My first grow! ! ! PICS!!!!


Active Member
nutrient burn(yellowing, brown burnt tips) and/or heat stress (curling and crispy leaves)

def nute burn plants to stretched to be heat stress ..but ya you really dont need nutes lay off for a lil

you can tell you stunted its growth big time by 3 weeks you should have farrr more growth than only LOOKS 2-3 days old..unless ofc you are using inadequate light...


Well-Known Member
i had same with MG as it was too hot, 5 i had like this I transplanted into dwc and now they are starting to grow, only took 3 days to get dark green after putting in dwc under HID
you can see in my pic after 2 weeks the two in back corner are same age as the rest of the plants. They are in MG while the rest are in a soiless mix and I have just started nutes after 2 weeks and 3rd node

