
Well-Known Member
over nute is what i am thinking
ya it def was, i poured straight pH balanced water into the rw and it started growing. HOWEVER i went camping on monday and just got back today (wednesday) so i had to leave my babies unattended again :-|

Before i left, i put a 12" oscillating fan on high in the box right on the plants, and my ac on high cool, with all heaters off in the house. The temps when i got back were:
air - 47 F
water - 49 F ....... !

it just about killed the sprout, the other two larger ones are ok with a lot of younger new leaf growth. i think i can save the sprout.. im gonna change out the reservoir and then ill upload some pics.. thanks for anybody who is following any of this:hug::weed:


Well-Known Member

water - 67.7 F
air - 71 F

i think i can keep this consistent, im still playing with the ac and shit trying to see what it takes to keep a good stable enviro. ill upload some pics in a sec, so baked ;D


Well-Known Member

water - 67.7 F
air - 71 F

i think i can keep this consistent, im still playing with the ac and shit trying to see what it takes to keep a good stable enviro. ill upload some pics in a sec, so baked ;D

Day 41

week 2 veg

water - 62.7 F
air - 71 F
Humidity - 40% (how can i rAIse this???)
pH - 7.0 (gave it a new feeding yesterday it was about 6.08 currently adjusting it now as we speak, i use color drop pH tester btw)
ppm of this feeding solution is 1100 (i dont have a meter tho)

My veg formula (per gallon) is....

BC Boost 3 tsp (15ml)
BC Grow 1.5 tsp (7.5 ml)
Thrive Alive B-1 Red 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml)
MagiCal 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml)
SugarDaddy 2 tsp (10 ml)

....The first week i changed to veg and gave them this formula full strength, they started doin the lean on me so i flushed em and gave them 1/2 strength last saturday and this wednesday i flushed them again and gave them 3/4 strength.

What do you guys think?



Well-Known Member
oh yeah also i topped the two plants yesterday, so they may be experiencing a slight shock therapy for another day or two


Well-Known Member
I want to prune and cut off all the big ugly leaves that were damaged because they are blocking alot of smaller leaves from getting light, would this be ok to do at this point?


Well-Known Member
yes taking a few bad leaves wont hurt the plant
k heres what my plants look like now, i hope i didnt cut too many:shock:

Lights fell on the plant in the front when i was readjusting them:evil: hopefully she will come back to us ok...

i also just made two homemade co2 bottles that should be cock-diesel ready to go in two days after i shake it up enough. i used a bottle of water half full and a spoonful of yeast and sugar, with a small hole in the lid.

heres the pics after the cutting



Well-Known Member
I want to prune and cut off all the big ugly leaves that were damaged because they are blocking alot of smaller leaves from getting light, would this be ok to do at this point?

Hey bro, be careful with pruning dont go crazy like i did, those big fan leaves are like solar panels to ur plant, they just soak up all that light and feed the rest of the plant man. It will hurt your overall yield. Even tho i grew soil, its all the same. You should not take leaves off just tie them down to move the light to some of the lower nodes. Looks awesome so far, i would def like to try a hydro setup one day!


Well-Known Member
Well bascially what i was trying to say before was you should prolly not take too many off at 1 time i had a whole vase full of them, prolly 1 o 2 every couple days to get that nice canopy....not tryin to bag on his grow


Well-Known Member
why do you say that?
i think the co2 bottles are ready to be added because they create pressure everytime i shake them up now...

im fuckeddd upp tho:sleep: ill update with temps and shit tomorrow.... what do you guys wanna see particularly?


Well-Known Member
checked on the plants today, pH fluctuates so fast turning basic. babies are eating FAST!

both plants developed a bit of purple in the stems (stress indicator correct?). I must have cut too many in one sitting, oh well..

The plants are reacting greatly to the topping tho, more bud sites are opening up for availability and i think both plants grew about a half inch or so last night (prolly just recovered from the topping)


Well-Known Member
i just got some botanicare sweet its a carb blast i am waiting to see what it does
i have no idea what that is but goodluck!

heres some more pics, i took a cutting (1 from each plant) in an attempt to clone(first time trying) im really baked right now so what im gonna do is upload the pics then ill describe everything later