MY FIRST GROW AT ALL :) "help advices all kinda good vibes needed"


Active Member
Hello all, this is my first attempt to growing marihuana i expect to make some mistakes (allready did) and expect to learn but most important SOLVE em, besides that i hope to grow good Mj.

type of growing : closet SOG
grow space : 35x27 inches 6 ft tall
grow medium : soil
Light system : 600w HPS hortilux
CO2 : not...
fans : x2 (Kepping my closet door open and i levae the room and the window open so it creates a draft of cool air)
temps : day 82-85 / night 78 - 81
Containers : 2 gallon "would make it 3 -4 gallons but.. its SOG i inted to make small plants and fit all i can "until i learn and make a huge fkin trees"
Containers on the closet : x12 plants
Plant type : AK47 / BIG BUD / AUTOBERRY
mother plants : 4tubes 4ft x30w T12 cool/warm lights (no mother plants yet tho) all in the flowering room 24/7 HPS
Nutrients : Pure blend pro grow 1.5-4-5 / Pure blend pro grow 3-1.5-4 / Liquid karma 0.1-0.1-0.5
i thing i need some multivitamin for my plants for micronutrients "u will see why in the pics (posting later)"
also i have bought some powder for flowering 7-6-16 / some 20-20-20 fertilizer that i added to my new mix of soil / Pelican guano from PERU
havent applied any of this fertilzers yet.. only the 20-20-20 to my new mix of soil
clones : 4 clones 2Xak 2Xbigbud "heard big bud is hard to clone..." (clonex and on soil... getting peat moss)
technics applied : 1 week ago i topped some plants , 2 days ago i fimmed/topped sidebranches.
plant age : 1month 1 week (autoberry(x2) plants allready began to flower one lyk a week n a half ago the other lyk 5 days ago keeping em 24H on.

PROBLEMS: images speak.. so i will post pics later .. but im seeing some overwatering prob and some zinc or mg problmes.. u guys help me later :)

as u can see i reedit all my post sry bout that long talk before u dont have to complain no more :D well , i intend to get some mother plants and just get my stuff going every 2 months or so.. depends on my ak47 mother plant.

1.Was the timming of my toPPING/fimming ok? , is it ok if i topped one plant and after a week to fimm side branches? or to topp side branches? or to do BOTH? so.. topped main and fimmed 1 side and topped another side... is that ok?
2. better timming to fimm/topp a plant much should i fimm the plant in order to not take to many space.. in that case would it be better to just topp thje plant? (right now i wanna learn from a lot of "little" plants) see all problemss that can appear and being abbe to solve them or most important to PREVENT em time to flower my plants and change it to 12/12 after fimmin/topping (regeneration?)
5. good seedbank? (i got mines from marihuana NL seeds but.. ive heard some bad reviews about em.. si i would lyk to get some new mufacas) time to clone a plant?/best time to fim/top a CLONED plant

-I WILL PUT SOME PICS LATER "all noobs pros lyk me are welcome to post there problems goddies and all shit related to growing that can be usefull :) some day i would lyk to make a huge fkin scroog tree.. right now.. i just want to learn and smoke good shit.

PEACE MJ LOVER <3 lol i used to lyk a lot mj.. now im just loving it.. its so fkin fun/knowledge to grow weed... and i wanna learn a lot of cool new/old GOOD stuff so anyhelp will be granted :)
I didn't attempt to read your post.... And I'm sure many others will skip over it as well..

You should create some paragraphs... use more pictures and less words.


Active Member
Hey bro, welcome...I skipped to the number lines...So u want to know if you can top your plant but in multiple locations???


Active Member
hello enzogrow, maybe u readed my minibook i have reeddit my first post :) well yeah i have topped some of my plants(week ago), and i want to learn if i can top the side branches, is that ok? would i get 2 buds instead of 1 also? or i just fked i up,.. and.. in that case.. should i fimm my side branches? or whattt.

thanks for the fast reply :) fkin nice forum


1.Was the timming of my fimming ok? , is it ok if i topped one plant, to fimm side branches? or to topp side branches? or to do BOTH? so.. topped main and fimmed 1 side and topped another side... is that ok?
If your plant is still alive, then the timing was great. The amount of topping, fimm'ing, or any other "ing" you should or can do will be dictated by the plant. Every time you cut your plant you are stressing it. Some plants can take a lot. Some others not so much
2. better timming to fimm/topp a plant
Since you will be stressing the plant, you will probably want to wait until the seedling has as least a few sets of true leaves much should i fimm the plant in order to not take to many space.. in that case would it be better to just topp thje plant? (as i said right now i wanna learn from a lot of "little" plants
I'm not sure what the question is here but if your ultimate goal is to keep plants small, then yes you can definitely use topping or fimm'ing, LST, and even going straight to 12/12 from germination. The important factor here is to know your plant and the strain. There are some strains that get unruly no matter how you try to keep them small. time to flower my plants and change it to 12/12 after fimmin/topping
I don't think there is any set time limit here either. Your choice. Some would say to wait a week, may b even two. I have topped right before putting my plants into 12/12. Once again you should listen to your plant. If you know one strain takes a week to bounce back from the stress of topping or cutting then let it bounce back before stressing it some more with the 12/12 switch
5. good seedbank?
Personally I have only tried 2: Hemcy & Attitude. Count myself fortunate to have had NO PROBLEMS *knock wood* with either of these establishments time to clone a plant?/best time to fim/top a clone plant
What I look for in my cuttings is at least 3 nodes of growth (and I don't count the apical tip). In my own newbie experience, I took cuttings with 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 nodes. 1 died, 2 was slower to root than all the others (thought it wood die but made it), 3, 4, and 5 rooted in 4-5 days
I can not stress enough the importance of listening to your plants and getting to know the strains you work with. Keep 'em happy and they will keep you smiling!


Well-Known Member
First grow.... SOG..... ak47, big bud.... autoberry..... fim/top..... 12 plants...... clone...... WOW hold the F***ING train! you Need to take a step back and plan. First grow AND you have three strains and one is auto X 4 of each. Your ambitious thats great but do yourself and all of use a favor, start with baby steps. You need more of everything that you listed including experience to pull this off. Good luck and keep us posted!!


Active Member
my plants are dying... at least some of em.. HELP but all present some desease.... i will post my pics NOW... HELLLLLLLLPPPPPP

i will put my 2 grow rooms..(¡yesterday was 1 groow room, but i woke up at the middle of the night and decided to chenge em coz i thing is light burn..? but im not sure now.. coz i think 1 of em is getting worst since i transfered it.. do i have to flush wtf im doing wrong.. ps.. not checking PH .. dont have that thing.. also im putting some pics of my topped plants.

DONT LET MY BITCHES DIE... oh also.. as u can see my autoberry that has flowerd is so fkin little... the other is just started flowering.. i think is doing better

ps. the ones that are lyk 13 pots was the HPS/flowering (NOT FLOWERING YET THO ONLY UNDER THE LIGHT) room before i moved some plants to the vegetative/mother room



Active Member
i forgot... i might have removed some fan leaves that where fkin yellow and dying.. i read that could bring some deases... but the fact that i removed them affected my plant...? i removed them lyk.. a week ago..

hey 420trix thx for the tips :) appreciate it


Active Member
any1??? maybe my plants got stressed coz i fimmed topped to much.. :(
anyway trying LST on some healthy plants is it ok to do LST in 1month 2week veg stage? and is it ok if i LST a plant that just began to flower or i better dont do that?