My first grow pix


Well-Known Member
My first grow pix, I took a shit local (South African strain) and wanted to see if I have what it takes took to grow. At the mo they seem good and the real test will be harvesting then the pleasure of smoking them.


Well-Known Member
apperently you do have what it takes to be a grower. good job, you know to harvest by trichomes right? it would really suck to grow that sweet looking plant and then harvest too early b4 the potentcy is peak.


Well-Known Member
What I'm looking for in the Trichomes I've done some reading but still don't fully understand it, I'm also worried about this Sativa opening closing harvest window, by looking at the Trichomes can I tell when the window is open and closed? also I saw that you need to flush the plant but certain people say don't water to much as it gets rid of THC. Can I flush just by watering the soil and not spraying the plant?


Well-Known Member
What I'm looking for in the Trichomes I've done some reading but still don't fully understand it, I'm also worried about this Sativa opening closing harvest window, by looking at the Trichomes can I tell when the window is open and closed? also I saw that you need to flush the plant but certain people say don't water to much as it gets rid of THC. Can I flush just by watering the soil and not spraying the plant?

for flushing you dont spray the plants, spraying during flower is a horrible idea! flushing is different from overwatering. when you flush take 3 times as much water as your container size and run it through. then just give only water till harvest.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man you're a bud saver.

So when do I start flushing? and can I stop spraying my plant with distilled water I'm in week 7 of flowering? I will buy a mag glass soon to check the trichomes.

Also what happens to the trichomes when sativa goes back into a growth week, I heard that Sativa goes in and out of harvesting windows. and by picking in a growth week will fuck up the potency.


Well-Known Member
dont spray your plant at all unless foliar feeding(dont foliar feed or mist while flowering btw) or trying to kill bugs on the leaves. ive never misted besides that and never had a problem cuz i wasnt misting. that sativa growth week thing is bs.


Active Member
WOW, those are some pretty looking plants! looking greatm you got what it takes man, congrats on the baby girl :)


Well-Known Member
dont spray your plant at all unless foliar feeding(dont foliar feed or mist while flowering btw) or trying to kill bugs on the leaves. ive never misted besides that and never had a problem cuz i wasnt misting. that sativa growth week thing is bs.
Thanks again.

I'll put some more pix up in around 2-3 weeks


Active Member
two weeks? come on... weekly updates are the way to go :) that way if you start having any issues with the grow we can all help out so you dont lose your plant(s)


Well-Known Member
sweet man. your grow is looking killer too
fuck bro my camera got stolen (Well my girlfriend took it on holiday and told me someone stole it from the guest house) and I've harvested around aweek ago I dried the buds in a dark place and now I'm curing them I've started my second grow already 1 week in, will continue the journal with the second grow pic's coming once I buy a camera some time this week. but I also buying a 100 watt CFL for the new babies I've also started a outdoor grow yes I've been busy

1st grow 100% sativa
2nd grow ??????


Well-Known Member
Lovely looking pistols on that baby, hope she smokes as good as she looks great first effort!


Well-Known Member
i'll start smoking it after 2 weeks cure if im out(sometimes dip a bowl or two even b4 that)but 3 weeks is how long i prefer to wait but alot of weed you buy on the streets isnt even properly(if at all)cured half the time. lol, yeah, roll yourself a nice fat j, you've earned it. enjoy. let us know how it is.


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to lie I was testing the middle branch budz so I know what it tasted like and it wasn't all that but after a natural dry the smoke is 8/10 I hoping that after the cure 9/10 since it came from a very seedy shitty weed

But my second grow has started and it's a indica dom hybrid which I'm looking forward to growing and smoking I heard Indica plants are slighty easier than Sativa