My first grow ever (closet)

Aurora Borealis

Active Member
I started these seeds the first week of april, 2008 and this is what I've got. The lighting started off a bit scarce and caused some stretching, but is better now. My babies could still use some more light I'm sure, but I am broke and am paranoid about the electricity bill bringing attention to itself. Right now, I have 2 75w Grow Spectrum Flouros and 1 75w cfl. Anyhow, any advice is much appreciated. Also, I am curious as to how close I am to flowering the big one...You will know which one it is by the pics. Ok, thanks to all in advance and happy high times!



Well-Known Member
Still looks a bit small to me . . . you may be better off waiting a bit longer if you want a decent little stash harvest.

Aurora Borealis

Active Member
Ok, i will wait. At this rate, with the biggest one (on the left) being about 7 weeks much more time do you guess i'll need b4 flowering? Thanks for the post....


Well-Known Member
I see what you're saying . . . at 7 weeks I (personally) think it should be taller/bigger. You can 12/12 it anytime now . . . it'll likely fill out as it changes over to flower mode, to maybe twice it's current size? It should be ready to flower at 7 weeks?
Is it possibly root bound? Per your pics, the planter doesn't look very big.

Aurora Borealis

Active Member
yea its not very big or full..but it does look healthy. The only thing is the burnt leaves that you can see from the pics..the cfl was too close so i caused that. What size pots should they be in at this point? i dont want to restrict the root system...thanks for your help

Aurora Borealis

Active Member
Yea, i think i will have to upscale the pots...runin out of space! thanks for the tips. also, is topping worth a shit? i topped 2/3 and i have a new one coming up...wondering if i should top it as well. The other 3 have split nicely into their respective directions. Lastly, will I end up with 2 colas?


Well-Known Member
You'd only want to increase your pot size by about 1/3rd all around (1/3rd deeper, 1/3rd larger to the sides) . . . if you get a too much bigger container, your plant will spend a lot of time and energy growing roots and your foliage/bud growth will really slow down until the new roots expand. I've seen a lot of thriving plants get transplanted into way too big containers, and stop growing. They generally start again, but time is lost.


Well-Known Member
Sorry hit the return button on accident,
you need a HPS light asap! I ran my first grow from sept-dec and was way nervous about the power bill too. I bought a 400 watt HPS and it upped my power bill by about 10-15$ a month. that is nothing. The hps lights are designed to give maximum lumens for minimum power consumption and are way worth the investment! I started flowering at 4 weeks with 12" plants, i used floros until the plants had the 2nd set of nodes then switched to the hps and it was amazing the plants freaked out and grew like crazy! You can find 250 or 400 watt hps lights on ebay for 125$. Sell some shit on ebay and buy a good light, it will pay off in huge proportions, and its CHEAP! But yea flower now on the big plant, with your floros you'll have thin popcorn buds instead of fat, dense, beer bottle size colas like you get with an hps

cheers and happy growing
rock on for planting the seed!


Well-Known Member
U Sed Dey Ben Growing For 7 Weeks Well To Me It Looks Like There Going To Grow Up Bushy Instead Of Real Tall I Would Let Em Grow For 2 or 3 more Weeks At The Max. N What Is Your Lighting Schedule


Well-Known Member
yo man, what's the update on your babies?!?! Mine have been getting out of control ;) haha...i'm gonna update tomorrow morning. But let me know how they are doing....

Aurora Borealis

Active Member
ok ya sorry i will update...just got back from a funeral out of town, bum deal. Anyhow, they are getting out of control as well! pics coming soon. i will look for yours too. peace out


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about that man..hopefully everything is ok...but taking pics right now....

Aurora Borealis

Active Member
Kushmaster: they have been on 24hr since their birth and have loved every second. I just recently switched the big one to 12-12 to induce flowering. here are new pics of the babies. ALso, ur exactly right that they are bushy except the 2nd biggest one is a different strain and is more skinny and tall than the "master" ;) Tyee: I appreciate it man, all is well in the cycle of life. Now for the new pics....