My first grow, any imput??


Active Member
Here are a couple of pics of two plants, this is my first grow. I am flowering them. any input as to how they look and doing?? the one has some droopy fan leaves and they are real soft but it has a lot of white hair everywhere. Thanks for the input.



Active Member
both of them. let that soil dry out. it will build a better root structure and your plants will perk up and look healthier. are these being grown inside or out? maybe think about topping cause during veg stage they will double or triple in size. they'll be large!


Active Member
both of them. let that soil dry out. it will build a better root structure and your plants will perk up and look healthier. are these being grown inside or out? maybe think about topping cause during veg stage they will double or triple in size. they'll be large!
He means in flower they will double or triple their size.


Active Member
Thanks for they quick replies... That is exactly what I thought the problem may be, I always want to water them to frequent and always have tell myself they will be ok, I guess its part of the learning curve and being patient. Yes, they are grown inside I have been flowering now for a week. The plant on the left is 18" tall and the other is 24" tall. I have 7' to play with for height so height should not be an issue unless there is something else I am missing??. I have two other plants that I believe may be sativa, leaves are real narrow and the plant is allot bushier as well as taller and growing like crazy now almost uncontrollable. I have had to tie both of them down, Can I trim them back without any major issues?
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Active Member
I am using a combo of T8, T12 and CFL. I have a question? yesterday I had added another CFL to a spot I needed some more light, when I put it in there I didnt hook it up to my timer so it was on 24 hrs when all my other lights went out for the girls to go to sleep on there 12/12 schedule. They have been on a 12/12 for a little over a week now. How bad did this mess things up? Thanks!!


Active Member
Ok, so I have not watered them but when I checked on them this morning I pick the buckets up to check the weight and the droopy one is WAY heavier than the others. meaning there is more water in that one. Why or what would cause this plant not to be using any were near the water that the others use?? They are in the same stages, about the same size, same proximity to fan I have running. I am wanting to transplant the droopy one into a larger pot, is it ok to do that now or should I wait for it to perk up first? Any ideas what to do?


Active Member
Ok so I went out and got me a Soil PH tester and checked it. It is reading 4 to 5. From what I have searched this is low?? They are into 12/12 flower and I am ready to add some Bloom Nutes but don't want to until I get the PH corrected. Any ideas?? What can I expect to happen to the PH when I add the bloom nutes? what if anything does epsom salt do to the PH? Thanks In advance for the help.


Active Member
Also my Rh is running at 67% with a constant 75deg. Is this to high? what is the optimal Rh%. I have a fan blowing over the tops of the plants and a heater running in there to maintain the constant temp.