my first grow room is it ok


hi all im new to this and i think that i made a few schoolboy errors when making my grow room. i have a cupboard in my flat and it is 2ft square floor to ceiling. i put my plant on a shelf so i had some storage underneath for bits like nuts, water(so its at room temp) etc. i just wanna no what you all think. im growing with 5 cfls for the 1 plant they rate at 3x20w above and 2x15w at the sides. the 3 above i have constructed my own light fitting using a dissposable baking tin. my plant seems to be thriving and i am looking forward to a hard earned smoke at the end of this process. i intend on doing another when i have finshed so if you can see anything that will need changing please say so. 1 thing i dont have is an exhaust fan but my temp and humidity are very stable as you can see in pics. any advice will be very helpful.



i havent got pics of my light rig i made but will post some when lights are on and i can get in. any feedback welcome
im not an experienced grower either but if youd like my two cents...

lighting seems to be the biggest issue,,,,
youre not pulling enough lumens for youre sq footage

youve got 90w overall, 90*70=6300 lum
your target lum should be 10000 lum PER SQ FT
this will help with your bud density
here is some of the better cfls ive come across

If you could have implemented a system to make your lights adjustable with the plants growth it wouldnt be so "leggy" and you could have kept things more bushy.

otherwise it looks like youre feeding them well and theyre overall healthy


Active Member
do you have at least a regular old oscilating fan?? you need some type of air circulation especially during flowering #1 to help avoid bud rot. #2 keep air from getting stale and bringing in co2 for your plants cause they use much co2 during flowering.


yeah i got an ossolating fan pointing straight at the plant to build up its strength just womdered if i can keep humidity and temp at this level would i be ok without the exhaust.


Active Member
your humidity is fine. i like to keep mine around 35% to really help avoid mold but where you got it at is fine to. but unfortuntly i use farhinheight so i cant tell exactly where you got your temp. isnt 22 celsius around 75F ?? but i think your temp is just fine.


Active Member
and i would also suggest you get much more light then what you have now. your gunna get a bunch of small fluffy buds


i was thinkin that dont no what i done wrong. would you suggest that i put a few extra lights in there then. how many would you suggest i could easily add a few more cfls around the sides.


Well-Known Member
Everything already said and DITCH THE ALUMINUM FOIL! You won't reflect anything but heat especially if you get more light. Get some mylar, black and white poly, or paint it white.