My first grow, my many errors and some questions


Active Member
Morning! (Long post alert - but good for noobs thinking about growing. If you can't be arsed to read the background, you can skip to the questions at the bottom).

I joined this community recently because I started having issues with my first grow. I made a shed-load of mistakes along the way, learned a reasonable amount and want to give it another go with everything adjusted based on what I know. I have some more questions that I hope you can help me with, but first here is a little background on the journey and the setup.

I started the first grow in a cupboard (mistake 1), with a reasonably small plant pot and a cheap unbranded/unknown Chinese "1000w" LED light (mistake 2). I went with White Widow Auto. I was only feeding the seedling water because the first time, I put it in some miracle grow soil (mistake 3). Despite good growth from seedling to mid-veg, I quickly learned that a cupboard wasn't going to let me easily control air flow. So I invested in a small 60 x 60 x 140 cm grow tent (mistake 4) and transplanted her into a large plant plastic 2 gallon plant pot (mistake 5). I bought some bio grow and bio bloom for feeding.

I then realised that the air needed to move around the tent, so I bought a 120 inline fan that seemed to work well. The heat from the LED lights and the fan worked to keep a good temperature and for a while she seemed really happy, despite the fact I broke some roots during the transplant (mistake 6). At this stage I was switching lights on first thing in the morning and off last thing at night, giving her about 14 - 16 hours of light per day but not starting / ending at the same time (mistake 7). The problem here was that the LED had internal fans and the tent is where I sleep! (mistake 8).

She started flowering after about 9 weeks and looked good but at this stage, lots of stuff started going sideways. First, I saw droopy leaves especially last thing at night but this seemed to be fine by morning again. I tried to keep an eye on how often and how much I was feeding her but found this pretty difficult (mistake 9). It was around this time I also started seeing fungus gnats in the tent which originally I thought were passive (mistake 10), but the numbers grew so I tried to take action with neem oil but it seemed to have no effect with either spraying lower leaves or soil drench. A couple of weeks later, leaves start dying. Earlier in the flowering, the lower leaves were dying which I thought may be fairly normal - but later on, the top leaves started with the same and additional brown spots / edges. Wasn't sure if this was because of the light, the size of pot she was in, fungus gnats at the root or other. At this stage, the top cola was only around 25cm from the light. Mid flowering, I also saw a single patch of webbing on one of the lower buds. To counter this, the fan was left on all the time which I hadn't previously been doing (mistake 11) and it never got any worse. I sprayed the affected one with a mix of water and ISO. Didn't see the problem reoccur.

Deterioration started getting pretty fast, so I decided to cut her down about 6 weeks into flowering - probably about 3 - 4 weeks early. I didn't really want to, but she was dying fast and the fungus gnats were getting on my tits. She's now hanging in the tent with no light, fans still running to keep air flow. She's dried out pretty well and the cola smells wonderful but I think the rest of the buds are going to be useless.

I learned a lot from this but still have some questions. The next seed is going to be Auto Kryptonite (dwarf). This time I have fabric pots ranging from tiny to 3 gallon. Going to use standard soil with a mix of perlite. I've invested in a Spider Farm 1000w led for the tent, which I will leave on for 18 hours regular time each day. And now some questions:

Q1. As a seedling and during veg, the plant doesn't seem to drink as much. I'm confused about how often to water at this stage because the soil seems to stay pretty moist for a really long time (which then draws fungus gnats!). Maybe the fabric pots will help, but how often should I be looking to feed during mid - late veg stage?

Q2. Is there anything preventative I can do, to avoid fungus gnats in advance. I know that over-watering is probably the biggest factor. I have mesh to cover any of the vent holes in the tent but they seemed to get in regardless of this. SO, is there a way to prevent then in advance? I heard some strains are more resistant to gnats but I'm limited to what I can grow in such a small tent.

Q3. For an auto-flowering plant, I've read all kinds of advice on the amount of light they should get ranging from 18/6 to 'leave it on 24/7'. What's actually correct?

Q4. I'm going to make a massive effort to feed the plants only when the top inch of soil is dry - but in situations where the soil isn't dry but the plant shows signs of needing fed - what do I do? Wait it out till it's dry? Or feed and probably attract fungus gnats?

