Well-Known Member
what about that pvc liner stuff, thats white on one side and black on the other? i got rolls of that for like 30 bucks..
hahaha what the fuck, people these days, 50 -60% of what i learned was from "han's Sea of Green, closet cultivation, i just use a four plant system
nice, right now I'm just a little worried for space for the mother, i need to trim and clone her enough that it wont kill her but will also supply me with 10-8 clones every two weeks, that and possibly the smell, i have a 170cfm fan, and two carbon activated filters, which will be blowing out my window, any thoughts on this?
yeah thats what im asking, im just concerned guests will come over and smell it from my basement back roomNot quite sure what you are asking?
Will it take up too much space?
Will those carbon f's take care of the smell?
Is that what you are asking?
I would top and pick and bend anything else leftover, for the absolute best strategy for growth, side bushing and clonage....
What do you mean by cab? yield? cause im hoping for around 20g a plant, so 80g every two weeks
You're going to have light leaks between your chambers. You're not going to have enough light to produce any good amount of bud, you'll be lucky to get 8 not 80 grams. Once you address 1 and 2 you're going to have heat problems. You're either stealth or you aren't, and you aren't, so you may as well have bought a lil 2x2 tent and a 150 hps for half the price. Sorry for being blunt but you pretty much blew $270 but at least you had fun building it! It's all a good learning experience in the end.
how are you harvesting every 2 weeks?
I got some G13xAmnesiaHaze that has been in flower for 12 weeks and it is still not done
Have you grown 1 gram yet? let alone 80!
clones 2 weeks, rooted clones 2 weeks, 1st bud stage two weeks, 2nd bud stage 2 weeks
i have an over lapping system of 4 plants growing, technically ill be growing 8 budding plants, 8 rooted clones and 10+ clones
and im growing the church, so 8 weeks, and is 20g/24" plant impossible, no, most SOG growers average between 15g-32g from 12-18 inch plants
i have seen people do this with a set up of soil and florescent lights
not trying to be a buzzkill but even if you stuffed this thing full of plants the lighting you have will never be able to generate that much bud at one time, my last harvest from my hps was 39 grams and the one before that only got 28 grams. it really boils down to the lighting .incandecents and cfls just dont have the spectrum and lumens that a hps would. some might disagree and i have seen big harvests from cfls but with a cab so small if you crammed enough cfls in there to get your lighting to par youll be dealing with a major heat issue. a good thing about a hps is that you can mount the ballast in a seperate area to keep the heat out. i think youll find an hps with a cooltube the best for your cab.i use one and i swear by it.i got mine for 60 bucks used. and made a cooltube out of a hurricane glass and yes, foiltape lol