My first grow attempt


Active Member

this is my first time so i hope im doing things a little right. I got the idea for the light from somebody elses thread. This is a closet in my apartment, for ventilation i punched a hole in the wall and have a big ass fan blowing into the airspace between the walls. The lights in the picture are just me testing heat dissapation, I plan on getting 4 of those energy saver floro lights. I was also thinking about setting up a co2 system... would that be smart to do for my first grow? I have some seeds coming in the mail so i need to decide what soil and stuff to use. Can anybody recomend some premixed soil and plant food/additives?


Well-Known Member
i would reccomend fox farm nutrients have always done wonders for me

co2 can be expensive i would go for the yeast trick first


Active Member
for the co2 i was going to do baking soda and vinegar in a sealed container through a tube into shallow water

is that a bad idea?

also, what is the yeast trick and which nutrients should i get?

i am going to be going with bunker bud seeds


Well-Known Member
yeah do quairter cup of yeast quarter cup of sugar and the rest water in awater bottle punch a hole in the top and shake every day
the fox farm are the nutients you should use


Active Member
from what i have been reading the nutrients seem important. what would happen if he just put his stuff together and forgo using any nutrients?

like what does it do specifically?


Well-Known Member
it will boost everything depending on what nutrient it is, it is still perfectly possible to be succesful without them, they will increase yield and speed up the process


Active Member
i was just reading around and saw that if you put a small amount of hydrogen peroxide into your water that it helps keep the roots free from disease... is this also true?