MY FIRST GROW (hydro closet setup)


Well-Known Member
t5's are good lights.. and they will carry you thru vegitation nicely.. i use them exclusively and swear by them.. they produce no heat and great lumens.... i wont use anything else in vegitation.. great choice!!!!!

if your looking for a good light for blooming, check out ebay bro, there are tons of em, and many rebuilt ones for a fraction of the price......


Well-Known Member
i swear by my T5's, they are perfect for veg!!! when your ready for your big light check out ebay, theres tons of em at a fraction of the cost for a new one... many rebuilts.... good choice on the t5's.......

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
My problem with light choices is that my dad will not turn the air below 80..... often he sets it to 82, so im pretty screwed on HID, i plan on doing my first couple grows with this t5 light for that reason alone, right now its probably 84 in my room, 86 or more in my grow area, its fucking gay wheels.. Got to get some co2 in a couple weeks on payday to help counteract this god damn heat.


-Now planted in pots (2gal).
-New t5 light 1/2 cool, 1/2 warm bulbs.
-Coco Coir, and some perlite for medium.


Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Day 10 :-|

I believe that i have wind scorched my babies, some brownish wilted bits along random leaves, if anyone kows what else it couple be i would highly appreciate any suggestions as to what else it may be, potassium deficient? idk really im a newb :confused::confused::confused:


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New Member
Dont worry quite yet my freind. They seem to be soing pretty good right now, maybe water a little less. And pH it About 6.6 is spot on. Not to mention, pay more attention to the newest leaves and other growth, because if the newest leaves are fine, then whatever you are doing at that time is working and will progress through time. And, those leaves will be gone and not importent before you know it. Hope this helps good luck!

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Thanks man, i know in nature this things do pretty well so im trying not to over care for them cause i know that can cause just as many problems as under caring for them. Thanks again man, and btw your harvest was very motivating for me :mrgreen:


Active Member
hi everyone, i am new to growing i started 3 weeks ago with thai sticks seed my m8 gave me. i was just woundering how tall it should be now and how many leaves it should have. i am growing them under 2 100w fluorecent lights, they are giving off 2400 lumes is that enough? if anyone can help would be very happy.

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
More light would do much better but they should be getting to a point where they are actually going to begin vegging, time to get more lights man, as many lumens as you can stealthpanda's grow was with CFL like you so i would check out his grow, its linked in his signature i believe gl man!


Active Member
thanks for the advice. i was woundering weather you knew were to get cheap hps lights from i would really like to be growing my plants under a 600w hps.

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
I have heard to look on ebay,
i just spent 400$ on a t5 set up from my local hydro shop (lifetime warranty), and my plants growth is very noticeable every day, in a week i bet i will have 3 nodes (*hopes*)

Check on ebay though and keep in mind that hps can be very costly and hot, must worry about ventilation, so if you are not going to be cutting holes and doing serious ventilation, or are growing in a niec open area with cool fresh air then i would suggest the t5 lights, i have seen a 28gram bud on here from a guy who veg/flowers under the same t5 fixture. I intend on using my t5s all the way through till i have more room to work with, cause i only have one small closet to grow in :blsmoke:. Keep at it man!

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Just looked at the plants and growth is starting to really take off, i should officially be in the veg cycle within a few weeks after seedlings right?

I cannot wait for the real veg cycle!!!!! I love these plants!


New Member
Thanks man, i know in nature this things do pretty well so im trying not to over care for them cause i know that can cause just as many problems as under caring for them. Thanks again man, and btw your harvest was very motivating for me :mrgreen:

Thanks man i apreciate that. +rep for your reference to my grow to homie :D

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Thanks Earl! thanks for taking a look for me, random leaves seem to be getting a little brown on the edges and dry, just started applying some mist to them with a little pump spray bottle, which they should like!

And stealthpanda, my pleasure man :blsmoke:

New pictures tonight server was busy last night when i tried to get on so i just went to sleep, lol

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Well i looked today and a couple of my plants have small red dots on their leaves, all i am using for nutes is a 1/2 strength of cal-meg and cns17. maybe too much water??? too much light for an underdeveloped root structure????
Im really not too sure, i started misting my plants yesterday, and they appeared today, any help is appreciated, i hope they are ok :confused:


New Member
Well i looked today and a couple of my plants have small red dots on their leaves, all i am using for nutes is a 1/2 strength of cal-meg and cns17. maybe too much water??? too much light for an underdeveloped root structure????
Im really not too sure, i started misting my plants yesterday, and they appeared today, any help is appreciated, i hope they are ok :confused:

I honestly suggest just giving it phd water right now. Not to mention in hydro you want to do less than half strength. Like, if the company says 10ml give it 2ml. If it says 5ml give it 1ml. Since the nutrients are immediatly available it is much easyer to shock the plant. Not to mention this strain may be a weak nute plant. Oh, and DONT spay it. I almost killed my plant when i started doing that. Im thinking you want the roots to know where the water is, and not rely on the leaves for the uptake of such.

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
I will do that right now!! reg ph water! thanks man i was getting very annoyed with problems coming so soon lol


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why
you need to add phosphoric acid
or lemon juice, to your RO water,
to keep the plant happy?

What is the purpose of lowering the pH?

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Lowering ph makes it so that the water is less acidic? sooo??? i need lower ph then??? i am at 6 from my RO???