My first grow- help! Perpetual grow?

The room- no vents, walk-in closet.
I paint there, provides a cover smell- the paintings are turned around

a view of the corners- looks really sealed

what? I think (hps 150 watt?)

my timer- currently vegging in 20/4, end of week 2 on that cycle- or was it week one?

this is the ghetto rigged carbon filter- pc fan, pieces of carbon?

this is inside the lovebox- the fan is the only hole out, except for a hole the size of a quarter in the bottom for wires/air flow.

=regular sized pc fan

And here is the set up- looked everywhere for 12-12-12 fert, and could only find the massive bag of balls- so i threw a few hand fulls on the plant and watered thoroughly- that was two days ago- plants below!

(fert, and ventilation ideas appreciated)

This is the box's door frame- its lined with a squishy material that makes it light and air tight. I hope this will help push the air through the carbon filter.

And finally, here is the plant in it's beauty- its the last of two- it's sister died for some reason :(. This one had me worried with what looked like nitrogen deficiency- but after i fertilized it, the new leaves look fair.


here is the problem leafs
they are at the bottom, on of the first leaves to sprout- but notice how its only on the tips :/

and the verrryyy first leaves that grew from the ground are gone :(

one last look

and so there you have it-

I know I need better nutrients, and should I worry with the smell? 700 sq-ft apt, sealed closet, sealed box?

what do you think of the plant? 2 weeks into 20/4?

lastly, help me get a perpetual grow! I can cut the box in half, add a new light- add another box the same size, or half the size- basically this is a box for two, growing one- and I would like to have a harvest around every 2 months if possible of at least one plant? (this ak for sativa, and any good ideas for an indica?)

thanks for the input!


Istayz High

Well-Known Member
what's up man......I am glad you are exited about your grow. I alway get excited when I start growing. pretty cool hobby.

Well I think your plant will be fine pending fixing a couple of things.

1. you have some twisting going on maybe due to over fert or heat stress. what are your temps, ph balances, lighting conditions, things like that.
2. if you don't give the plants a good enviornment, the smell will be the last of your worries so get that stuff under control.

Good luck I hope it turns out well.
its 150 hps, i think its time to move the light up some?

i put a handful or so of that fertilizer pictured in- but i still haven't purchased the ph meter yet, so i dunno- that was two days before those pictures were taken?


Istayz High

Well-Known Member
It's prob. way too hot, over nuted, and ph's all messed up.

If you want your baby to survive you need to get the temp down to 75 and get some circulation in there with a fan.

stop giving them such strong nutes.
It's prob. way too hot, over nuted, and ph's all messed up.

If you want your baby to survive you need to get the temp down to 75 and get some circulation in there with a fan.

stop giving them such strong nutes.

Ok, so i moved the light up (14 inches above the plant) But in doing so i dropped the light :( nothing broke, the plant looks ok- no burns, but im worried for it :( pics below

I also added a fan in the corner to help with the temps- do you have any recommendations for nutrients? aside from the 12-12-12 fertilizer pebbles i put on it, it has had no other nutrients

also, is my grow box big enough? (strain is ak-47)

plant two days after first pic, and after i dropped the light-


Istayz High

Well-Known Member
Any fox farm nutes or Sensi grow A & B.

You still need to ph balance your soil and your water.

You need to get a MH light to veg. It's not good to veg with red spec. lighting. You need blue. And you can take your light up more than that in that little space.
Any fox farm nutes or Sensi grow A & B.

You still need to ph balance your soil and your water.

You need to get a MH light to veg. It's not good to veg with red spec. lighting. You need blue. And you can take your light up more than that in that little space.
thanks so much for all the help! :-D

where do i get a MH light, and what kind?

i remember reading about sprays of ph^,PHv, but what do i get exactly?

ill raise the light up tomorrow- they are in the night cycle now :(

Istayz High

Well-Known Member
You can get an MH light from this sight or any hydroponics store near you.

you don't need any sprays. just get a ph pen and measure the ph of your water and soil if you can.