My First Grow Journal


Active Member
O.K Ive grown before in soil before gonna do hydro this time.:hump:
Gonna be growing some Blue Mystic and White Widow from Nirvana.

DWC for veggy and mothers 100 watt metal Halide in a cooltube
Veggy room is 24"x19"x42"high

this a bag seed

the venting

The nex pic outside the veggy room

3 Waterfarms for bloom 250watt hps cool tube right now thinking about a 400watt hps cool tube
bloom room is 20"x21"x6'5"

this is under the bloom room it sends the hot air from the room through the hvac because it still cooler then outside air.


Active Member
A few seeds sprout today. Gonna wait a couple hours then put them in their new home for the next few weeks. gonna roll one and smoke it :joint: the ill put some more pics up. Any Q??


Active Member
had 4 beans sprout yaaaa:grin::bigjoint:

put them in a bubbler till ready for the waterfarms
ordered some Hydroton Clay, mylar, ph and tds meter I hope the get here quick hopefully this week

reorganized room


Active Member
Just got home from work and had 3 more BM and 1 more WW sprout.
So a total of 4 BM and 4 WW :bigjoint:
ill take pics later bongsmilie


Active Member
is that an induction kit from a car i saw in one of them pics??lol
i think ye might wanna bring the light down a bit.they look kinda stretched...just a suggestion :D


Active Member
is that an induction kit from a car i saw in one of them pics??lol
i think ye might wanna bring the light down a bit.they look kinda stretched...just a suggestion :D
Don't know about the induction kit?:confused:
ya i lowered the light lastnight:hump:


Active Member
Got my PH and TDS meter.The ph was a little high at 6.4 so i used some lemon juice to lower it till i get some ph down should be here sometime this week.
Bought another light for my veggy room and built a cool tube fo it now thatsa 100 watt mh and a 70watt hps.:mrgreen:
I see a little streching thats why a bought another light.

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