
Well-Known Member
2am, short temper may have gotten the best of me, so first I'll check if that post is directed at my Roseman?


Well-Known Member
Ah, yea. I got really paranoid half way through the journal because I started getting errors on photobucket that I had never seen before. I had my profile on there with all my real info and I got a little freaked out. I cancelled the account and made a new one. I didn't really think it through I suppose. I still have all the pictures, but I would just have to re-upload them.

Knickers, the styrofoam I have here is about the same thickness as that. You guys keep telling me not to use net pots though, so I guess I'm not going to be cutting them to fit the cup. Regardless, I think the collars I made up are working now, but thanks for the heads up with it. I'm gonna go in there now and see how they are looking. I think that at least 2 of them are done. I may chuck them and cut some new ones. I'm also going to put clear cups on all of them as individual humidity domes.

Also, Shack, you said something about getting some serious clones cut. You guys are confusing me and hopping all over. Originally I was told small stem, very few leaves, leaves in half. Now it's sounding like thicker stem, more branches, more leaves, full leaves? Haha, I'm not frustrated or anything about it, I'm just confused and want the best output.


Well-Known Member
You dont want small stems and underdeveloped growth. Go for clones that have a good 3mm-4mm stem at least. You dont have to use the tip of the branch to clone, its fine to make 2-3 clones out of 1 single branch if its long enough.

You don't have to use net pots, but I find it a lot easier to use net pots as it gives a wider edge against which to jam the styrafoam disks, and alsi provides some added support to the roots of the plants as they grow through it. Obviously though if youre transplanting from a cloner to your veg/flower system and not transferring the net pots then this is going to be a problem, and is the most important reason why its not always appropriate to use net pots.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Knickers, even if I don't understand your devil units of measurement, I'm sure I can get it done =P


Well-Known Member
Alright, so one of the clones I took looked decent, the others were shit. I went ahead and chucked the 3 bad ones. I made 3 new cuts. I got a little bit thicker stems with some better growth, just some overall more healthy sectors. I used clonex this time and they are also each under their own humidity dome. Rounnnnnnd 2: Ding Ding

Oh, and buds are getting pretty tasty looking. I do have a question though. On some of the colas, the bud is growing really really thin. Is there any real reason for this? Or does it just kinda happen? I'm asking just because some are huge and thick while those are thin, more green, less hairs, and growing slower.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Alright, so one of the clones I took looked decent, the others were shit. I went ahead and chucked the 3 bad ones. I made 3 new cuts. I got a little bit thicker stems with some better growth, just some overall more healthy sectors. I used clonex this time and they are also each under their own humidity dome. Rounnnnnnd 2: Ding Ding

Oh, and buds are getting pretty tasty looking. I do have a question though. On some of the colas, the bud is growing really really thin. Is there any real reason for this? Or does it just kinda happen? I'm asking just because some are huge and thick while those are thin, more green, less hairs, and growing slower.
Assuming they are receiving the same amount of light, nutes, etc., this is simply a case of genetics - some are better, some are worse - take clones from the ones that are growing fat buds quickly.


Elite Rolling Society
Ah, yea. I got really paranoid half way through the journal because I started getting errors on photobucket that I had never seen before. I had my profile on there with all my real info and I got a little freaked out. I cancelled the account and made a new one. I didn't really think it through I suppose. I still have all the pictures, but I would just have to re-upload them.

Knickers, the styrofoam I have here is about the same thickness as that. You guys keep telling me not to use net pots though, so I guess I'm not going to be cutting them to fit the cup. Regardless, I think the collars I made up are working now, but thanks for the heads up with it. I'm gonna go in there now and see how they are looking. I think that at least 2 of them are done. I may chuck them and cut some new ones. I'm also going to put clear cups on all of them as individual humidity domes.

Also, Shack, you said something about getting some serious clones cut. You guys are confusing me and hopping all over. Originally I was told small stem, very few leaves, leaves in half. Now it's sounding like thicker stem, more branches, more leaves, full leaves? Haha, I'm not frustrated or anything about it, I'm just confused and want the best output.
well, you are reposting pics now, could you go back to your thread and post the comparison pics???


Well-Known Member
Roseman, I think he meant to say "was that post directed at ME Roseman" not my. Also, it wasn't it was directed at me haha. All is well.

I can definitely do that, I'll get on it.

