My first grow; Blueberry and Skywalker from Dutch Passion


Active Member
Hey everybody I'm new here and I just thought that I would start a journal of my first ever grow using a custom top feed system for vegetative growth under T12 fluorescents (GE Ecolux) and an Aeroflo2 under an air cooled 400w HPS for flowering:shock:

General Hydroponics 3 part Flora series nutrients with Floralicious Plus and Liquid KoolBloom

Any advise is greatly appreciated so feel free to put in your two cents :bigjoint:

I will get pics up either later tonight or tomorrow of my system (if I can figure out how to post my images):-|

So far, so good. Blueberry and Skywalker plants are now 31 days old and two Easy Sativa plants are 17 days old under the T12 fluorescents and are looking healthy.

Thanks everybody in advance I am looking forward to posting on this forum



Well-Known Member
The only thing that confused me with the skywalker is the genetics in it, but the low thc content. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere around 12%, but it has blueberry, and something else strong crossed with it. Good luck on this one, I want to see this.


Active Member
Here ya go guys here are some updated pictures for your viewing pleasure:

1st: Blueberry on the left, Skywalker on the right; 32 days old.
2nd: Easy Sativa; 18 days old.
3rd: Another Easy Sativa; also 18 days old.
4th: Close up of the Skywalker plant.
5th: Close up of the Blueberry plant.



Active Member
Well what does everybody think of my girls so far? Are they growing how they should be? (Remember, I've never done this before) Should I be ok continuing to veg them under these fluorescent lights? Do you think that the lower part of the plants are getting sufficient light to produce the branches I need for cloning? Gimme some feedback someone bongsmilie

I was planning on veg them for about another month before taking cuttings. About a month and a half on the smaller ones.


Well-Known Member
If you plan on flowering soon, let those bottom nodes get at least
at least a couple inches with with some leaf sets.
I don't know if you plan on topping before flower, but you could
also use those for clones.


Active Member
Last night I decided that I would try out this whole cloning thing..

So I cut off the tops of the plants, dipped them in the rooting compound and they are now in a humidome with a heat pad under fluorescent lighting..

They are looking quite bad; I don't think the BB or SW clones are going to make it. I hope I didn't affect the growth of the mothers now..:-?


Well-Known Member
Ok, depending on if you cut them correctly
they don't look bad. You took them from the
correct spot.
I don't think it's to late to recut the 2 on the
right to look like the others.
I would recut them at an angle, then cut a
1/2" slit down the side of each for good rooting.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Well I see you have an aero flow setup which is similar to the one I make and use. Your gonna find that you need a miniumal of 1200 watt to grow in these as the surface area is large. I oonly use a 28 plant site which is 4 posts 6 plants in each and my 8 x 8 x 10 foot room is almost to small. I originally use 3 400 watt lights but went to 2 600 watt lights on a light mover with a tandem carrier I made.I veg in the units 10 days a the plants will be about 14 inches then go 12/12 for 5-6 week for harvest which then plants are at 4 feet tall and bushy.heres a look at latest round at day 29 from the actual day I cut them from the mon so 5 days clone,10 days veg, 14 days 12/12 and mind you I cut back to 25 plants for room issues..Last yield was over 121 oz wet from 24 plants..I know 1 other person using the actual aero60 setup on here and he uses 4 600 watt lights in a 12 x 12 x 10 room and its packed to the hilt with sativas which are more slender then my indicas but taller



Active Member
Ok Jonny, took your advice and removed the two clones and recut and scarred them and dipped them in some more rooting compound. Hope they survive!

Good to hear from someone like you that I am doing this right at least. I am so confused about this whole cloning thing.

So where I cut them off at the tops two new growths should shoot out?

Heres and update of the ladies as of now. Any advice you can give me on my grow would be greatly appreciated.. I am a newbie grower remember :mrgreen:



Mr I Can Do That For Half
Blue berry is the hardest strain to clone not a good beginner lol. I just got my Blue Berry clones to take. They are slowwww.I usually get roots in under 5 days but the BB took 12 days and I lost 2 of the 16 I did. This was my 3rd attempt I usually have 95% success rate. I found that clonex gel sucked for them and that root clone powder did the trick


Active Member
BAH I don't know what to do now since I can't clone... You think I should just scratch the whole idea of trying to have mother plants and just grow from seed in the Aeroflo or do I have the basic idea but the particular strains I am trying to grow are hard to clone??:-(


Well-Known Member
Don't give up dude. BB was the first strain I cloned.
I first took 6 from lower branches, got all to root.

I just took 2 from those clones off of the top and
they rooted in three days.

Stick with it, you only learn through experience.
You will find it's not difficult at all.

Some motivational BB clone pics for you...



Mr I Can Do That For Half
Get the mom little bigger so she can offer some good clones then keep at it eventually it ll happen.I just know bb is a tougher one to work out.But if your gonna grow in these large units got to learn to clone so might as well be now just keep the mom happy and keep cloning away.These are mine the day they were cut and the day they went into soil (which I usually dont do but for fun I did an old school grow).Good luck. I got lucky my Blue Berry 10 pack was y free pack when I ordered my Sweet purple from paradise so I got both delivered for $28.