Q5. With the Spiderfarm light, for early growth - how much light and how far away should the light be from the plant? I read that this light allows dimming too, so this adds a new level of confusion for me! In fact, how much light at each stage and how far away should the light be?

Q6. The browning I saw in leaves before she was cut down, I believed was root damage from the gnats because it didn't seem to be fixable regardless of what I did. I was feeding her Bio Bloom (and sometimes a little Bio Grow) during flowering - should this be enough nutrient? Is it likely that the browning was another issue?

I've got SO many more questions. Apologise for the length of this (for those who read it all) but I'm really interested in getting it right. I felt so proud of my girl last time and this time I want to do everything as well as I can. Any tips/tricks/advice is greatly appreciated.


A quick edit to explain why I believe my 'mistakes' were mistakes:

  • Mistake 1: In hindsight, the cupboard had no real airflow and no way to really control temperature.
  • Mistake 2: Buy cheap. Pay dear. I should have researched (a) better quality lights and (b) lights with no noise!
  • Mistake 3: Miracle grow probably contains loads of crap I don't want to ingest. In my defence, there wasn't much option in the place I bought it.
  • Mistake 4: The tent was too small. I should have gone for a 160 or 180 height tent and possibly a bit wider too. 80 x 80 x 160 would have been better.
  • Mistake 5: 2 gallon pot wasn't big enough I don't think. She got pretty big.
  • Mistake 6: I didn't do the transplant very well at all really. This was my bad.
  • Mistake 7: A regular light schedule must surely be better than switching on and off when I go to bed / get up in the morning. This was largely due to the noise of the lights (see mistake 2).
  • Mistake 8: Really noisy lights. Bad purchase. See mistake 7 and 2!
  • Mistake 9: I read numerous times to water when the top inch of soil is dry but I got too paranoid about her being hungry. By the time I learned this lesson, the gnats had struck.
  • Mistake 10: Even the presence of 1 fungus gnat should have been an indicator to get tough with counter-measures. Stupid stupid.
  • Mistake 11: Airflow was critical and leaving the fans on all the time was the biggest positive step I probably took. If I'd left fans on, there would have been no mould webbing and switching them on did prevent the spread of that.
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On the Fungus gnats.
Heres what works for me.
"Mosquito dunks"
Chop and grind them up and top dress your pots.

Watering thru causes the BTI bacteria to be distributed into the soil.

And or.... Treat a bucket of water by dropping in a couple whole dunks to soak for a few hours.

Yellow sticky traps for adult flyers.

2 weeks later - gnat free!
On the Fungus gnats.
Heres what works for me.
"Mosquito dunks"
Chop and grind them up and top dress your pots.

Watering thru causes the BTI bacteria to be distributed into the soil.

And or.... Treat a bucket of water by dropping in a couple whole dunks to soak for a few hours.

Yellow sticky traps for adult flyers.

2 weeks later - gnat free!

Assume these are safe enough for the plant and smoking the weed afterwards, given you're still alive to tell the tale? I'd been avoiding those kinds of things cos I wasnt sure if they were safe for smoking after.
Assume these are safe enough for the plant and smoking the weed afterwards, given you're still alive to tell the tale? I'd been avoiding those kinds of things cos I wasnt sure if they were safe for smoking after.
Yes its safe. But never take anyones word for it.....mine included.

Always good to google and check other sources before making any decisions.

Get a good loupe magnifier dealio. Great for trichomes inspection, and finding insects.
q1, how airated is your soil? do you have perlite in it to open the soil up, this dstops over watering and stem rot problems and soil related bugs.
q2, cover the top of the soil with agregate to keep a barier over the soil stopping the gnats from getting to it.
q3, 18/6 will give you some extra growth and save you some cash, but 24hrs will give you maximum yeald acording to my how to growauto flowering cannabis states.
q4, have you considered folier feeding, it leaves the soil free from nute build up and feeds the plant directly
q1, how airated is your soil? do you have perlite in it to open the soil up, this dstops over watering and stem rot problems and soil related bugs.
q2, cover the top of the soil with agregate to keep a barier over the soil stopping the gnats from getting to it.

I thought the soil was fairly well airated. I had about 1 to 4 parts perlite in the soil. She was in a plastic pot with one massive drainage hole at the bottom, covered with a stone to allow water to leave. Next grow I have fabric pots which I will combine with perlite in the soil.

