My first grow (log) **PICS**


Active Member
Hello, this is my first grow, ever. I have started with germing 20 seeds, they all cracked, put there has now gone 2 weeks with only one comming, so today I put 15 more seeds to germ, they won't be placed in jiffys, but in real pots.

They are on my roof atm, and will be moved to the nearby woods, when they have 3 nodes. I don't know that much about marjuana, cause i have never smoked it, I have how ever smoked a couple of alternative forms of cannabis, like opiums lettuce and so on.

Here are the pics i promised:

Image of Box nr. 1 - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Image of The first plant - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


New Member
haha nice man .. im the same .. never smoked pot but i am growing it as a hobby .. i have almost same equipment and im growing mine in my window and closet at night with a CFL .. i moved 2 into the woods today and have 4 in my closet and germing more seeds now .. so good luck in your growing


Well-Known Member
You're growing bud but you've never smoked it? Interesting... Looks pretty good so far. Don't worry about the others not showing yet. They all grow at their own pace. The first one that's sprouted looks just as it should. I have five going right now that are a little further along in their development.. Good luck to you sir! And... I'd be kind of sketched out leaving them on my roof. No one puts that much care into some random plants they are growing around their house. Be safe!


Active Member
Thank you guy's :), I wont have any problems with security from the sky, because i live in Denmark... And yes, my mom came to visit me here last day, and was like "WTF, why are you putting that much effort into some cucumber seeds?".
One more has sprouted BTW, but the first one hasn't grown, and fells a bit weak, like it isn't getting enough water or something, but i'm giving it lots of water. I will hopefully get some new pics up soon, with the old one, and the new one, plus I'll also take a picture of my seed's germing.


Well-Known Member
Just keep the area moist. They don't need much water at all during this stage. If they look tied down and droopy, then you are over watering. Just keep the soil moist!


Active Member


New Member
welll news about my 2 i put in the woods .. squirrel ate them .. now i have my other seedlings outside around my house and away from everyone's sight (at least i hope) ... im glad to see ur plants are coming along im germing about 12 more seeds hoping i get some sproutage and i cant have at least 4-6 more plants out of those .. and two in my window growing to get big enough to go outside ... keep up the good work bro


Active Member
Yeah, but they are nice and dry now, plus a new one is on it's way up, so i will have 3 plant's very soon.

I also have some news from my industrial hemp grow, the first of them has showed sex, it's a girl, i'm hooping i will be able to bud her, but i'm not at all sure of what the bud will be like...


Well-Known Member
why grow weed if not to smoke it ? noone here can grow enough without getting no attention to make money so if not for personal consumption why?


Active Member
Because I want to smoke it, I just said i had never tried weed, not that i wouldn't want to try it. I have literally stood with enough money, but every time I'm about to buy some weed, it either look's like shit, or the dealer looks like a narc...So I'm growing my own, to smoke.

zealand green

Well-Known Member
Because I want to smoke it, I just said i had never tried weed, not that i wouldn't want to try it. I have literally stood with enough money, but every time I'm about to buy some weed, it either look's like shit, or the dealer looks like a narc...So I'm growing my own, to smoke.
Good on you brother....If you grow some stinky bud this year....and get stoned for the first time, off your own homegrown weed...i give you mad reps.......good luck....wish you warm weather and sunshine.


Active Member
I have a small update, I know only have one plant left, I have planted 4 extra, that I'm certain will come up. Long story short, the jiffys fucked me over big time, out of 21 seeds, only 3 came up, the two died, and the last one is stunted, so i guess this years frow will be a small 5 plant grow, I didn't bother to take pictures, cause the last one is still small.