My First Grow! Short Rider Using CFL's


Hey guys :)
Just put my little Nirvana Short Rider seed into a wet paper towel for germination.

I've set up a little grow area inside a cabinet with 2 light fixtures in it,
i've got two 20w 4200k CFL's and two 20w 2700k CFL's.

I've got a small 7'' wide plant pot which i will be using for the entire grow (this is my first go so i'd like to keep things small)

I've also got myself a large bag of B&Q's Indoor Plant Compost, and some Miracle-Gro all purpose soluble plant food.

I have a nice 9'' fan set up to circulate the air.

I will be sticking some kind of reflective material around the inside of the cabinet when the seeds germinated and ready to be planted.

Any advice would be much appreciated!! i.e:

How to feed the plant?
How often to water?
What lights to use and when?
The ideal Light Schedule? (20/4, 18/6 etc)

I am a complete noob so please be gentle :) haha.

Thank You guys.



Here are some images guys:
This by no means meant to be a pro set up, i was working from a budget and this is purely something i wish to try out of the joy of the process :)


Well-Known Member
Youll need more room than that .Even for one plant. You have the right Idea though but 1 plant will fill that quick.


Well-Known Member
I guess. I grew in a cabinet last year twice that size and only got about 2 oz's. Just couldve been alot more. I forgot about the PC grows.


Well-Known Member
short autos usually are only 7-8" tall at the end of their life.

its a tight space for 1 plant, but it will work for a single short auto


OK Guys, thanks for the input!

Do you guys have any advice on feeding and light/dark times for this strain?



Hi guys! The little Short Rider broke through last night! :D, it was very exciting for me haha.

Here are some pictures:

When should i start adding the MG nutrients? I'm on a 18/6 light cycle, is this ideal?

Thanks guys,



Hi Guys, here is the little guy 1 week after planting!


Got it on an 18/6 light cycle, lots of airflow and a nice bit of tap water every few days haha. I'm happy with it's progress so far!




Well-Known Member
Here are some images guys:
This by no means meant to be a pro set up, i was working from a budget and this is purely something i wish to try out of the joy of the process :)
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you should tie it down as it grows (gently) in a upward swirl. lst. that way you can grow it short and more light will get to more bud sites. hopefully you can move those lights. keep them 1-2 inches away. closer to 1 if it doesnt burn. keep a fan in there to keep it cool and the plant moving that will keep it stronger. and temps low by the light. you can get those 4" personal fans at wallmart for 6-8 bucks. that would fit in that small space! have fun and stay stoned!


Well-Known Member
Youll need more room than that .Even for one plant. You have the right Idea though but 1 plant will fill that quick.
its a micro grow. i plan on one too that same space! i wonder if we'll need to go into 12/12 lighting allmost immediately? im thinking right away or after 2" tall?


Active Member
12 12 from seed doesnt mean u will get a small plant everytime..It depends on the 12 12 ability of the STRAIN too..My reggies is 12 12 from seed,and grows like hell..


Well-Known Member
12/12 effects size.


Its mostly the container size. If you start 12/12 from seed in 5 gal bucket, you'll still probably end up with a 30 inch plant at the end.

12/12 in a party cup, you'll end up with a 1 foot plant.


Well-Known Member
dude! my seedling is IDENTICAL to yours that you posted on 8.15 please keep posting pictures so i can compare mine to yours in the coming weeks. i have a grow journal as well. check it out so we can compare pics..... later man!


Sorry guys! I had to move in with my old man while i sorted all my stuff for moving house! Had to kill the little guy :(

Moved in with some cool guys down in Brighton however and i'm nursing one of their little thai strains that wasn't doing too well in the garden.

Heres a pic:

New Image.jpgNew Image2.jpg

Its recovering really well!