My First Grow/ In Dresser Cabinet? Juicy Fruit


Active Member
Sunday January 26 2008: I germinated the 2 seeds with the paper towel method.

Monday January 27 2008: Kahuna had cracked and root was poking out, nothing for the JF.

Tuesday January 28 2008: Kahuna had about 7 mm long root so i decided to plant. Now resides under a 42 watt cfl. JF... shell cracked and root is poking thru, but not long enough to plant.

Will have pics up when plants are worthy.

Wednesday January 30 2008: JF has grown to potting length so i planted her(hopefully) and put it under the lights. the kahuna hasnt come thru the soil yet but hopefully i'll see some results tomorrow

Any tips out there... im open to hear!

Okay it is now February 5, the kahuna has died but i have some pics of my progress and of my grow box:

The Cabinet:

The Plant:



Active Member
one 23 watt and one 42 watt cfl but ima upgrade to 3 42 watt cfls once i wire up another socket to stick in my grow space.


Active Member
tis february 10th only gotten one response...
kinda sucks
but im stick with it and see how she goes.
i will have a pic up later today


Active Member
i ordered it from
but it wasnt feminized...
so what does that make it?lol



Active Member
yea i have a lot more
but i dont wanna plant em till later cause i wanna grow outside and im really hopin this ones a she


Well-Known Member
me too except im in my grow by like a month and its my only one and its lookin mighty manly and im gettin reall sad that i didnt have more, u might wanna go with alot for when their smal cuz they only got one single root for te first week of sprouting and choose the healthiest ones.

Just an idea though, lol


Active Member
the tips of my plant kinda turned yellow but it is turning quite brownish....
ill post a pic a bit later but coldthis be from to close to the light with a a popcan reflector and that this browning is burnt cause i have given it no nutrients and i dont monitor te tempperature


Well-Known Member
idk man. i used miracle grow potting soil so then it already has nurtrients. I ONLY have to water it the wholeee grow through.


Active Member
i had two plants but one died
im thinkin of germin a few more
i was flaaaaaaaaat broke for like 2 months and had no supplies whatsoever so i had to scrounge shit up and im suprised this one plant is still going strong
i just got a job so i'l have money to maintain mah girls

ohh yea...
this ones a pure juicy fruit
from bcseedking


Active Member
so it has been a month now since i last posted, i have have 2 larger plans and one runt which i am giving away to a friend.
i transplanted one of the plants into a pit today and it kinda ripped the tips of a few roots off. is this going to be a huge problem?

anyways here new pics:

new stuff:

NEwer plant:( the one that i transplanted today)

Older Plant:



Well-Known Member
I'm growing some Sensi Seeds Juicy Fruit at the moment - I had 3 seeds, two were male, so now i"m living off clones.