My First Grow (Ata Tundra)

Hi RIU world.this is my first grow and a newbie lol. Im growin ata tundra and i got the seeds from the attitude seedbank. Kinda mad because i got a ten bag of seeds. Only two outta the ten have sprouted and they are doin ok. One sprouted a week later than the other. I've been growiing them all together for 3 weeks now. The one that's at two weeks needs to be transplanted bcuz its doin the same thing as the did at two weeks. The 3 week old seems kinda small but its on its sixth set of leaves. The 2nd set of leaves are gettin. brown tips and i don't kno what to do and need help. I will be using technaflora advanced nuts. I am using a 4 foot 4 bulg gt ho lighting fixture. They areonly a couple inches tall and the 2 weeker has sum odd lookin leaves and startin to wrry me a lil bit. I will post sum pictures tonight when i get home. Also i have put my lights on 18/6 right now and will have them like that til they get about a foot and a half tall. I jus wanna be reensured that im doin this right. Im very nervous cuz only two seeds sprouted. If one of the are female(fingers crossed) then i wanted to have it be a mother. Any advice from this three week will be appreciated. Will be back later to post pics. help. Iam
I used the wet paper towel method. Sum crazy stuff happened last night. I don't kno how this happened but my planted got topped but jus one of the leaves. I think my gurl did it lol. I don't kno what is gonna happen now cuz one of the leaves is growing strong and another set is growing in. The younger plant hasn't recovered yet but i have faith. Tomorrow i will be giving the older one nutes for the 2nd time. Its doin good but still short. I wondr is the light too close cuz its not streching at all.
I think because of the one leaf that got knocked off that the older plant is growing a lil slower than usual. It already was growing a lil slow from the look of other pics that i have seen. No worries because u can't rush beauty lol. For this being my first i feel that its goin pretty good. I moved the lights up about two inches about two or three jus so it can stretch jus a little bit. I can already see that it will be bushy jus by how the branches are kinda close to each other.the younger plant still haven't recovered from the transplant and isn't look to promising. :-( but i have faith in the little guy. Or girl lol. If it doesn't turn around then i will jus clone the he'll outta the girl that's growing. Till next time grow good grow smart
Yea when I get off work im going str8 to my babies and check the status of them. Im really pulling for the runt because its been almost a week and its still not showing any signs of pulling thru. My ph of my soil this morning was at 6.6,is that good? I don't over water them. The oldest took about 5-6 days to finally need another watering. Don't know if that's good or not but I haven't seen a problem yet. But will update again when I get home. Man this is fun. Hope this test run is good cuz I want to do the widows next(purple and white. Don't like black widow)
Looked at the plants today and the oldest one is striving a bit more since I gave it the nutrients. I gave it half the strength that it was called for a nd its doing great. Next watering will be straight water no nutes for the older p,ant and im not goin to give any to the other til its starts to show sum sign of recoverybut im not giving up u yet little mutant lol. Til next time grow good grow smart.
Great. Startin to get growth in between the leaves and stems on both plants. The smaller one is still very small but is getting growth on it. Kinda weird but hey atleast its growng lol. Raised the lights about an inch to two and will c how they are later today
Plants look good but its kinda frustrating because im looking at other ppl plants and they are jus way bigger than mine. Likeim going into sixth week starting Tuesday and they are not even a foot tall yet. The larger one looks good but smaller than a foot. Some ove the lower sets are getting brown tips and. Turning a little yellow but nuthing to worry about. I jus wanna know y the he'll these plants aren't grow fast height wise. I kno the plant strain is a hybrid with mostly indica characteristics so the short bushy part might be true. But not as short as it looks. Can someone give sum advice to this newbie?
Lol. Still no help diagnosising this but o well Im by myself cuz no advice is being given. Update from last week, after I transplanted the oldest plant it jus wasn't lookin good at all a day or two ago. Yellowing leaves with brown tips and the other leaves are really light green and im worried about. Checked it b4 I went to work and it still looking very soso. Recovering from the transplant. The leaves are not drooping any more so thumbs up :-) will give an update of that one later this week. The younger plant is jus booming now and has gotten me so happy. It took almost 1 week and a half to start growing again. It has some amazing growth happening on all the branches. I will be flowering the next week regardless of their size but they are 8in for the young and 13in for the big one. But I really hope the taller one pulls thru. It seems like they switched with the problems.
Its been a while riu since I posted something. But im in my flowering stage and the status of my plants goes as follows: the younger plant has been thru a lot and is getting a lot of sex pistols on it. Congrates baby but its still a short bush but no problem. The older plant turned out not to be a male and is a freak of nature. I messed up a couple weeks ago and broke the main cola trying to super crop it cuz it was jus growin so f'in tall. Im kinda pissed at the attitude seed bank cuz I kno I ordered a mainly indica and its really showin sativa. But it still should be nice. The older plant has a lot of budding goin on I jus need a hps lamp now cuz this t5 is fuckin slow as he'll.