My first grow ever scrog week 1 to week 4 pics


This is my first grow ever using 2 600 watt lights cool tubes vegged first 2 weeks with t5s pannel 8 bulbs it's a recirculating hydro buckets gravity feed on bottem then gets pumped from rez to top with a 350gph pump..first I started just with bubble buckets them changed half way through here's couple pics the 1 week and now 4 week they have blowen up very nicely



Thanks only problem is today was pruning found webs underneath stupidbspider mites lol all taken care of now I hope


Well-Known Member
Thanks only problem is today was pruning found webs underneath stupidbspider mites lol all taken care of now I hope
be careful with spider mites, buy some azamax and spray on and under the leaves until you know theyre gone, you can also buy some lady bugs (1500 for $11) they definitely help make sure your grow is safe! My roomate had a grow with 9 plants, flipped to flower; 2 weeks later spider mites everywhere and its too late to spray once you're budding. As a result he had one hermie and had to scrap the entire grow.


Well-Known Member
great first grow btw, i'm still trying to make sure i got everything down in coco before i jump to hydro, but very good idea doing a scrog grow, i was extremely pleased with my results, i'm sure you will be too!