I did try putting a top layer of perlite on the soil as a barrier but the gnats didn't seem to care. Is there something designed for this? I read somewhere that sand may help but then other people saying not to go there!
q3, 18/6 will give you some extra growth and save you some cash, but 24hrs will give you maximum yeald acording to my how to growauto flowering cannabis states.
q4, have you considered folier feeding, it leaves the soil free from nute build up and feeds the plant directly

Thanks - okay, so this time around i'll leave lights on 24/7 and see how that goes. Regarding folier feeding, I've never even heard of it but i'll go do some research now and see what I can learn. Cheers!
A fungus gnat is so small it’s thinner than the width of a quarter. They commonly appear when cannabis plants are watered too often. If you let the top inch of your soil dry out before watering your plants each time, fungus gnats often naturally go away on their own. However, if you have a really bad infestation, it can take weeks of good watering practices before you get rid of all
I'll start by saying "Welcome to RIU"!
And I'm the type of guy to read the whole post, but I am also not experienced enough to help with you questions. Sorry.

Just a word of caution with your attempt to up-size using fabric pots.
I grow in a totally different method, and encourage the roots to grow through the pot. In soil these would air prune, but I do not know if trying to remove a plant from a fabric pot is advised, or if you would need to bury the smaller pot inside a larger one. Maybe start in 'regular' pots and then have her final home be a fabric pot?? Perhaps someone with knowledge on the topic will chime in. I would respectfully suggest more research on the topic.
The other tidbit I would offer is this website, if you are not already aware of it:

I like the way it is setup in a tutorial format. I found it helpful.

Good luck with your growing journey!
A fungus gnat is so small it’s thinner than the width of a quarter. They commonly appear when cannabis plants are watered too often. If you let the top inch of your soil dry out before watering your plants each time, fungus gnats often naturally go away on their own. However, if you have a really bad infestation, it can take weeks of good watering practices before you get rid of all

Yes, I plan on doing this religiously with the next grow. Also considering the use of Mosquito Bits or diatomaceous earth to keep things under control (however I did just read this article, which seems to suggest diatomaceous earth probably isn't as effective as many claim).
I'll start by saying "Welcome to RIU"!
And I'm the type of guy to read the whole post, but I am also not experienced enough to help with you questions. Sorry.

Just a word of caution with your attempt to up-size using fabric pots.
View attachment 4688379
I grow in a totally different method, and encourage the roots to grow through the pot. In soil these would air prune, but I do not know if trying to remove a plant from a fabric pot is advised, or if you would need to bury the smaller pot inside a larger one. Maybe start in 'regular' pots and then have her final home be a fabric pot?? Perhaps someone with knowledge on the topic will chime in. I would respectfully suggest more research on the topic.
The other tidbit I would offer is this website, if you are not already aware of it:

I like the way it is setup in a tutorial format. I found it helpful.

Good luck with your growing journey!

Thanks for the post! Yeah I think possibly a standard pot till it's final position may be a better approach. I may just use disposable plastic pots so that I can cut them out (my previous grow, I used ceramic pots which makes it very hard to move them) (mistake 12). When I moved from the ceramic to the final large 2 gallon pot, I broke a lot of roots which then stalled the plant development by about 2 weeks. She was a fighter though... kept going on until the fungus gnats appeared.

EDIT: Wow hold on - so that photo is the roots growing through the fabric pot. Are you them taking that and putting into a larger fabric pot or did you manage to get her out into something else? I'll do some research and see what I can find on these things. Don't want to introduce even more issues than I had last time.
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Thanks for the post! Yeah I think possibly a standard pot till it's final position may be a better approach. I may just use disposable plastic pots so that I can cut them out (my previous grow, I used ceramic pots which makes it very hard to move them) (mistake 12). When I moved from the ceramic to the final large 2 gallon pot, I broke a lot of roots which then stalled the plant development by about 2 weeks. She was a fighter though... kept going on until the fungus gnats appeared.

EDIT: Wow hold on - so that photo is the roots growing through the fabric pot. Are you them taking that and putting into a larger fabric pot or did you manage to get her out into something else? I'll do some research and see what I can find on these things. Don't want to introduce even more issues than I had last time.

That picture was of a plants final home. No moving from that location!
I grow in a modified Ebb and Flow hydro method, and it is completely different than growing in dirt.

