My First Grow (Indoor)


Active Member
To all who read I would greatly appreciate any and all input(I can take criticism).

Seeds: 4 White Rhino and 1 Blue Widow

I have a T5 4bulb 4' florescent light 18hrs on and 6hrs off. They are in a grow tent that could probably fit 10 mature plants. there is one 4" inline duct fan and one large computer fan blowing fresh air in at all times and a clip fan mounted inside blowing on the plants. the inside of the grow tent is completely reflective for optimum lighting. I planted my 4 white rhino two days ago and they have all sprouted up and are looking very healthy, I planted the blue widow today(all in rockwool cubes). the humidity stays at about 40% and temp is an average of 76F. after they have developed a good root system I will transplant them into small pots with Happy Frog soil.




Well-Known Member
white rhino is KILLER smoke...... however, personally, i'd keep your lights on 24 hours a day for vegitative cycle. your result will be stronger plants that get to flower faster. also, keep the flouro's as close as you possibly can to the plants to avoid stretching. if possible, throw in a bunch of compact flouro's to make sure your plants are recieving sufficient light. and if i were you, i wouldn't transplant them into small pots, because then your going to have to re- transplant them to larger ones. i would take them, when ready, directly out of their current medium, and transplant into my large, final container. a one shot deal. then you no longer have to worry about transplanting them, and they dont have to deal with the stress. good luck on your grow.... update with pics :)


Active Member
I will hopefully have pics by tomorrow. I will have a separate grow tent similar to this one but taller with a 400W HPS for flowering but I may get a 600W if I can afford it. I have heard both good and bad about 24hr light and just went with the standard 18hr on 6 off but if it is truly a better choice i will switch it.


Well-Known Member
that 4' flouro you got in there is perfect... i didnt see pics up before. you shouldn't need any other lighting throughout vegitative cycle. nice setup there :)


Well-Known Member
Tuned in. I also use the 4ft t5 4bulb lights and I couldnt be happier with it. I keep mine about a foot away, they seem to love it.


Active Member
well its day 3 and my little guys(hopefully girls) are looking good and healthy. I will post pics when there are some more changes in growth.


Active Member
The plants each have a root showing through the bottom of the rockwool cubes, when should I plant them in soil?