My First Grow Ever! White Dwarf


they look fine.
you should not water more than once every 5 days in your situation, if the temps are below 30°C.

In your stage I water once every 10-15 days.

Once you get watering issue managed everything will be pretty easy.

What nutes are you giving them?
Thanks McFonz, When i moved them from the party cups to the bigger pots i realized I was watering them too much, the soil was still really damp halfway down. Thanks for the info about watering frequency, that'll help a lot.

As far as nutes go, I'm using "Fox Farm's Grow Big"


Well-Known Member
Glad I could help :)

There's a simple way to gauge the water content in the pots - lift the pots.
If they are dry enough they should be REALLY light.


Well-Known Member
Is that the light or are they really that yellow?

They look very yellow to me.

If so, reduce your feeding to half the dose to make sure its not an antegonism effect of over-fertilizing.
As you'r low on N (yellowing) get back to high N (growth formula) fertilizer along with the high P and k fertilizer (blooming formula) - quarter of the recommanded dose on each should do the trick.
If you have some micro elements suplement it would help the plant recover.

You should aim to keep your leaves green all the way to the final flush. Yellow leaves means that the plant have problem getting nutes from the roots and that it is using its stored energy.
As a grower our mission is giving the plant the conditions in which it will be able to take what it needs properly.


Is that the light or are they really that yellow?

They look very yellow to me.

If so, reduce your feeding to half the dose to make sure its not an antegonism effect of over-fertilizing.
As you'r low on N (yellowing) get back to high N (growth formula) fertilizer along with the high P and k fertilizer (blooming formula) - quarter of the recommanded dose on each should do the trick.
If you have some micro elements suplement it would help the plant recover.

You should aim to keep your leaves green all the way to the final flush. Yellow leaves means that the plant have problem getting nutes from the roots and that it is using its stored energy.
As a grower our mission is giving the plant the conditions in which it will be able to take what it needs properly.
Thanks McFonz, yeah the leaves are starting to turn yellow, and some of them stems are looking kinda purple. I think I have been giving them too much nutes. I'll cut them way back and hopefully they can recover.


Well-Known Member
Some seedlings do get the light color to them but that only has to do with them first starting out and just getting their own system established. As far as getting the light too close, if you're using cfls the closer the better until they touch. As far as watering, I wait until the soil pulls from the side of the container before watering. This method allows the soil to dry out and the roots to get oxygen. Allow them to start turning yellow before giving nutrients. Depending on how many times you transplant between now and then you may not even need nutes. What soil are you using? What are your cab dimensions? In regards to spectrums here is a little chart for you to help better understand spectrum and the way the plants use the light.

I just realized I had only read the first page of this thread before typing this all out but here it is anyway