Only one transfer in this method.
Starts out here:
IMG_6808.JPG IMG_6878.JPG
Ready to move...
To here...
Lives here...
Until she gets the ax.
The End.
That picture was of a plants final home. No moving from that location!
I grow in a modified Ebb and Flow hydro method, and it is completely different than growing in dirt

Wow - I find that absolutely amazing! You're making me want to switch to hydro too - but I think i should walk before I can run. :) You know... I only started all of this growing malarkey because I found a seed in a bag of weed. Then bought a seed to grow. Now I find myself getting all serious about doing it right at least once! :D
Yes, I plan on doing this religiously with the next grow. Also considering the use of Mosquito Bits or diatomaceous earth to keep things under control (however I did just read this article, which seems to suggest diatomaceous earth probably isn't as effective as many claim).
The reason for gnats is the fact you are working with infested soil harboring biodegrading materials. Prepare soil by letting it sit in the sun in a black container or stored in a hot room that gets sun. Next construct a gnat trap. Just search YTube for that. If your grow allows it hang fly paper traps on both sides. These things can get bad so for something heavy duty try spraying while light is off. Add one tbs of Dawn diswashing soap to gallon. Hit dead on and the wings just fall off. Dawn was used in the Gulf after Valdeze dumped oil on it so I'm sure it's ok. Along with a good watering schedule you should be fine. If your not happy with dawn they sell an organic soap in the local garden shop.:weed:
The reason for gnats is the fact you are working with infested soil harboring biodegrading materials. Prepare soil by letting it sit in the sun in a black container or stored in a hot room that gets sun. Next construct a gnat trap. Just search YTube for that. If your grow allows it hang fly paper traps on both sides. These things can get bad so for something heavy duty try spraying while light is off. Add one tbs of Dawn diswashing soap to gallon. Hit dead on and the wings just fall off. Dawn was used in the Gulf after Valdeze dumped oil on it so I'm sure it's ok. Along with a good watering schedule you should be fine. If your not happy with dawn they sell an organic soap in the local garden shop.:weed:

I don't really have anywhere I could bake the soil even if the sun was out (which is rare!). I did hang sticky papers around the grow tent and they worked well, but obviously only for the adults. I never got rid of the larvae unfortunately and pretty sure this is what was killing my first plant. I did also get some pressed Neem oil and organic soap but it didn't get rid of the issue either with spraying or soil drench.

I DO know that I need to change the watering habit though and changing the pots I was using will go a long way to keeping the soil aerated and the top layer more dry than previously.
Wow - I find that absolutely amazing! You're making me want to switch to hydro too - but I think i should walk before I can run. :) You know... I only started all of this growing malarkey because I found a seed in a bag of weed. Then bought a seed to grow. Now I find myself getting all serious about doing it right at least once! :D

I hear you!! LOL
I started in hydro, BUT...I did six months of research before I ever started a seed.
That pic was just before harvest of my second ever grow.
It can be done, but a agree that you should probably get a successful grow under your belt before jumping off the deep end like I did.
And BTW, I have never seen anyone grow the same method I do, so don't go by that. If you would decide to try hydro at some point, there is a ton of info out there an accepted methods. I was just trying to show you that the roots can get really attached to the fabric of the pot.
Again, Good Luck,
Wow - I find that absolutely amazing! You're making me want to switch to hydro too - but I think i should walk before I can run. :) You know... I only started all of this growing malarkey because I found a seed in a bag of weed. Then bought a seed to grow. Now I find myself getting all serious about doing it right at least once! :D
Bag seed seems to be a gateway drug for growing from threads I’ve come across haha myself included. I’m on my third grow and by far the best advice I’ve been given on top of all the other great advice and tips would just relax. Get off to a good start...don’t overthink it..let your plant do it’s thing and make small adjustments throughout the grow. There’s a lot of great people on here with a lot of great advice. Definitely start a grow thread or post your new grow on this one. I love watching and learning through everyone. Good luck :)
And BTW, I have never seen anyone grow the same method I do, so don't go by that. If you would decide to try hydro at some point, there is a ton of info out there an accepted methods. I was just trying to show you that the roots can get really attached to the fabric of the pot.
Again, Good Luck,

Brill, thanks again for your time! This is all fascinating to me!