Bob, I'm only taking clones from my snow white momma so no worries on taking clones from the stronger growing bud ones.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Roseman, I think he meant to say "was that post directed at ME Roseman" not my. Also, it wasn't it was directed at me haha. All is well.

I can definitely do that, I'll get on it.

Bob, I'm only taking clones from my snow white momma so no worries on taking clones from the stronger growing bud ones.
If memory serves, it's your bagseed flowering, no? Who knows how good it'll be, so I'd highly recommend taking some clones from the good ones, just in case you wanna keep that strain alive.

Obviously your call, but I'd definitely do that.


Well-Known Member
Bob, yea, I honestly have NEVER thought about that. I think I am so stuck in my mindset of "ew bagseed crap not good headies blah blah" and "mmm named strand expensive fem seeds this is great" you know?

Sadly I'm out of slots in my bubbler. hmmm


Well-Known Member
Ok I have an important request!

Can you please take pics detailing each major step of your cloning process? Maybe we can "spot" the problem because 1/4 just aint good enough! Also, pleeease take pics of anything before you want to throw it. A clone can take 1-2 weeks to show roots, so throwing out anything before then might be premature. Anyway, sounds like you have 1 success! Nubs/bumps on the stem at all?

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Bob, yea, I honestly have NEVER thought about that. I think I am so stuck in my mindset of "ew bagseed crap not good headies blah blah" and "mmm named strand expensive fem seeds this is great" you know?

Sadly I'm out of slots in my bubbler. hmmm
You're about five weeks into flowering, yeah?

If so, I'd definitely take a clone off of the biggest and best flowering plant you've got - would be a pity if it turned out to be great smoke and you lost it forever.

The clone will take a while to root and revert back to veg growth, but that's not the worst thing in the world.

However, the longer you delay, the longer it's gonna take to root and grow.


Well-Known Member
Bob, LIke I said, I have no where to put one of the clones from her. Also, I would hate to still be fucking around killing clones and waste one from my flowering girls. I do agree though, getting a clone from her wouldnt be a bad idea.


Well-Known Member
Heres an idea, just take a clone the old fashioned way. A good starter potting mix (or hey... some alright dirt you scooped from someones gaden bed) in a tray you can put a clear plastic cup over. Voila!


Well-Known Member
Hey Fred, thanks for stopping by man. It's a shame all my older pictures are gone, you aren't aware of half of the stupid shit that I have had going on in this grow haha. Knickers, I don't wanna transfer from soil to hydro man. Also, if I did anything I would do that one method that is on this site somewhere that is just cloning 100% in water. That's it. The guy has a 100% success rate with it.


Well-Known Member
They're Alive!!!

I am very happy to say that I have 4 clones that have survived the night. Still no nubs or anything, but they are alive, not even wilting! I did raise the water level in their tub a bit to get more splashing up to them and like I said yesterday I also now am using clear cups as humidity domes for them. It seems to be working well so I am hoping for the best.

The Flowering ladies are making me excited man. I went through and did a serious trim job today cutting out the bulk of clumped up leaves in the center etc that were blocking light from the lower levels. I didn't remove more than half leaves from any of the branches and I didn't hurt any buds or branches in the act. I just looked at bud points that were slow growing, moved around the top growth until the shadow on top of the slow bud went away, then I looked at what I was moving and trimmed accordingly. I am hoping that this will significantly increase my yield. I am worried that they may be a bit behind though. Can it work like that? Is it possible that I harvest the top buds that are full and nicely trichomes etc and leave the lower levels to get larger? I haven't figured out if trichomes is a time thing or an environmental conditions thing. Basically, if a top cola is growing and budding well and eventually gets to cloudy trichomes, does this mean that most of the plant will be on the same page? Or, does this mean that the lower level buds that didn't receive as prime of conditions originally will now have the proper sunlight to grow etc.

Regardless, I'll toss some pictures up in a minute


Well-Known Member
Alright, so here are some pictures of my clones. These were taken yesterday morning so this is their 2nd day. I am almost afraid to start a day count, but I am praying these ones hold on strong!

Here is what the setup looks like


And here are the ladies.

If you notice, none of them look too similar. I did this on purpose. I decided that instead of trying to bug people forever and have them tell me what is the "perfect clone" I would just try different things that I have heard and see what works. I have one that is skinny with few leaves, I have one that is short with a fat stem, I have a tall one, and I have a thicker one with a lot of leaves. So far they are all created equal, so we will see what happens.

Pictures of the flowering ladies are uploading now.