my first grow how do they look and a few ?s


Well-Known Member
hey everyone! thx for the responses ;) im also surprised how good my gals are doing and yeah cheezy these look 100 times better than the bag i got the seeds from (which is exactly what u described lmao)

Mcm im glad my thread could help sorry about the random bs throughout but we know who to thank for that lol. if you got any ?s id be glad to help if i can just send a msg or ask in thread i dont mind gl with your grow :mrgreen:

wont be long now grow buds grow! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
well hello friends its been a while :) got some updates.. plants are looking great topped plant is starting to bud and the other 2 are budding like crazy.. the herm i decided to keep turned out to be more male than female so i axed that bitch down and took its lights lol. The girls are getting big and their buds are looking bud ass getting impatient now just wanna pluck and smoke lmao. imma go down here in a couple hours and take some more pics for ya guys will post soon. and again just wanna say thanks for all of you guys' help..i think w/o u and ur help my plants wouldnt look half as nice as they do now so thanks again! and looking forward to hearing from ya been to long!bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Herm....that shit looks more male too me....kill that fucker.....I had five at first...and two were definately males....and one i didnt want to believe was after she grew balls.... i labeled her herm...but after days and days of chopping balls... i finally realized this bitch was a man....i know its hard to kill them....but dont trip out... this only means you have more room for the others to grow.....all you really need is one im a two timing bastard.....even if you end up wth one chick, just clone her..... i have 5 clone from my two girlies...cloning is too easy...good luck.
i told ya girl....too much work having to differnt areas...i would never stear you wrong....i want to see some new posting some too...


Well-Known Member
i think shes pic...thats not her in the avitar....?????
Well The girl in the avitar is sexy, I'm sure shes more sexy. ha Ha. If you're married, sorry bummer. I am engaged. I just like to get stoned and come here and have fun. ha ha It's all fun and education, at stonybrook online. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Wow, I don't watch enough tv or movies. And if I do I'm stoned and forget what I've seen. I love to play my xbox360 when I do turn on the tv. I'm more into interaction.


Active Member
i was just wondering how my plant was looking... m almost positive that its a female, as u can tell, its an indo plant thats just been sittin in my window for 2 1/2 months maybe 3 i can not remember. hows it looking by the way? i just started using a little miracle grow in the water, not much but a little. im just hoping its going to start buding soon. The flowing has already began as u can see but how long will it take? n e one?



Well-Known Member
Ive seen worse cases......Mannnnnn!!!!! if you want to grow...?????? Your first off gonna need some damn lightsss...... Windows hardly ever get direct light.... and second you need a better cam pic.....i can hardly see that shit..... Where do you live????? If your not in a desert like or tropical enviroo... you cant grow outdoor.... which window sills are ,,,,,The temps gotta be right....and mg sucks...but your plants arent that ugly....just scronny... streched....and little as fuck for two months...if u dont have allot of space or money....get some cfls or somthing....


Well-Known Member
okkkk here they r! lemme know what you think. they are 22 days into flowering do they look on pace, normal, to small? lemme know cuz i have noooo clue just think they look good. and no my avatar is not the girl from clueless ;) enjoy friends and gimme feedback plz! <3bongsmilie ps didnt have alot of time to snap the pics so not as good as i would like but oh wells ;)



Well-Known Member
they seem to be right on pace......I think mine were alittle more along the way...because i vegged mine longer....but right now is when youll see the difference in growth...i cant tell if mine are getting bigger anymore....but iconstantly look at them... youll see some major dev in the next few days.....and then after that itll be hard to tell....hey me, you, desert rat, and thrax are all at about the same stage of flowering...your about a week or two behind us all....check my thread.....lookinn good for a cfl grow...laterz...


Well-Known Member
hey girlthatgrows - looks like i've found the local noobie coffee shop - will be following your grow. watch out for cheezy, he gives great advice but i think he secretly wants to take over rui


Well-Known Member
Hey Cheezy!
Nice to see ya again.. yeah u were right ;) i just wanted to try to get as much as i could seeds n all but yeah im glad i tossed that thing out. thanks for the reply im glad they seem on pace. yeah i cant stop looking at them lol just waiting for them to form into colas! im real glad u stopped by my thread desert is right u got some nice advice ;) and not dickish like some ppl. lol gl with ur grow

Hi Desert ;)
thx for stopping by ;) we are all so close in time we should have a big smoke party hehe looking forward to comparing my gals to some more of ur pics.

and to RICHIE
your pics are way to small! if you want someone to help you.. you really need to take some bigger pictures they look allright but i really cant see shit sorry :/

thanks again for the replys guys will keep ya updated and just cuz no pics dont mean u guys have to go away for ages!
i missed ya :mrgreen:
keep on token friends bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Wow, those look fantastic. They have a nice healty green color; not too dark, not too light.

Those "snow balls" are perfectly normal. The hairs, or pistils, are what catch the pollen. Towards the last 2 or 3 weeks of flowering when they haven't gotten any pollen the plant goes into over drive and starts producing tons of flowers to try to catch even a little pollen so it can produce some seeds.


Well-Known Member
hey kludge thanks for the great compliment! ahh and for the explanation... i knew they would be hairy but like ive said b4 i have never seen a plant in real life only pics i wasnt expecting it to look like that at all! my eyes lit up lol and no pollen for that bia to catch!! lols just grow me some buds ;) but thx again for stopping by ;)


Well-Known Member
okkkk here they r! lemme know what you think. they are 22 days into flowering do they look on pace, normal, to small? lemme know cuz i have noooo clue just think they look good. and no my avatar is not the girl from clueless ;) enjoy friends and gimme feedback plz! <3bongsmilie ps didnt have alot of time to snap the pics so not as good as i would like but oh wells ;)

Hey Girl, Your Girlies look good. So, if thats not the clueless chick. Then Who? You?:eyesmoke:


Active Member
they look really big for 2 weeks, well bigger than mine at 5 but mine wasnt grown the same way. good work! i hope to see more