Well-Known Member
lol just what i've been told mate, but they aint no good to us (i cant talk, i smoke like a chimney) but im sure they aint gonna do no good to the plant when its trying to absorb all that Co2Great well looks like i can take it easy and let them be. More good advise, you said dont smoke with them well, im an idiot,
everyday b4 i go to work i smoke a cig and hang with them, and when i get home, plus every single time i go down there,
wich seems to be 100 times a day lol. That stops umm now, thanks for yet again........ More great advise
I think it all looks good now man, lets watch over the next few days, i bet your gonna see some proper growth
that was mine at 9 days, you'll be hitting much bigger then i could ever imagine hitting, im stuck with my low intensity CFL grow,
:O My alarms just gone off, meaning its time to turn the lights on for the girls

EDIT : Also, as im sure you know, water from the tap has added chemicals to it for our benefits. (humans). To plants they can be damaging (Chlorine), so if your using tap water, make sure that a) its from the cold tap (Hot taps generally aren't as clean e.g. they have led particals and shit like that in).
b) You leave the water 24 hours in a bottle / tub whatever you want but just leave it with an open top, this will let the chemicals evaporate. Plus, if you really wanted, it'd also raise your humidity if in the same room as the plants (cant see why you'd wanna raise it tho)