My First Grow. Need Advice


Well-Known Member
Yer in mho that light on the wall is doing nothing whatsoeva, hang it over the plant with the others. What every1 else says is true, you need to read up more and ask more questions and quick. Think you got the wrong idea on topping and that but yes you can grow a plant with those piddly ass lights and have done so myself with ok results, you just need to keep it small and compact. A new stronger light will be best here, i grow plants under one 2ft t8 flourescent with 18w of power but they are slow and yield only a small amount. Pros get 1gram of bud to 1watt of light, id like to think that mere mortals achieve half a gram to each watt of light, you got flourescents at about 36watt so even at best id say 18 grams but more like 12 grams. Go easy on the nutes with that little light as easy to burn. I top after the third or fourth set of leaves and train four branches to grow, i keep them a couple of inches under the light for optimun growth. I understand that maybe this is the best lights you can get so don't fret just learn quick, maybe a look at some of the grow journals on here to see how others coped in a similar situation. Why are the first leaves on your plant yellow? Is this overwatering or somthing else, other than that great job.


Well-Known Member
P.s. your in miracle grow, your plant is small, do you even need ferts yet? I dont know what is best but id think that miracle grow could feed your plant for longer, need advice here as i see a lot of problems with miracle grow and ferts.


Well-Known Member
thanks alot guys I appreciate the feedback, I should've read up more, but it was my first try just seeing if I could keep the damn thing alive... I've decided to put a little more money into it and a bigger space hoping to get a more impressive grow. I'm gonna keep the t8s for flowering, but I have ordered a 250hps ($120) off a ebay ( would've gone for the 400, but dont got too much to spend at the moment)... Moving into a 2'x6' closet, I'm gonna be grown 4 plants as I dont want too many only having the 250w. got some fox farm soil and big bud for flower. a few other accessories i.e. fan, thermo/humidity reader, etc. I have 2 bubba kush, 1 ak-47, 1 sour diesel seed I will be planting. Hopin this goes alot better, again thanks for the input everyone, I love rollitup. Happy Trails


Well-Known Member
So third week of flowering... Added four cfl's and a 4' fan... Got some kick ass seeds off a friend for next grow (more bubba kush, ak-47, and panama red(I don't know how he got these but I'm stoked) Gonna keep this plant as a mother though... Any advice comments welcome... Thanks for looking.

