My First Grow. Closet, Pictures.


Active Member
This is my first time growing, and i think it's going pretty good so far. i have three plants, two of which were given to me by a friend when they were about two weeks old, and the third plant is bagseed. The plants from my friend were grown from headies, but i don't know what strain. Right now, i have nine cfls around my plants, and they are a mix of daylight bulbs, and warm white. When the plants were in vegetative state, i only used nine daylight bulbs. I haven't used any nutrients, but the two headies plants were originally planted in a miracle grow mix.

i started flowering the plants two days ago, and no signs of sex yet. The two headies plants are about two months old, and about a foot tall, and the little bagseed plant is only two or three weeks old, and grew really slowly.

i know i won't yield much from the little bagseed, but i'm kind of using it as an experiment. i figure, the more experience the better. i've begun to lst it, just to try it out.

I would let the plants vegetate more, but i'm moving in about three months, and i want to be able to harvest before then... i'm hoping to harvest when around 75% of the pistols are red, because i like a stony and "couch lock" kind of high.

I've been taking pictures since the beginning, Plant "A" is in the reddish-orangy pot, and "B" is in the dark pot. I transplanted them into larger pots after day 30, but into similar color pots.
Plant "C" is the bagseed,and it started out in a jiffy pot. once i weed out the males, i'm going to name the plants, but i don't want to get too attached to them yet...

i've never posted before, and i'm pretty new to all of this, but i've found this website incredibly helpful, and i've been really impressed with the amount of knowlege and skill that many members have. growing these plants has given me ridiculous amounts of joy.

i know my grow is pretty low key, but i'm trying to keep it simple, and i don't have that much money. i'd love any comments or suggestions, thanks!



Active Member
I just got like, four or five new 26 watt soft white CFLs, here's a picture. still no signs of sex. i also bought a thermometer, and the temp hovers around 83 F.



Active Member
flowering day 11
both of my larger plants have turned out to be female! i can't believe my luck. the smaller plant hasn't shown its sex yet. I tried to take pictures of the pistils, but it was really hard to get the camera to focus, and i only got, like one picture where they're visible, it's of plant b. plant a's pistils are smaller.
i'm going to think of names for them...



Well-Known Member
Do you figure on giving the girls eight weeks of flower, before you move ??
The timing is just about right, you could try taking some clones, if for nothing more than practice, or throw them into 12/12 to boost your yield. I see some good cloning stock on the bottom of your larger plants.


Active Member
Do you figure on giving the girls eight weeks of flower, before you move ??
The timing is just about right, you could try taking some clones, if for nothing more than practice, or throw them into 12/12 to boost your yield. I see some good cloning stock on the bottom of your larger plants.

that is a good idea, but i just don't have the space to make a separate veg room. and for time's sake, i want to keep them in flowering so that i can make sure that the buds reach maturity and i can cure them properly before i leave.

when i have more space, i'll start a proper grow that will have a continuing yeild.


Well-Known Member
Your grow looks good.

One suggestion: you can get a 150w HPS light and ballast for under $100 total. High Tech Garden Supply -- the folks who sold me my 400w HPS -- has a nice setup, and you can find others if you look.

150w HID will give you much brighter light than your current CFL setup, and not a whole lot more heat. If money and space are really tight, you could even look at

(EDIT: they have a very nice special this month -- a 400w complete HPS setup for $95 + shipping. For a few shekels more than you would be spending on CFL bulbs you could get a serious harvest for years to come... )
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Active Member
Your grow looks good.

One suggestion: you can get a 150w HPS light and ballast for under $100 total. High Tech Garden Supply -- the folks who sold me my 400w HPS -- has a nice setup, and you can find others if you look.

150w HID will give you much brighter light than your current CFL setup, and not a whole lot more heat. If money and space are really tight, you could even look at

(EDIT: they have a very nice special this month -- a 400w complete HPS setup for $95 + shipping. For a few shekels more than you would be spending on CFL bulbs you could get a serious harvest for years to come... )

i would like an hps, but it would raise the electricity bill... once i get a serious grow going, i'll definitely invest in one. thanks for the suggestion!


Active Member
the pistils are growing, and i can almost see buds forming, i'm so excited! here are some pictures. closup of plant a, then b, then a group shot. the lower leaves of the two headies plants are a little yellow, and it looks like a nitrogen deficiency to me. i added a tiny bit of a kind of nutrient with a lot of nitrogen (20-5-5), and i think i can already see a slight improvement.

i see the forming sexual organs of plant c, but i can't tell the sex. it looks more female than male to me, but only time will tell.



Active Member
i forgot to mention that i named the two headies plants. plant a is now "silver thunder" and plant b is now "olde english". they're named after some great beverages, and they also sound vaguely like weed strains, especially silver thunder.


Active Member
Day 20 Flowering

more and more white hairs, especially on Silver Thunder. since i began to flower them, they've grown a lot in height- Silver Thunder is around 17 inches, and Olde English is around 20. i added another wire to plant c to keep it low. i have pictures.

Silver Thunder and Olde English have some yellow leaves on the bottom, and i gave them a small amount of nitrogen rich nutes, and they're doing better. you can maybe see in the photos- the more yellow leaves used to be all yellow, but now have more green at the bottom and the middle of the fingers.

pictures- closeup of Silver Thunder, another closeup of Silver Thunder, a closeup of Olde English, plant c, and a group shot

