My first grow: The bagseed edition!


I started my grow a little bit ago I forgot the official date. my friend turned me onto this site (THANX prebs!) and I have learned alot.

Ok so My start wasnt too great I germinated in a paper towel and got two plants going. I am growing in my closet and I am hoping that I wont have to move it due to size. I have pretty decent sized containers I am using miricle gro moisture control potting mix, they are not too big yet so as of right now I have a 23W 6500k CFL on each. They are on their 5th and 6th sets of mature leaves its either mids or heads... idk. I am using a fertilizer high in nitrogen (hope thats ok?). I also have a third plant on the way still just a seedling though. I know they are still small and everything but I really want to find out if any are female (Imma be livid if none are). I was reading about LST but idk when to start that. Ummm If anyone reads this and wants to add input or help it would be greatly appreciated. I really need it haha! Oh and also I am having problems with humidity in the closet, any suggeste solutions??



hi adman , i want to subscribe to your journal but i dont know how to do that ? can you help
about lst View attachment 1040481 i found this , on some thread here on rollitup
so you can start right away , it doesnt have to be circular
you just drill some holes into pot and lst plant with string or wires. Here is the video link this guy knows better than i
for sure ;) and about humidity there are some thread here on rollitup sensi something guy
i cant remmember put links off some cheap 20 something $ humidifyers and many other great advices for odor
and everything about cfl cabinet grow i got to find that thread again , will post you a link.
I will do some side by side lst and cfl grow similar like yours , and ill put some pictures here
hope you dont mind.

Your plants looks very nice , how old are they ?


Well-Known Member
yeah man. glad to see you get it up and running. Those plant are actually looking pretty nice. but small for how old they are. the light really do help. and to get the most out of the lights, have them like 3 inches away from the plant and they'll bloom, just check it constantly to make the they havent grown so much that they touch the plant cause then you'll burn the leaves. But yeah LST's just bending the stem basically and keeping it low to the ground, it makes a huge difference in yield if down well, and you can use string and tape like i did or twisty ties or anything really. But looks good. cant wait to see how well they turn out


Well-Known Member
also this might help you in some ways if not show you some good ideas. this is my first grow from start to finish. i think it should be able to help if you need it for comparison or anything


Ok so I went out today and got a couple more lights and y splitters so i have 2 on each plant now, I think i am gonna try and LST the taller of the two plants and see how that works out I have pics of the new lighting tell me what you think :mrgreen:



They are about a month old but i had them in horrible lighting so they didnt grow much at all for like three weeks, The setup I have now has been there for sbout a week now


Ok so I started LSTing today idk how long I am supposed to leave them in one position but here are the pics tell me if it looks right. I used twist ties that i found they seem to do the job pretty well.



Well-Known Member
nice. yeah they'll continue to grow and as they start growing upwards towards the light again.. about another 2 nodes, then you tie it down again and so on.. looks good though


the LST ing is going great at first I thought I bent one of them too far but its looking good. Its been about a day and they are def bending upward.

I am so antsy to see if these are guys or gals..... is there any way of telling early if they are or arent girls??:confused:
I started my grow a little bit ago I forgot the official date. my friend turned me onto this site (THANX prebs!) and I have learned alot.

Ok so My start wasnt too great I germinated in a paper towel and got two plants going. I am growing in my closet and I am hoping that I wont have to move it due to size. I have pretty decent sized containers I am using miricle gro moisture control potting mix, they are not too big yet so as of right now I have a 23W 6500k CFL on each. They are on their 5th and 6th sets of mature leaves its either mids or heads... idk. I am using a fertilizer high in nitrogen (hope thats ok?). I also have a third plant on the way still just a seedling though. I know they are still small and everything but I really want to find out if any are female (Imma be livid if none are). I was reading about LST but idk when to start that. Ummm If anyone reads this and wants to add input or help it would be greatly appreciated. I really need it haha! Oh and also I am having problems with humidity in the closet, any suggeste solutions??

Do you have an Idea as to how old they are? I'm curious because I've also started my first grow from bag seeds.

I do know that you cannot tell the sex of a plant until a couple weeks after the flower stage. It's been suggested to plant a lot, if you choose to use bag seeds. You have no idea how pissed you will be if you grow for 3 months only to find you have been taking care of useless men the whole time lol. I imagine it being like dating a "girl" for 3 months only to find she has a dick. Lame. My plan is to buy seeds online if I get to a harvest, and from there clone. I may even clone if I get a lady out of my bag seed weed. Hopefully we will both be blessed with ladies.


well my best guess is that they are bout two to three weeks old, and yea if I get me a lady I will be all over the cloning thing. BUTTTTT i am limited on space so two or three is the max I can do at one time.

Growing in your parents house with them not finding out is kinda like trying to hide a jewish person from the nazi's during the holocaust..... It tough but if you make it through to the end you will feel extatic :joint:
well my best guess is that they are bout two to three weeks old, and yea if I get me a lady I will be all over the cloning thing. BUTTTTT i am limited on space so two or three is the max I can do at one time.

Growing in your parents house with them not finding out is kinda like trying to hide a jewish person from the nazi's during the holocaust..... It tough but if you make it through to the end you will feel extatic :joint:
Make a stealth grow box. You can make them out of old dressers or what have you. If your parents suspect your growing, the closet is a no-brainer. Assuming thats where you are growing. I plan on making one for my vegetative plants, so that my closet can be used for the flowering stage. I've seen ones out of Rubermaid tubs, looks easy enough. Your plants are looking good, my first round is pretty small. I think its because I wasn't watering them properly. Thus not creating a substantial root structure. I got nutes for the next round. Round 2 are seedlings, and they look healthy. Hopefully I get this shit right cuz my electric bill is scary. Need to get some sort of compensation lol.


So went out to my local sears store to get more lights and low and behold they only have 2700K CFLs.....WTF? Lowes however carries like four or five different spectrums. I added a third light to my babies today ..... PICS! check em out


not to shabby. I was thinking about LST my grow. but to late now.

looks good so far. and it takes awhile just keep on keepin on.