When I reach that point the moms will move to a new CFL powered veg box. I hope I have enough cuttings to fill my tray. If not I will do a 4 week cycle adding clones and taking a harvest once a month. These WB are supposed to finish is 50 days :weed:

uptosumpn get some cal-mag:weed:
I am using tap water so the cal is not a problem. Just the Mg. and Epsom salt is cheap. I'm sure I would need cal-mag for the WB if I was using RO.

cheers mate good to know ive just given my WB seedling its first dose of nutes, in soil so its gonna be a couple of days before i notice anything but your journal will be very helpful for me! keep up the good work pal
Thanks,Grade. That's nice to hear. I'm glad that my efforts here will be put to good use.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Hi Mared,

These are moms. I plan on taking clones in the next week. Once the clones have roots they go straight to flower. When I reach that point the moms will move to a new CFL powered veg box. I hope I have enough cuttings to fill my tray. If not I will do a 4 week cycle adding clones and taking a harvest once a month. These WB are supposed to finish is 50 days :weed:

Very smart. I admire your patience.


Well-Known Member
I am tempted to flip the switch to 12/12 but if I stick to the plan I have it will only add 2 weeks to my schedule and it will mean perpetual harvests and freedom from street prices for meds. :clap:


Well-Known Member
Day 38
79F 55% RH
No water today.

No burns on WB1 or 2! :clap::clap: They look very good. I still have 2 leaves on WB1 that just aren't happy. They were stressed by early mistakes and may have to be sacrificed to the pot gods:fire: DP has some very minor tip burn but I am not concerned as they get a fresh drink of ph'd water tomorrow.

Before I clone I need some rooting gel. I will get this in the next couple days.

Before I flower I need:
Flower nutes - FloraNovaBloom - GH
Inline fan -4"
Carbon Filter

I have my eye on a 4" filter and fan combo on Ebay from a good dealer. I need more ventilation if I am going to remove the humidifier and allow the RH to dip to around 20 at times. That will mean temps in the high 80s with the current setup. I figure I may as well get a filter while I'm at it. The dryer sheets I am using now work good but I hear these berries are very dank in bloom.

Pics in a few.... Camera battery is charging. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Day 39

Just a quick little note to let everyone know all is well. Been a long day of work. I took the LST ties of the girls now that I have good branching I want them to stretch a little more for long clones. Was planning on watering today but the plants looked so happy that I left them alone. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Day 40

78F 72%RH
Watered with 6.5PH water today.


WB2 - 800
DP - 750
WB1 - 775


They are happy. The leaves are flat as pancakes and a pretty green. :joint:

I plan on taking my first sets of clones this weekend. Moms will be 6 weeks old. :!: They grow up so fast .... :leaf:

They are around a foot tall with lots of branching. I plan on taking the tops and the thickest stemmed side growth I have. I hope to get 20 clones. That way I can take the ones with the best roots after 10 days. I only have 17 open spaces for my SOG. :weed:

Uploading PICS!!!


Well-Known Member
wow they look so much nicer than the last set of pics... lovin the fat leaves.. so when did you start feeding these bad boys im on 18 days and as you said on my white berry the leaf margins are yelowing.,.. would you reccomend a foliar feed of mg? (sorry for jumpin in on you thread)


Well-Known Member
Hi Grade! No worries on the thread-jump. Just peeped your journal and, yeah, those girls are hungry already. You can foliar feed if you want but I would just give them a shot of your grow nutes via the roots. The sooner the better. They go downhill quick after you reach a certain point.

If you want to post the actual % content from the back of your bottle I will run it through the nute calculator and see how much Mg it has.

Good Luck! Be safe.


Well-Known Member
thanks mate,

bio grow(the veg nute i will be using) has NPK of 8-2-6

According to the manufacturer:
“Bio-Grow smells very sweet owing to its content of natural sugars which also provide an
ideal interrelationship with the bacteria in the soil mixture…it contains 70 trace elements and
vitamins B1, B2, C, and E.”
Total Nitrogen (N)……………………………1.8%
0.9% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
0.9% Nitrate Nitrogen
Available Phosphate (P2O5)………………….0.1%
Soluble Potash (K2O)…………………………6.6%

i also use bio heaven
Bio Heaven is a specially formulated Plant Energy booster which contains carefully selected biological stimulants, such as amino-acids. Amino-acids are the basic building blocks for the proteins and enzymes, which are essential to the structure and the metabolism of plants.
As a result, Bio Heaven enhances utilization and translocation of nutrients in fertilizer blends & foliars and boosts up the anti-oxidant system of the plant, rids the plant of toxins built up during periods of stress, repairs chlorophyll and restimulates the plant.

i got this of the website as im at work but it doesn't seem to contain any MG at all!! what would you reccomend? cheers again mate +rep


Well-Known Member
thanks mate,

bio grow(the veg nute i will be using) has NPK of 8-2-6

According to the manufacturer:
“Bio-Grow smells very sweet owing to its content of natural sugars which also provide an
ideal interrelationship with the bacteria in the soil mixture…it contains 70 trace elements and
vitamins B1, B2, C, and E.”
Total Nitrogen (N)……………………………1.8%
0.9% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
0.9% Nitrate Nitrogen
Available Phosphate (P2O5)………………….0.1%
Soluble Potash (K2O)…………………………6.6%

i also use bio heaven
Bio Heaven is a specially formulated Plant Energy booster which contains carefully selected biological stimulants, such as amino-acids. Amino-acids are the basic building blocks for the proteins and enzymes, which are essential to the structure and the metabolism of plants.
As a result, Bio Heaven enhances utilization and translocation of nutrients in fertilizer blends & foliars and boosts up the anti-oxidant system of the plant, rids the plant of toxins built up during periods of stress, repairs chlorophyll and restimulates the plant.

i got this of the website as im at work but it doesn't seem to contain any MG at all!! what would you reccomend? cheers again mate +rep
Not a lot of N in that either. It is heavy on K.

Here is the targets for veg:




Your numbers at 15ml/gal: 72 2 217

Honestly man that is not very good weed juice. Maybe the other piece you have compliments it and makes it better but to get enough N for good veg you will be burning it with K.

Get some GH 3-part ( just the bloom and micro) or some flora nova bloom. These are great multi-purpose nutes and they can be used at all stages. The Flora Nova Grow is good stuff too but if you can only get 1 get the FloraNova Bllom. For great details on this feeding practice Google "Ask Lucas" and check out the threads he posted on ICMag. FNB is usually about $20-25 a quart but it is concentrated and will last quite a while.


Well-Known Member
Day 41

80F 70%RH

I plan on going to the dro store tomorrow for some rooting compound and veg nutes along with some tubing for my flood table. I will do before and after shots of moms when I take my cuttings. For now ..... sleep. :)


Well-Known Member

I took 14 clones today and I will take a few more tomorrow. I was not able to get any rooting hormone for my 1/2 and 1/2 test. I had just planned on cutting 8 or 9 but once I got started they just kept coming :lol:


Well-Known Member
Everything I took was from the tops so they are just a little shorter. :lol: They are sprouting back already. I will take some pics in a few. I planned on taking pics before and after but I got into the process and forgot. :dunce: