My first grow DWC and soil, With room setup and build.


Active Member
Hello this is my first real actual post here and I figured id start it off with the project ive been working on for a lil over 5 weeks now. Its a Collection of pictures documenting my current grow op, and the construction of the rooms involved, with detailed pictures of what has worked for me and what hasn't. This thread by no means is here to say ha im better than you or mine works better. Its just a thread for me to share with you all here on roll it up the success and downfalls ive experiences so far. So enjoy... (uploading pics here in a lil bit after i find a good host website)

My DWC setup is made up of 5 gallon buckets with 5" net pot lids,im running hydroton, Active air 12 bar splitter with pump, Im running Fox Farm nutrients. Hanna PH meter (some weird named EC ppm and temp pen). My Soil plants are in fox farm soil, with fox farm nutes. In Veg im running 2 T5 4ft 8 bulbs, and in flower im running 2 NextGen 1k, with Agrosun bulbs. *Interesting fact to note, all my clones came from dirt rooting cubes, not hydro or rockwool, so it was an interesting experiment for me cross planting them into dwc. I washed off all the roots,carefully and from there on out put them in the net pots with hydroton, and voila!

I managed to save some money, by running Harbor freight temp/humidity meters for 9.99$ a piece, Harbor freight irrigation kit 150ft + attatchments for 10$, My infrared lazer temp gun was a harbor freight one but it was on sale and some newb let me use a 20% off coupon on it. Needless to say it was a steal. My timers are all harbor freight digital timers same thing you'll see in hydrofarm or sunleaves from titan or apollo or whatever, but i got them all for sale at harbor freight for 8.99$ vres 20+. Now trust me im not one to buy cheap shit or skimp out and take shortcuts (USUALLY). But with the savings i saved on just this stuff not to mention shopping around at my local grow stores, I managed to buy more things I needed.

The first picture is how I ran the ducting from my portable air conditioner in my Veg room to my dryer out vent.(I used insulated because I bought the regular sun leaves flexible 6" ducting and it repetitively ripped over and over, and I got just flat out frustrated with it).I used screw hooks and 36" zip ties to secure it. The good thing is its only a couple more dollars for the same amount of Insulated flexbile ducting as the regular stuff.

The second picture is of the door I framed in and made for my Veg room.

The third pic is of the wall i had to construct to completely seal my Veg room, and a picture of both T5's one all the way up to the ceiling hung using pro grips(a fav of mine now), and the other over a fresh batch of clones.

The fourth picture is of the 2nd T5 i bought and have hung which I will be using to put the bigger plants in veg under.

In the fifth picture you can see my clones on a bucket in a prop tray gettting their clone on. Note the horrible mylar job.. for some reason nothing would hold that stuff up in my basement even after washing the walls.... le sigh I think I'm gonna give Orca Film a try.

The sixth picture is of the ducting for the air conditioner running out of the room along the ducting on the ceiling which connects to the left side of the ducting as seen in picture one.

~*~*Well when uploading the rest of them apparently they got outta order so ill try my best to describe whats going on.*~*~

The 7th picture is what my flowering room looks like now constructed how i want it. Insulated ducting on the air conditioner, Stationary ground fan on the air pump, Oscillating fan on the plants, and IR blocker on the walls.

Picture eight is of the "exhaust wall" and the original Sun leaves ducting I used(NEVER AGAIN!!!) which of course ripped on me while i was out eating dinner and i came home to a 96 degree room... Good picture of the Ir blocker at work. Note in the picture is my Active air 6" exhaust fan.

In the 9th picture is a better picture of the air conditioner and pump with the stationary fan( i wouldn't recommend the fan i have in this picture as it has a weird blowing pattern but its what i had to work with so...)

In the tenth picture is when I had just hung up the lights and turned them on for a dry run to see what i could get the temp up to with just the lights on and no exhaust or anything.. 107 after a half hr or so (gogo IR blocker)

The eleventh picture shows again another shot of the air conditioner in the room but with the garage sun leaves ducting on it (which as I stated earlier ripped apart while I was out to eat and came home to a room full of plants at 96 degrees).

The 12th & 13th pictures show the room after I got done hanging Ir blocker on half of it, and the brace to hang the lights from.

In picture 14 You can see just my basic fan and pump setup with my plants that are in soil behind it.(a little Mothership Ak and ThaiSkunk).

The 15th picture is just after I had hooked up my air conditioner and the garbage sunleaves ducting.

In the 16th picture you can see both lights hanging going for a exhaustless dry run.

Number 17 is a sideways shot of the door I built into my flowering room.

In picture 18 is both my 1ks running while i was hooking up the first exhaust(plants are in there because i sorta was rushed with work to get them into the flowering room the night before. I had the exhaust hooked up within 10 minutes after this picture).

19 is a picture of the outside of my flowering room.

20 is a picture of the ladies chillin under 2k worth of next gen love. DWC on the left and Soil on the right.

21 & 22 are the ladies under the lights before I had to replace the ducting with insulated.

23 is of the room after it was finished but before I IR blocked it.

Picture 24,25,27 Is of the newly installed insulated flexible ducting running smooth against the Ir blocked walls and working on keeping the room cooled, 24 is of the ducting hooked to the exhaust fan, 25 is of it hooked to the lights, and 27 hooked to the air conditioner.

Picture 26 is of the outside of the room right after i was done constructing it.

Image 28 is of the insulated 6" ducting being ran out of the room outside. Soon to plumb it into the house ducting as you can see the hole in the upper left hand corner im gonna put it in.

Picture 29 is of my work shop i built it all in.

30 and 31 are of my next gen 1000 ballast's and the electrical outlets I wired in to power them on their own 20 amp fuses.

32 Is of my ladies 4 weeks old in sepia.

33 shows My Mothership to the 11th dimension of hyperspace!?!?!( thats what i said but its what the dispensiary in cally called the seeds) At about 2-3 weeks in soil.

34 is of the ladies at about a week.(after their 2 week cutting/rooting time)

35 is of LA Confidential after 2 weeks In DWC.

The 36th picture is of the clones I took for a buddy off some trimming I had did.

37 is of my Thai Skunk that I dwarfed due to over watering at about 3 weeks old ( I've since started cutting back on the watering and it appears to be recovering well).

The 38th picture is of my mothership at about 3-4 weeks.

Number 39 was of the ladies at about 2 weeks.

~*~ Thanks for taking the time to read or at least check out my photos sorry for them being so disorganized i dont know how that happened but ill update it soon, with some flowering pics as I just put them in yesterday and been working all day on the exhaust. Take care*~*~



Active Member
Sorry about the cluttered first post, I was trying to figure out how to make multiple replies with the pictures in a timeline but im pretty tired. Tell me what you think!


Active Member
Having a little problem with the exhusting of hot air in my room posted a thread abotu it if anyone has any suggestions all the infos over there more pictures to come of my new exhaust work hopefully.. and the ladies as they keep matureing. Thanks for tuning in. any criticizim is welcome