my first grow! caluma led force 150w with 1x white label skunk#1, 1x rqs special kush 1 40x40x160cm growbox

Welcome to RIU.

Just thought I'd point out, 150w in a 40x40 tent is way overkill even at the height of flower.
You'd need between 58w and 88w full flower.
1.77ft x 30-50w

So please be careful.
i buy the lamp and use just 50% in the 40x40x160cm box = 75 w in bloom...i buy the lamp maybe i will buy a 80x80x180cm box, but after the legalisation in germany at 01.04.2024 all growboxes are sold out and cost the double price now! i will let the 2 plants in vegi to 09.07.2024 then the skunk is 35 days old the special kush 28 days....i hope they are then 30cm and strecth to 60cm maybe to 80cm when bloom becoose they are more indica then sativa....thats my first time growing :| and thx 4 the advice i will be careful with the light intensity. i think the light is now on 35- 40 % intensity becoose on the dimmer the steps are not really clear 25% the next step is 50% i between that but therer no is nicght from 18:00- 0:00 a clock...later i post a photo from the dimmer then you see what i mean... and maybe i do i lower intensity, greetings and sry for my bad eng ^^
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caluma led force 150w dimmer: its 35% ???
caluma led force 150w dimmer.jpg


skunk#1: day 17
white label skunk#1 tag17.jpg

skunk#1: day 17 picture 2
white label skunk1 tag 17 bild 2.jpg

special skunk 1: day 10
special kush 1 tag10.jpg

special kush 1: day 10 picture 2
special kush1 tag10 bild 2.jpg

box; tag 4.jpg
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skunk#1: day 18 / water her with 0,7ml bio-grow, 0,7ml bio-bloom, 0,7ml top max in 1 liter water (it was a mistake i should use just bio-grow:eyesmoke:)
biobizz try pack.jpg
white label skunk1 tag 18.jpg

skunk#1: day 18 picture 2
white label skunk1 tag 18 bild 2.jpg

special kush 1: day 11 / water her with 0,7ml bio-grow in 1 liter water (jaja i know in 5 liter pot 1/3 are 1,6 liters)
special kush 1 tag11.jpg

special kush 1: day 11 picture 2
special kush 1 tag 11 bild 2.jpg

box bild 5,2.jpg
box bild 5.jpg

hope we good :eyesmoke: just the special kush 1 do the eagle claw technik LMAO
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xcuse my charisma, vodka with a spritzer
Swagger down pat, call me young Patricia
Young money militia, and I am the commissioner
You don't want start Weezy, cause the F is for finisher
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so when you watching fool these particular trailer, if you are a blob and you buy for your girlfriend, i highly recommend for least she will learning something that will one day save her life! and that cant money not is very important for you to understanding what is it that learning...basic and simple, and is the best, becoose when it happen you will not be able to think about so many things...and you have to understanding, women not train like a man!
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All i do is put some light mix or seedling compost on top of the all mix and layer it that way so its not too hot for the seedlings you dont need to grow it only in light mix so you know bud and you dont feed for the first two weeks with seedlings anyway
I use biobizz have done for years il warn you tho now there charts aint great not to worry tho i got ya the thing to remember is nutrients companies are in the buisiness to sell u more nutes so there charts are always on the heavy side
cant post pictures now when i do attach files it not work:spew:i think i stop the thread now, and delete the account! but i cant find how to delete the account...they banned me i cant post pictures anymore...:D and now my pictures since yesterday all just numbers?? 5 hours before all was normal!
bye bye iam out...account is not deletable ^^
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i got nothing on i cant post pictures anymore idk
Its not u bud its just the sites having a wee issue if you ever banned you wont be able to post full stop not even text should be fixed in a day or two hopefully
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Perché 150w sono tanti?
Io nel box 40x40 uso la ts600 (Mars idro) da 90w ed eguaglia la 150w Hps.
Ho usato anche la Hps 150w in inverno e mai avuto problemi
Dang... OP was fun. The auto flower YouTube video with the topping and LST kind of agitated me. It could have been done so much better. Lol