my first grow setup anyone wanna let me know what they think will be apprecaited

i am using 9 23 watt cfl lights on a 24/7light schedule this is like the 2nd 3rd week of growing my first time and i just wanted everyones opoinen on what im doin right and wrong and tips on how to get the plant to grow healthier. this was my setup View attachment 2296262View attachment 2296263View attachment 2296264 this is what im using now.
whys the one side of the middle plant have them spots and the other side is devoloping faster then the other.
i am using 5200k and 2700k i have 4-5200k bulbs with 5-2700k bulbs. aproxemently 4 inches away.
i am useing 15-30-15 nuterents every other watering and i am watering it every other day
i have a video of the grow please tell me what you think
View attachment 2296285View attachment 2296278View attachment 2296280View attachment 2296283


The Count

Well-Known Member
Never used CFLs but I'd move em a lil closer the next time just looking at how tall ur seedlings got. Usually that means theyre stretching to get to the light so moving them closer will prevent that. I had the same issue my first time and actually had to add some supports to hold em up bc they were tipping over! Also you need to get that one away from the side of the pot... roots are not going to be able to form as good since they only have half the normal circumference to grow outward. Also might wanna back off on the watering... what kinda soil are you using?
i agree with the count and you shouldn't try to water them every other day, you see how your plants leaves are dropping and saggin down like that its cause you either water them to much or to little, i would wait till you see the top of the soil dry to the look and touch

The Count

Well-Known Member
Guessing your "plain" soil doesnt have a whole lot of nutes in it thus the reason why your plants are yellowing and have that rigid look the them. Assuming you have no idea what the PH is of your soil. No offense but tight budget grow usually wont get you a whole lot of bud and expect the quality to be sub par if you manage to make it through the whole grow.
we are goin to get a ph tester for the soil soon and i was told that i was over nuteing it bcuz i put nutes in there by hand i think the spots on the middle plant side leaf is a nute burn?
thats what it looks like or it could be root damage since its right next to the pot, one of my plants looked like that after i switched it to its main pots and thats because when i switched it i dropped it on the ground and fucked up the roots but it eventually came thru just a weak plant for a little bit, i would switch them to there main pots when you get the ph tester


Well-Known Member
Definitely looks overwatered. A ph pen is an extremely worthwhile investment. Ph your water or nute solution between 6.3-7.0 and check your runoff Ph. In my opinion, Ph and ventilation are the 2 most overlooked parts of a successful indoor grow.

As far as the overwatering, you should always let your pots dry out real good before watering. I would definitely mix some perlite in your future soil mixes, anywhere from 20-40%. When you check your plants to see if they are thirsty, take your index finger and scratch down about 2-3 inches into the top of the soil. If it feels dry water, if it feels moist still wait a day or two and check again. Given time you will be able to tell when your plants are thirsty just by looking at them.