My first grow :D


Well-Known Member
Yea I put her in a pot which is a whole other thing I have to talk about... The transplant was messy. Roots were broken, she wilted at first, but I think she is recovering now. When i dug her up, i felt some snap which really sucks, but KNOWING I could very possibly cause damage, I looked up what to do before I transplanted her. So as soon as I knew I broke some roots, I flushed her, trimmed a dying leaf, and put her in a area where it's cool and shady. She has picked back up and I will probably keep her in a spot that gets a few hours of direct sunlight per day rather than a whole bunch. Lesson with pots learned, put it in it's final pot right away. Will upload pictures soon
So after feeling like a doctor treating a patient about to die, she is starting to stabilize and grow STILL. Her leaves are also back to normal after being extremely soft and one leaf which was upside down after the transplant has flipped back over. This is one resilient f**king plant. Here is a picture from a little earlier today. She is going to get watered much more and with a small dose of nutes due to her root system being very tiny. Superthrive will be here tomorrow. Any other suggestions to get her going quickly again? But now I'm gonna smoke a bowl...

So pretty much nothing has changed yet except for the round leaves staring to yellow... it's a cloudy day today which is good. Also she is perking up like she was before when it's daytime so I hope that's is a sign she's still alive. My Superthrive should be here any minute now which will be immediately applied. Fingers crossed......:)


Active Member
Can I just pop in here with something, one of my current plants in my current grow is my first experiment with the 'auto' ruderalis crosses, it was sold as "Fast Bud #2", apparently derived from the original fast bud which sounds like you were growing.

I soaked her overnight on 16th June.
Planted her on the 17th June.
She broke the surface of the soil on 20th June.
They were 2-3" high on 21st June. They seemed strong and confident wee climbers.
On 30th June there was the first signs of the plant considering pre-flowering.

Today, 14th of July (3 weeks 3 days from breaking the surface), heres a picture of her I took today:


Finally starting to live up to its name. They claim 5 to 6 weeks flowering period, at first I thought that was horseshit, but tbh now I'm not so sure. I should point out that while its an autoflower, I grow them in my flowering room 12/12. That works, kinda voids the point of an auto, but I did it purely out of lack of space. Certainly the fastest I've seen a plant get its hairy nips out.

Also, what makes an auto an auto is its ruderalis cross genetics. Ruderalis are wild and remote, in other words they've evolved to be quite hardy, and also they autoflower by nature to aid their survival in more difficult conditions. In other words, the less you fuck about with them, the better, too much love will kill these plants. Give them the common basics, then leave them alone, they're probably the hardest plant to kill, so if yours are going badly, you may be trying too hard ... too much enthusiasm with 'more is better', always thinking of ways to make it more ideal ... nothing wrong with wanting to give a lot of love, but if ruderalis genetics are in there, they're independent feminists... lmao

Of course, that doesn't mean they're bombproof, my other auto experiment (Black Jack Auto), one was sickly from seed, the other is growing well, so it all comes down to the quality of seed you get and of course, old fashioned genetics at the end of the day.
She died in a span of 6 hours when she was starting to perk up? Pics?
no pics i was so mad at myself... she turned dark green, wilted, and leaves just shriveled up. i will
have new grows next year since now it is too late becuase i
am going back to college august 24th. till next summer :(