My first grow is underway: Peruvian buds, indoor setup

Ok well thanks to some of you guys who posted on my first attempt. I really wasn't totally prepared when I germinated the seeds and I think they died.

Well I accumulated some more seeds from my frequent smoking and now I'm ready to report the status and let you guys see my handywork.

First off the setup (attachments below because I don't wanna upload pictures... incriminating)

I have a small table, about 2'x2.5' and I used it to construct a nifty setup. I walled around the legs with cardboard, covered in white on the inside. Then I wired 4 bulbs along the corners, mounted to the legs. Then I hung two pairs of CCFL lights from the top and they're conveniently setup so I can raise and lower them as needed.

The space is good for about 4-5 plants in medium sized pots of about 3/4 gallon.

I started with one seed and got it to sprout. Rosie is doing quite well and has 14 leaves after exactly two weeks. I think a tiny moth snuck in there, I found him and killed him. he took a nibble off one leaf but it hasn't slowed the plant down much.

The second seed I germinated and planted a few days later. Vanessa has been a little slower to grow. Seems to have had to take a strange angle out of the soil and as a result one of the first soft leaves was bent. It hasn't unbent and I wager thats slowing the growth. But it has 6 leaves now and it's still motoring along.

I have a 3rd seed in the germination stage at the moment.

This is more or less my trial and error grow. I want to get something out of it but I have real good seeds on the way from Ministry of Cannabis. Plan is to grow these first and learn, then use my knowledge on the good seeds.

I will transplant Rosie into the full pot this weekend. Should be nice and big by that time. I'll probably clip a little off the top down the line, that should help it bush out and let the other two plants catch up I hope.

On Friday I gave Rosie a very slight spritz of nitrogen water and it seemed to respond quite well. I provided some more on Monday and again it grew faster. Of course I don't want to overdo it but I figure see how much it will take up. The growth has been excellent with the little spritzes.

No nutes for Vanessa yet as I want to let it grow a bit more and maybe resolve the leaf problem.

Any suggestions or questions by you guys are welcome. Thanks.

I'll keep posting updates...


I have a the door open partially with a fan blowing from the outside. The bottom edges aren't sealed either so some air is getting in there for sure.
Ok so this morning there was a problem... Rosie is drooping quite a lot.

I watered yesterday morning with this time a pretty solid spritz of nitro nutes. I may have watered a bit too much because I kinda remember there was a bit of a pool that took a few seconds to go down into the soil. My soil drains pretty well I think but it may have been over-done. I've been watering probably every 2-3 days.

I haven't done anything different. Haven't added anything else and haven't changed lights or anything.

Color is still a nice clean green. No yellow at all. The leaves LOOK good except for the drooping. I'm going to wait and see today but if they don't get better by tonight or tomorrow what should I do about it?
Well here's an update.

I think I may have resolved a problem. Unfortunately Rosie died, probably a combination of this problem and too many nutes.

I noticed that Vanessa was just growing really slow, much slower than Rosie did and it seemed strange. Now the tips of the plant are kinda yellow/white. The baby leaves died already and cracked apart and wilted. The plant is still growing though and the new leaves are coming out.

I kinda realized that after about two weeks, around the time Rosie starting having issues and Vanessa sprouted, that I had switched water. I was using bottled spring water, then switched to tap. I of course let the tap sit out for a few days prior. But it just sorta hit me that maybe that was hurting the plants. I can't imagine Peruvian tap water is the cleanest or safest ever.

I'm switching back to the good stuff, we'll see how it goes.

In the meantime, I continue to wait for my seeds from MoC, and I've ordered some Chocolate Rain from Sannies.
Ministry of Cannabis reshipped my order, crossing my fingers. Still waiting on the Sannie's chocolate rain.

Switching back to bottled water has helped the plant immensely, leaves perked up and grew twice as fast.

So if you don't have good tap water, don't use it. Peruvian Tap water does not work.
The solid white cups I doubt are an issue until roots get to the edge of the cup. I plan on more or less 2-3 weeks until transplant to pot, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

I doubt much light is affecting the roots.

It seems the water issue has been key. Now the current plant has 6 strong leaves where the 4 previous leaves were weak from tap water.