My first grow guys!


Well-Known Member
Okay so I got paranoid disregard the pic. You're right be patient about the whole sex thing haha all I can do is keep it happy and hope for the best. Still learning patience at every step of the process haha



Well-Known Member
Okay so I got paranoid disregard the pic. You're right be patient about the whole sex thing haha all I can do is keep it happy and hope for the best. Still learning patience at every step of the process haha
you should do what it feeding-watering-topping ( you should have already enstablish a healthy environment ) and be done with has to be fun and relaxing..;)


Well-Known Member
Also,i would suggest that if it is a healthy male that grows fast and has traits that you like,seperate it and let it grow.Harvest the pollen and use it for your seed production :)


Haha, that's a little bit early to start thinking about taking pollen on your first grow, unless you know that kerala is something you would want to keep going for a long time. I personally just think cloning is the way to go. Seeds are annoying and take up time in the germination process and sprouting, also not 100% germination rate all the time, not guaranteed a female etc. Clones may not take but the great thing about them is you can take 10 clones from one female plant and pick the ones that are strongest to grow out, saves weeks.

Your plants are looking good Cdd, did you end up adding anything for the yellowing leaf one, or it just came round?

I have brown spots on a wwxs#1, think its mag or cal deficiency (rest of hydro are looking healthy though), will give this plant a few days to a week to see if it changes, top growth is healthy just the leaves under the tops.
Plants outdoors are suffering massive heat wave with 105 + days all week, light burn still but not worse than it was before. I cant tell much growth but maybe you can tell me if they look bigger. I think the top growth looks healthy so I'm happy with how they are going, they are getting 5litres of water every 2 days this week as the soil is bone dry so quickly, with all the hot weather I think they are just sucking up the water.

Nice work on the free seed that's cool, checked out the strain looks like a good Sativa hybrid. Still waiting on my order from attitude, today will be day 6 since sent so still got to allow another 4-5 days before I start loosing hope (try 2).



Well-Known Member
Haha, that's a little bit early to start thinking about taking pollen on your first grow, unless you know that kerala is something you would want to keep going for a long time. I personally just think cloning is the way to go. Seeds are annoying and take up time in the germination process and sprouting, also not 100% germination rate all the time, not guaranteed a female etc. Clones may not take but the great thing about them is you can take 10 clones from one female plant and pick the ones that are strongest to grow out, saves weeks.

Your plants are looking good Cdd, did you end up adding anything for the yellowing leaf one, or it just came round?

I have brown spots on a wwxs#1, think its mag or cal deficiency (rest of hydro are looking healthy though), will give this plant a few days to a week to see if it changes, top growth is healthy just the leaves under the tops.
Plants outdoors are suffering massive heat wave with 105 + days all week, light burn still but not worse than it was before. I cant tell much growth but maybe you can tell me if they look bigger. I think the top growth looks healthy so I'm happy with how they are going, they are getting 5litres of water every 2 days this week as the soil is bone dry so quickly, with all the hot weather I think they are just sucking up the water.

Nice work on the free seed that's cool, checked out the strain looks like a good Sativa hybrid. Still waiting on my order from attitude, today will be day 6 since sent so still got to allow another 4-5 days before I start loosing hope (try 2).
I haven't added anything yet man they haven't needed to be watered yet. But the stems are turning purple on one of my bagseed. Not the main stem, it's green, but the rest turned purple Idk why...


Well-Known Member
Hm that's weird though the other bagseed came from the same weed but it has green stems.. Lol and they were green before the transplant. Maybe it is in a little shock? Or maybe you're right. Just genetics..because it still looks healthy..


Well-Known Member
Yeah Matt they look bigger than they did before sorry I just woke up and didn't read all your post until now :) that's hotttt and good to know your hydro is doing well maybe you can fly over and teach me how to do hydro lmao


maybe I can fly over and smoke all your tasty weed strains you have by then, haha.

I would really like to go to America again and perhaps this time can visit the cannabis cup, that would be cool. Due to other commitments which I don't want to post on forums it will be hard to go anywhere other than travelling within Australia in the next few years.

I am planning to go to our Nymbin weed festival this year in May if I have the time, wont cost much to drive there and most people just camp out, so accommodation is basically free. The only shit thing about it is they have police searching vehicles on every road into town around the time of this festival, so if you want to bring any of your own buds your screwed. It is really easy to buy weed in Nymbin but the quality and price can vary a fair bit.

Legalization would really assist in making that festival so much more free, although police really have given up in recent years trying to stop people who are smoking or arrest many people as it just isn't worth the effort.

Basically if you see a police man coming you throw your joint on the ground, and act innocent, chances of arrest are slim.


Well-Known Member
Lol I didn't think so. I know that's why I'm so damn paranoid Lmao i am really putting some effort into it lol I been reading how to increase female ratios and stuff. Being bagseed ya never know though lol what about those purple stems on that one plant? Don't worry just keep doing what I'm doing? I'm not gonna change a thing until I know there is a real problem KISS right?
Matts probably getting tired of me worrying about sex lmao


Haha, nah I got my own problems 105+ degree temps! but still hydro is thriving. I changed to constant water feed schedule, afraid the roots will dry out, so hopefully it doesn't mess with the nutrients for the plants like last time, they are much bigger now though so I doubt it will. It's so hot the plants just sucking up all the water they can get.

sex is sex who isn't interested in it:-P.
I wuldnt worry bout those stems,I jus fed my plants dam they were thirsty I usually give them a gallon of water and had to give them n extra gallon,I went on how the plants look