My first Grow!! **Journal**


Active Member
not good brother, plant might be failing off, make sure it's well watered, just because you water it well, the soil needs to breath, be properly aerated, if the water sits on top, it's not properly aerated and your bottom roots and roots in general might be dry because the top layer of soil will host most of the h20.

watch the lights and squeeze the outside of the bucket make sure you can jostle the soil, but don't go all nuts and destroy your kid man


Well-Known Member
pH your water... dont over water and dont use ANY nutes...

I would suggest flusing out your soil... with 7.0pH water... so it can be nute free since mg soil has nutes.

and then ph water to 6.5

You have to understand... pH of the soil and water is the most important aspect of normal growth for plants... then comes light.


Well-Known Member
ok guys the water isnt sitting on top its sitting in the bottom the top gets dryed out.....and I dont use Miracle grow soil or nutes.....I have foxfarm ocean forest soil and schultz nutes that ive never used yet cuz the foxfarm has plenty of goodies probably for the first month of plant growth.....however I just checked on my baby today and she looks as though maybe shes perked up a bit.... :) Ill post picture later tonight.....shes mean and green haha.


Well-Known Member
Well its been a little bit since I posted on my journal.....plant is doing much much more droop I think might have been due to overwatering.....cuz now i strictly water once every 3-4 days and ive also given her some schultz nute 10-15-10 which she seemed to enjoy very much :)

I posted some new pics of her and I was wondering cuz ive sooo lost track about how old does she look pretty sure its at least on week 3... Anyways tell me what ya think and any advice or just comments is very much appreciated.....happy growing ill keep this updated more regularly.:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Mm looking much better! Overwatering is pretty common. People are very convinced that plants want water every day or every other day, but that's usually not the case. 3-4 days is good. The soil should be drying out in between waterings. Constantly soaked soil is not good (particularly for the roots). Keep it up man!!


Well-Known Member
looks like u need your lights alittle closer try having them about 4-5inch away maybe even only 3inch. but no wait about a week to 2 before ur nutes


Well-Known Member
Ok so I transplanted a little over a week ago and she seemed to be thriving and doing amazing!! ....up until about yesterday now she looks droopy and shriveled... :( Ive been keeping a good water schedule every 2-3 days..... I did notice about 2-3 days ago I could already see the roots coming out of the drain holes at the bottom of the new it time to transplant again already??? It grew fast maybe she needs more room again to thrive and continue growing those roots.....idk. This is my first grow.....can anyone help me refer to pics.....she doesnt feel dryed out just drooping and shriveling




Well-Known Member
It may be time to trasnplant. The plant may be dropping becuase you just watered it, or it needed watering. Those are usually causes of plants drooping. Did you stick with those M.G nutrients?

The plant isnt drooping becuase it needs to be transplanted tho, but you might want to think about transplanting it to its final home in the next week or so. I would go 2 gallon or bigger. Buy a transplant solution from walmart when you transplant, to reduce transplant shock.

Goodluck mate<3


Well-Known Member
Well I transplanted last night and watered.....went with the 2 gallon this time the roots were LONG!! Seemed to have a pretty good root structure.....and shes made a super speedy recovery it seems drooping is gone and she looks healthy again.... YAY!! :)
What if this happens again though before I decide to flower??? Id definately like her to be a bit bigger.... but I dont think I wanna transplant again from this 2 gallon pot. What if she gets rootbound again before flowering??? WHat if she gets rootbound during flowering?? Shes only 3 1/2 weeks old right now and maybe 5 inches tall...but she is short and bushy :) I dont know anybody have any thoughts or suggestions???
Help out a first time grower?? Ill post pics as soon as I get her to her new home ....switchin apartment buildings......3rd floor = more stealth easier to hide odors too.


Well-Known Member
Well shes in the new apt now.....posted a pic for you all of her -rcovered and no longer as droopy shes really gettin that skunky smell to her :)
My question is if she gets rootbound again do i need to transplant again??? shes only 3 1/2 weeks old and in week 4 i start nutes right and then how soon can I flower?? Her rrots grow fast after the last transplant it only took her a week and she outgrew it......anyways check the pic and let me know what ya think




Well-Known Member
DO not use the Brand Miracle grow. Get some Black Gold for your soil. it basiclly worm shit but the plants fucking love it. the soil will feed them for around 29-31 days. But i use a Fox Farm Trio for nutes. it contains Fox Farm- Big Grow , Fox Farm- Tiger Bloom , and Fox Farm- Big Bloom. Start nutes at 1/4 and than when u use all that go to 1/2 and than 3/4 and than full.


Well-Known Member
Well I get home today to find my plant shriveled and ugly looking...... the fan on top stopped spinning for some dumb reason and it mustve gotten too hot inside..... My plant is really really shriveled when it was flourishing with life yesterday.... I really want to punch a lot of things right now..... I was 1 month in on my first grow..... ill post pic and you guys tell me if shes salvageable........

dissapointed.....and depressed,,,,, :(



Well-Known Member
Wooow. That really is a downer, man. I don't think she's un-salvageable, but she's bad. Think intensive care unit...

Just get the temp down and get that fan running again. Make sure the soil is moist (it looks fine)...maybe try to do some foliar feeding (spraying on leaves- just water no nutes) to get her perked up. And I would pluck off the deadest leaves, or else the plant will likely waste all its energy trying to fix them. If she doesn't perk up in a day or two, you probably lost her. I think she'll be okay though.


Well-Known Member
^^^ I agree... She looks salvageable. Keep a fan on her, but not to close, as to blow around the leaves to much... just a light breeze. Foliage feeding now is a must, with PH'd water of 6.4... make sure you dont drench her though. If the issues you had prior were due to overwatering, take this into account. You want to water excessively not frequently. Meaning water alot when you do, but more like once a week. You want to water until you get about 10% runoff into your drainage containers. Allowing more time to let the soil dry up is key, when it gets dryer the roots will search further down for the water, which makes them grow. Be gentle with her, foliage feed occasionally, but just mist. And make you she is on strict 18/6... good luck

Just remember, new growth is what your looking for, If you notice new growth then she is bouncing back, the majority of the damaged leaves, especially the bottom ones with not revive themselves.
dude your plant will be fine.. just take super care of it and bring her back... im a real newbie to indoor man and im wondering what kind of foil that is in your stealth box... is that some sort of fire proof or what?