My first grow - indoor CFL- The Church from GreenHouseSeeds


Hey guys! So yesterday was harvest day and now the buds are drying! Everything was so sticky and smelled so good! Made some hash with the trimmings and little buds (quick dried them in the oven) and then kept them for a smoke test, they looked ugly and smelled like tea (no wonder) but holly shit after two bong hits I was high! Couldn't believe it, checked the stuff under the microscope and there are still a lot of crystals (even after passing them in the hash-shaker for making hash). Was really surprised and the high was great :D Really uplifting and euphoric, took a few more bong hits and it turned into a real indica stone with a nice sativa twist. So I am definitely keeping the quick dried trimmings, they're worth it! Got about 5-10 grams of that. I think that the big buds will be ready for curing in 2-4 days, I would guess about one ounce dry :D

Here are some pics, sorry I'm too lazy to order them like I've done since the beginning, but you can see the date by clicking on them.

A few days before harvest (09.29.2012 - 10.4.2012)


My drying box

Harvesting :D


Got about a g of really potent hash (from the trimmings). Will get more with the second trimmings (manicuring). Also made a little ball of "silver hash", my friend smoked it while I was finishing up lol


My smallest plant needs two more weeks, she's now got much more light :D The pics are from today



Active Member
Id say that be about about a ounce dry for the big one! I only got a little over 20grams on my big one! to bad my strain is just a little tiny light hog! but still amazing smoke! AAA+ bag quality!. Ya got's some nice green sticky icky bud their my friend! are you going to do a second topic once this is all done and finished up? and hope the little one fattens up more with the extra light the last 2 weeks!


Id say that be about about a ounce dry for the big one! I only got a little over 20grams on my big one! to bad my strain is just a little tiny light hog! but still amazing smoke! AAA+ bag quality!. Ya got's some nice green sticky icky bud their my friend! are you going to do a second topic once this is all done and finished up? and hope the little one fattens up more with the extra light the last 2 weeks!
Thanks, yes I'm going to open up a second topic :D After I've finished harvesting both plants and done a smoke report :)
Really hope she rippens nicely too, but shouldn't be a problem (she's got some nute burns om her leaves though, but they're because of the salt build-ups, .I have only been giving her water the past 2 weeks).


Tonight I'm going to start curing the buds, after 4 days of drying. I got a scale from a friend so I'll weigh them right before putting them in the jars. I'll take some pics and upload them once I'm done :)


So, 18g final weight (no stems and other stuff, only bud). They shrunk like insane! They lost about 70% of initial wieght.
I'm not disapointed, actually really happy because omg this stuff is crazy, so sticky it's just full of trichomes.
The smell is also so amazing, hard to describe, I have never gotten weed with this smell. I can definitely smell some lavender, it's also got a nice spicy and skunky smell to it. And right after drying, I mean the smell is going to get much better after curring, I can't imagine how good it's gonna be. Really really happy with what I got, and still got one more plant in her last 2 weeks of flowering! I would absolutly recommend The Church from GHS, easy to grow and just simply amazing, will do a smoke report after two weeks of curing, stay tuned for that ;)

Biggest bud:

The nugs without flash:

With flash:

Some more nugporn:

Looked at the weight before cutting the stems off.

And after that into the jar :)


Yesterday I saw that they were a little bit too moist to go in the jars, so I took them out after 1 day curing and put them back in the drying box, today they were perfect. So I put them back in the jar and they're still looking fabulous, smell really good too.


Active Member
I love the quality of homegrown. I don't know how so many people have issues then "crap" final product. where your lucky to feel a buzz off smoking 2 grams... I've only seen outdoor buds of the church final product! Looks like it turned out really good for you man. can't wait to see your second one. and your next grow! will have to post a link in my topic their when its ready!


Yeah homegrown sure are the best, start till finish you treat them like your own spoiled children and that makes the difference^^
Commercialy grown nugs just get tossed and squeezed and end up in a fucking brick without a cure. But there are some exceptions I've seen, I guess it all comes down to how much time and knowledge your willing to invest.
I know that I invested a lot of time and learned a lot before even germinating my seeds, and it was really worth it. Things are going to go a little bit faster for my second grow since I've got the hang of it now, but it's going to be quite different: new set-up, double the plants, LST and topping this time, new strain (Strawberry Haze :D)... but I can't wait!

I'll post a link to your current journal once I start my second one, and I'm going to do a quick smoke report :D

BTW: second plant is almost done, the buds are so dense, lots of resin the last two weeks. I'll probably harvest in 2 days :)