My first grow guys!


Well-Known Member
Thanks man I was wondering where you want and the kerala looks pitiful to me anyway the other plant looks better but hopefully when I get this high pH down it will look better I just can't wait for buds to start popping lol


Just water with lower ph, don't need to flush unless it is looking really bad.

your trimming then straight into flower is probably what did it, always should allow a week or two in veg before flipping if you have just stressed the plant, but no biggie it's all a learning curve.

my 4 clones darkstar and sage n sour are looking great and the 2 northern lights are slowly coming up (small stems, poor cuts). Just need to baby the NL a bit. Other than that going to check on my outdoor grow today, I put the other wwxs#1 and sns over there, probably just going to see if they can survive and get small harvest from them.

3 plants left in hydro are doing well, they had a bit of nitrogen toxicity when I boosted the nutes, so I eased off and adding ph water only to reservoir to bring the nutes down a bit, will flush with 1/4 strength next change and then keep them around 950-1050 ppm till week 4 (the darkstar and sns are much higher nute hogs than the wwxs#1, it seems very touchy)


looking good cdd, mine are also doing ok but a bit of nitro lockout so needed to flush and change nutes to a different ppm (clawing). Seems I am learning a lot about nutrient schedules in hydro, think a more little by little approach is better.

The flowers are all showing lots of hairs though and looking nice so will be happy when its week 5-6 and I start seeing some real bud development

Day 18 of flower now


Well-Known Member
Thanks man I know this sounds crazy but I'm thinking of cutting a section out of the top of the tent so I can hang lights from ceiling lol I have a feeling I might not have enough room.


Ha, have you been whiffing your plants to much, that there is crazy talk, haha.

my outdoor grow is looking horrid, to many heat waves, wind issues, half the leaves browned, dead or falling off... I don't see much success coming from this grow...not to big a deal but a lot learned from location and weather.. Never grown anything in this city as I just moved here, so learning about the environmental conditions, they are much harsher than other places in my country. Next season need to seriously consider wind proofing, location and a few other factors that would encourage growth, strain etc..need a much hardier outdoor strain than wwxs#1. Going to consider between now and then.

Any suggestions would be welcome since you have just been perusing seed banks. That new plant looks interesting, another sativa dom strain. Should be interesting as it looks like a stretcher.

this is what I was thinking, although I need to find a bigger grow spot with a flat surface outdoors, then add

something like this around the structure, tie the frame off to surrounding trees. It would make a 100% sun access sight but provide wind proofing and a certain degree of camouflage also.

will need to consider the pros and cons of this kind of setup, what do you think?


Another option would just be to add meshing to my current spot, but I'm considering two outdoor grow locations next season (don't put all your eggs in one basket kind of deal).


Well-Known Member
I'm not gonna cut the tent lol and that looks like a good idea to me and yeah my girlfriend wanted to pick a strain lol and a damn helicopter just flew over in my area kinda freaked me out because it was lower than they normally are and closer to my house but it just kept flying straight not in a circle or anything. Think I should be worried lol surely my 400w doesn't put off that much heat into the attic...

Also Yeah I was looking at weather in your neck of the world the other day and I was like Geez. Lol


Nah you should be fine I think a 400w doesn't really put off that much and there are always helicopters flying over.

Weather here is awful, I kind of gave up on the plants outside, just see what happens.

I am on day 19 of flower now really loving the flower growth, how about your girls?


Well-Known Member
I'm on day 12 they are starting to get some good flowers I am getting ready to put a tower fan in there to improve air movement. Finally got the money to get one lol


Well-Known Member
I think the tower fan I got might be too strong Idk. It's on lowest setting but is moving leaves pretty good..


Yeh those things can blow the air around, I always thought of using one of those if I end up getting a tent in the future.


Well-Known Member
Well shit I was trying to tie down the better looking plant and split the stem where I topped it. I just taped it fuck it lol


haha, shit happens. It will recover, you just want to flex the stem back and forth a lot before just pulling it over. Also some stems that are thicker have a lot more resistance so will snap easier if you try to die them down to much to soon.

Looked at flowers last night, seems like the yellowing of bottom leaves has stopped since reducing the nutes a bit so that's good. Its been raining for 2 days here now so it should be interesting to see when the sun comes out how the plants outside react. I remember when I used to grow up on the North east coast we got frequent rain showers there all the time, my plants absolutely loved it and I barely watered them so they would soak it all up and then shoot up like 1-2 feet within a week each time.

Have your flowers got many hairs yet or still developing?

I keep cutting all the bottom growth bit by bit as I want all the nutrients and energy going into developing the top colas rather than small bottom nugs under the canopy. Its sad to cut off stuff you know will develop into buds but if it means the top colas are way denser its worth it. I tried to count all the bud sites last night and stopped when I got to about 30, it will be really interesting to see how many from under the top of the canopy come up through as the buds start growing.


Well-Known Member
haha, shit happens. It will recover, you just want to flex the stem back and forth a lot before just pulling it over. Also some stems that are thicker have a lot more resistance so will snap easier if you try to die them down to much to soon.

Looked at flowers last night, seems like the yellowing of bottom leaves has stopped since reducing the nutes a bit so that's good. Its been raining for 2 days here now so it should be interesting to see when the sun comes out how the plants outside react. I remember when I used to grow up on the North east coast we got frequent rain showers there all the time, my plants absolutely loved it and I barely watered them so they would soak it all up and then shoot up like 1-2 feet within a week each time.

Have your flowers got many hairs yet or still developing?

I keep cutting all the bottom growth bit by bit as I want all the nutrients and energy going into developing the top colas rather than small bottom nugs under the canopy. Its sad to cut off stuff you know will develop into buds but if it means the top colas are way denser its worth it. I tried to count all the bud sites last night and stopped when I got to about 30, it will be really interesting to see how many from under the top of the canopy come up through as the buds start growing.
I hope it recovers! Lol and yeah I'm starting to get some hairs! :) I'll post pics tomorrow i don't feel like getting up lol I thought of trimming the kerala a bit more myself..


Sure it will, I posted up some flower shots on my grow journal. Love looking at them because I don't like to keep grow cupboard open to much as it encourages bugs etc so usually just a quick once over every day and check roots, underside of leaves etc. Then close it up and hope for more hairs and frostiness the next day. Looking forward to some fresh pictures of yours


Im going to go check on my soil grow tomorrow a little worried about it with all this massively fluctuating weather, its insane, we had the most rain in 2 days that my city has had ever in that time frame. There are floods up in the hills where rivers are overflowing and some people had to evacuate their homes. So far this summer we had 2 heat waves, flooding, 90+km/h winds and bush fires, its like what the hell is going on.