My first grow! questions for you within


Active Member
I've already had a few threads going but I figure I'll go ahead and make my official grow journal on the site.
So here goes telling from seed to where i'm at right now.

I did 6days of 24hour light. 1 week of veg and decided i should of done 12-12 from seed because i wanted to stay small.

well on the 6th day of 24 hour light I moved the light too close and 3 hours later it was burnt. so i started a thread in here and then posted this pic. Day 62012-05-29 14.30.19.jpg It was so shitty, I felt pretty bad. I gave it water immediately and decided it was time for it to have its first dark hours.

I was told to "Grow that wench" in my thread so I didn't abandon her.

I switched to 18-6 right away in attempt to save it, and it actually recovered fairly well& continued to grow. I also realized at that point that soil from my yard just wasnt good enough, so I added some black gold top soil, here it is day 7, or day 1 of veg.
2012-05-30 20.36.19.jpg the newer leaf set was continuing to grow so I was glad.

Day 8 still growing! the leaves never recovered but growth was still going, so still glad.
2012-05-31 12.43.23.jpg2012-05-31 12.43.47.jpg

one day after that I decided it was time for a transplant. and I was right, in the small seedling pot i had it in it was nearly rootbound already. I switched up to something not alot bigger however.. a yogurt cup. it was 2 days after this that I topped because the plant seemed to be doing well, so I'd say i transplanted day 9. this baby has gone through too much stress eh?
june 3
Day 11 or day 6 of 18-6. I looked up if topping would be okay and heard mixed responses, went ahead and topped my plant anyway. It's probably gone through a lot of stress. but she's a survivor.
2012-06-03 18.14.11.jpg2012-06-03 18.14.28.jpg

I was getting interested in 12-12 from seed. and my light is more of a flowering light anyway I think.. So I switched to 12-12 (thinking it might of been a bad move while its stressed from topping.) so on the night of day 11 it went into the dark for 12 hours after the 18 hours of light.

this is where my first question to any readers comes. Should I have waited to switch to 12-12 or should it be okay?

Well either way here's a couple pics from further along, it's hard to see but the 2 new tops are already coming out.
these are day 14 or day 2 of 12-12 2012-06-05 23.21.04.jpg2012-06-05 23.21.32.jpg

My lighting situation is pretty bad I'm just using my desklamp atm, the further I get the more serious I have to make my setup. So This leads me to more questions. I'm aiming for a 4-5 light cfl grow. Right now its 1 cfl and I believe it is a 2700k. I neglected to mention that I also started another seed when i found the burn, which has now sprouted and showing first set of true leaves at 3days 24 hour light since sprouting. so the 1 light won't cut it before long.

soil is now black gold potting soil, water has less than 1/8 reccommended doses of 20-20-20 right now. Soon to get blooming nutes, because i want to go 12-12 pretty much from seed.

going to do 1 week of 24 for the seedling and switch it straight to 12-12. sound good?

also reccommend a good stealth or cab setup and I'm open to opinion so feel free to speak your mind on anything.


Active Member
:D i like my journal so far, makes it easier for me to keep track. all are welcome. thanks!

Update Edit! Day 15 from breaking ground/Day 3 of flowering.

2012-06-06 14.19.46.jpg2012-06-06 14.20.05.jpg2012-06-06 14.20.53.jpg

I figured it would be about time to reveal my seedling it's day 3 for the sprout.

Day 16/day 4 of 12-12 seedling is day 4
2012-06-08 00.54.42.jpg did a light lst and taped a leaf to the side.

Day 17/ Day 5 12/12 will take pics before lights out.


Active Member
I'm thinking about reserving a few of the top slots so I can add to them as I go instead of people having to scroll through every page. if that is okay?


Active Member
reserving this slot too for later points in my grow :D & that is plenty.

this journal is now open to all posters :)


Well-Known Member
you may not get to later points, flush your soil dont feed nutes for a few weeks, or your soil is too hot


Active Member
you may not get to later points, flush your soil dont feed nutes for a few weeks, or your soil is too hot
Opinions are welcome, but what is leading you to this one? my soil is too rich or too hot? what shows you that it is too rich or hot?


Active Member
you can only edit a post up to 4300mins after you posted it? lol. well I forgot to take a pic before lights out on day 17. transplanted and its looking good.


Active Member
Get some skewers and yarn, and a decent sized fan. No matter the fan, it can prevent burns if pointed in the right direction.


Well-Known Member
don't care for that soil; no sir. not enough perlite. pop a couple of extra drainage holes in cup, imo, and use more perlite upon transplant.


Active Member
don't care for that soil; no sir. not enough perlite. pop a couple of extra drainage holes in cup, imo, and use more perlite upon transplant.
transplanted to a 1.5liter or so pot with alot better drain holes but didnt add any extra perlite other than what was in the black gold potting soil. sorry D: more pics tomorrow


Active Member
Day 18/ Day 6 of 12-12. Transplanted yesterday and its looking nice with the space to grow. gave a light Lst with tape. keeps coming undone lol but the plant is less straight up every time. sprout is looking good too at day 6.
2012-06-10 00.27.11.jpg 2012-06-10 00.25.42.jpg


Active Member
Today I bought myself some Mushroom compost & Nulife mixed compost. Would the tea made from that be good for my cannabis?

and Yesterday I doubled my lighting. So I should be getting better growth! :D

Will take pics tonight.


Well-Known Member
Each time you transplant you stunt the growth a little bit. Roots don't like being moved and exposed. I would just go ahead and buy a 3 gallon pot and transplant into that and be done with it. You shouldn't transplant more than once if you can help it.

Is it me or are his stems a little red? Oh and burnt leaves will never recover. The part that is burnt is dead, period.


Active Member
Each time you transplant you stunt the growth a little bit. Roots don't like being moved and exposed. I would just go ahead and buy a 3 gallon pot and transplant into that and be done with it. You shouldn't transplant more than once if you can help it.

Is it me or are his stems a little red? Oh and burnt leaves will never recover. The part that is burnt is dead, period.
Understood, That's my final pot. the seedling started in the yogurt cup and will only be transplanted once. I'm staying small. I've been running 12-12 for a week and switched the sprout to 12-12 also a few days ago. It's probably time for it to be transplanted as well right?

Yes, the stems are red. I think they're just like that, because it's always been that way. But of course it could be from deficiency right? What deficiency exactly? also it's bag seed so no telling any strains.

The burnt leaves have recovered as much as they will, understood. I thought about pulling it, but what if the other turns out male? lol So I'm thinking about waiting till sex shows.


Well-Known Member
Unless space or money is an issue I don't see the point of pulling before you know its sex. I personally transplant will I see roots hit the bottom or in 2 weeks from seed. Which ever comes first. Stems aren't naturally red. Even "purple" strains only get coloration in their stems during flowering. Red typically means either a Nitrogen deficiency or Phosphorous. I wouldn't say go crazy on the fertilizer and it's still too early in the plants growth and you'll likely burn it.