My First Grow Ever! White Dwarf


Active Member
yea it look like in one of thoes pictures u did not have that tap root burried... u want to make sure u have a nice hole down to the bottom of the cup... but not to where the seed while fall down far.. u want the seed just below the root..u want to make sure that tap root goes down... make sure u let your soil get just kinda dry at this young stage.. than watter.. make sure you ph your watter... no nuts tell 3 weeks or so... lights u want to be perty close to the little fuckers... as soon as u see the first 2 leaves pop get thoes cfls 2 1/2in away.. you dont want them to streach lots ... more light more grow... get a fan.. get a temp gage with himunity gage... my thoughts piece homie


yea it look like in one of thoes pictures u did not have that tap root burried... u want to make sure u have a nice hole down to the bottom of the cup... but not to where the seed while fall down far.. u want the seed just below the root..u want to make sure that tap root goes down... make sure u let your soil get just kinda dry at this young stage.. than watter.. make sure you ph your watter... no nuts tell 3 weeks or so... lights u want to be perty close to the little fuckers... as soon as u see the first 2 leaves pop get thoes cfls 2 1/2in away.. you dont want them to streach lots ... more light more grow... get a fan.. get a temp gage with himunity gage... my thoughts piece homie
Yeah, that shot was taken before i covered up the seeds. Right now i have just the HPS on, seemed kinda pointless to have the cfl's on so far away. I have the HPS sitting about 18 inches above the cups, i figure if it was any closer i could dry out the soil.

thanks for the help.



Active Member
u dont need light to get the seed to pop.. u wont nice worm humid place. tell it pops out of the ground. then give it light.. hps is too much.. just move the cups under the cfls on the side of the box when the time comes.. u dont need hps for few weeks overkill.. make sure cfls are 6500k or 5000k full spec.. 6500 is daylight..


u dont need light to get the seed to pop.. u wont nice worm humid place. tell it pops out of the ground. then give it light.. hps is too much.. just move the cups under the cfls on the side of the box when the time comes.. u dont need hps for few weeks overkill.. make sure cfls are 6500k or 5000k full spec.. 6500 is daylight..
Thats great, i feel like a dumbass for not thinking to move the cups under the cfl's(in my defense, i have had a lot to drink tonight:lol:). thanks bruntyman



Three out of five have poked their heads out, its pretty awesome seeing that first spec of green. Sorry for the crappy pics, my camera sucks.:neutral:

When is the best time to start watering them? Do I just wait until the top of the soil feels/looks dry?




Active Member
yea just make sure it is not too dry at this state.. u never want your roots to dry out while they are this young... as soon as u get like 3 set of leaves let it get nice and dry on top.. just feel your cup after u watter than feel it the next day. and so on so forth.. than u will know when to watter just by the weight of the pot... with the burning i have cfls like 2 fingers away... if its does not burn your finger its not burning your plant.. u dont need much light now when they are so small.. one thing i wanted to point out and stress a little is the wattering.. if u watter too much your roots never have to go looking for watter thus now alowing the plant to thrive.. u want the plant alwies seeking out watter this makes for much bigger root sistem.. thus u get bigger plant.. bigger buds.. keep cfls 3 in or so should be good.. u dont need humidey on the 3 that have poped... u can check my jurnal out if u want it called 6 strain test... l8ter


yea just make sure it is not too dry at this state.. u never want your roots to dry out while they are this young... as soon as u get like 3 set of leaves let it get nice and dry on top.. just feel your cup after u watter than feel it the next day. and so on so forth.. than u will know when to watter just by the weight of the pot... with the burning i have cfls like 2 fingers away... if its does not burn your finger its not burning your plant.. u dont need much light now when they are so small.. one thing i wanted to point out and stress a little is the wattering.. if u watter too much your roots never have to go looking for watter thus now alowing the plant to thrive.. u want the plant alwies seeking out watter this makes for much bigger root sistem.. thus u get bigger plant.. bigger buds.. keep cfls 3 in or so should be good.. u dont need humidey on the 3 that have poped... u can check my jurnal out if u want it called 6 strain test... l8ter
Thanks for the info man.:lol:


Active Member
good deal bro.... just wait.... is is so cool growing your own.. just got to smoke some sample buds that i got and mmmmm... make me feel good about all my efforts.... its looking good though... l8ter


Day 7, plants getting bigger every hour it seems. They have been under eight 6500k cfl's. Within the next day or so I think i'll fire up the HPS.



Day 13
They girls started to look kinda yellowish, so I gave the some nutes and that seemed to make a huge difference. I did overwater the hell out of them on accident, they looked kinda droopy so i figured they wanted more water, nope, they wanted less, found out the hard way when they looked really crappy and sad. Starting to look a lot better now. Oh well, live and learn.



Well-Known Member
they look fine.
you should not water more than once every 5 days in your situation, if the temps are below 30°C.

In your stage I water once every 10-15 days.

Once you get watering issue managed everything will be pretty easy.

What nutes are you giving them?