My first grow cfl all the way


You could start at 8". When you can stop by Home Depot and get a 300w cfl for $14.95. A rooted clone in 30 days can look ike this.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
unfortunately we dont have home depot were i live i live in europe.

here are some pics of what its going to be my 2 flower rooms for know they will be veg and flower both parts are 47 inches tall, 30 inches wide with and 11 inches deep.
For know is cfl all the way but i will eventually put a 150wt hps (or a 250) in each.



Well-Known Member
after thinking it over i decided to put them in to flower just to see how much bigger they will get, the yield they will give and of course the quality of the smoke not expecting much since they are the nirvana elf xmas present.


Well-Known Member
ok flowers are starting to show up still to small to tell what is what, they were prob there yesterday but i dint notice them.
Is it ok to put the clones under 24/0 lights?


Well-Known Member
its 48hours since i changed to 12/12 i can see lots of side grow and not that many vertical growth.
although i think they maybe getting rout bound the pots they are know are 1 galon they are between 7 and 7and half inches tall.

the one in the middle is a female 100% sure the other two still unknown



Active Member
:neutral:too early to tell sex yet .ive been veggin n flowering with cfl.s myself and now got 4 females showing but 1 is a nuisance and not showing any signs of sex so might put that into veg to grow more but take the risk of turnin it into male then.....hard to tell at this stage but in the first pic i swear that does look like 2 hairs startin to form but gotta wait a bit more to be sure......


Well-Known Member
this ones are in flower just so i can tell witch are females so i can keep the clones and of course to sample them.


Well-Known Member
you can take clones wen the plants are in flower the clones will take longer to grow . they have to revert to veg firs. Hi toke my clones 1 weak before i went to 12/12


Well-Known Member
really as anyone seen this before i cant tell what the hell this plant sex is she is short and very very bushy. most males i know are tall and lanky.
i think its most likely male because is so different from all female flowers or preflowers i have seen.
Just looking for a second opinion.



Well-Known Member
yah i know its just i never seen ones like this i have grown outdoors and usually the males are bigger then this one compared to the female. on a side note one male 80% sure at least one is a female and its a very good looking plant.
my white widow just sprouted gonna let it veg for prob 2 months before 12/12.


Well-Known Member
its 1 week since i changed the lights to 12/12 all plants starting to show signs of sex ended up with 2 females and 1 male from 3 seeds here some pics of them know will update wen the flowers starts showing.

hope my nutes arrive next week.



Active Member
Looking very nice, Mr. Luso! I'm just about ready to start, just waiting on my seeds. Keep it up! They should bulk up nicely once you get those nutes going!
Nice im all cfl to look at my grow its on here,,,,,24000 lummens bagseedgrow im 22 days into 12/12 and shit is poppin got a tono pics to.... yours look good... nicework