My first grow and setup


Active Member
Ok so I'm new to growing and this will be my first grow.
my setup consists of a 4x4x6.5 grow tent I ordered offline
For light I have a 400 watt sun system MH air cooled by 4" inline for veg.
getting 400 watt hps soon for flowering I have 4 plants growing (one if really retarted not sure what wrong with it lol but anyways I have a temp controllable heater in there bc my setup is in the garage
for soil I'm using FFOF and fox farm nutes are soon too come along with my carbon filter and another inline
I have 4 plants growing but 3 are doing well one has been drying up and dying not sure whats wrong with it it's been the same size for about 3 weeks now but other than that everything has been going well advise is strongly needed dont be afraid to tell me if I'm fucking something up also have a small fan for air circ. I will be updating frequently please give advise thanksimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgI took out the metal bucket


Since you have an insulated tent inside a garage I don't see a need for a heater. IMO your day temp should be 73 and 60-65 at night. Also I would remove the ballast from the tent. To much heat is terrible for plant growth. Photosynthesis stops at 83 degrees. The stunted plant should be tossed IMO. If it hasn't grown in the last couple weeks it most likely will always be stunted and not worth spending the money on. Keep your humidity at 55%. It is much easier to control the climate with the proper equipment. I have this model and it works perfectly for me. I would also ditch those clay pots for some 5 or 7 gallon smart pots. Smart pots and root type pots air prune the roots and this stimulates new root growth. Your plants will love you for it. Good luck.


Active Member
Well it's about 35 degreese in my garage the heater is needed and I will invest in some smart pots later low on fund at the moment thanks for your advise without heater in tent with light on is about 45 degreese so I heat the room 2 76 degreese


Wow 35 is cold for a garage. If you are gonna be there for a while I would consider insulating the garage. I insulated mine and I don't even own a heater. It has been below 30 for the last few nights and my room never went below 60 degrees at any point.Thats a cool feature about the climate controller I showed you, it keeps a log of the high and low temps as well as humidity. Also I run mine at night. You should consider a night cycle to since it will help keep you from the upper tiers of you power bill. All very useful info IMO.


Active Member
Yea that would be nice to own but it seems a little too difficult for me lol I am new to the whole growing thing hopefully soon I will be able to upgrade as I build confidence this is just a test run kinda thing ya kno but I appreciate your info and I will def. invest in some smart bags when I get the funds and byw I ment shed not garage lolbongsmilie too many bong rips


Active Member
Update time image.jpgthis ones is two weeks from seedimage.jpgimage.jpgtheese are one week from seed everything looking healthy and looking good (: now it's time to go take some bong rips and play call of duty


Well-Known Member
in the future u should avoid all the splashing on the plants its not really good for em ..... also solo cups so u can water the whole pot and let it dry up ..........the way it is now some of your soil is moist some aint and thats not good..... but u cant hardly water those whole pots because the wont dry out fast enough ... end up w bugs


Well-Known Member
Why am I stuck in theese pots????transplanting isn't an option or what?
u wont get those out and into a different pot without ripping the roots apart ....theres not enough roots to hold all that soil ........i mean u might get lucky but i wouldnt try a week or 10 days that biggest one in the smallest pot should be good to go

dude u can do about anything this stuff will grow its a matter of doing it in a way that gets good results u start stressing your plants they stop growing but the electric meter keeps spinning.....time is money


Active Member
u wont get those out and into a different pot without ripping the roots apart ....theres not enough roots to hold all that soil ........i mean u might get lucky but i wouldnt try a week or 10 days that biggest one in the smallest pot should be good to go

dude u can do about anything this stuff will grow its a matter of doing it in a way that gets good results u start stressing your plants they stop growing but the electric meter keeps spinning.....time is money
Ok I see what your saying and I was thinking about vegging until the end of this month bc I'm broke as fuck stupid eBay double charged me for some shit I bought and now I don't have the funds to get my hps light for flowering also have to get my nutes in through the mail will vegging this long effect the yield or potency ? Also planned on flowering all at the same time with same setup just change the lighting


Well-Known Member
vegging that long will have a positive effect on yield and potency...........honestly u will need every bit of that time your kinda off to a slow start

alot of people veg a different length of time a month is common for growing plants then budding in a "standard" grow

u need to wait before u go giving em nutes .....i cant speak for everybody but im pretty sure most of us wait till our plants tell us they need nutes....... i know some guys go giving nutes to seedlings but thats not how its done your soil has everything your plants need for a month of solid growth

i dont c any reason not to bud all these plants together in your tent just make sure your night time temp dont get too low


Well-Known Member
i dont really care for your ballast in the tent and i really dont like the power strip sitting on top of the ballast ..........too much heat and i worry u might melt that power strip inside somehow tweak it a lil ya know start a fire

another thing u should read up on cloning so u can sex those plants before the flip


Active Member
I know about cloning and my ballest it's virtually heat free all the time even on for 18 hrs a day it's stays cold to the touch but the strip has been moved away thanks for the advise and I'm off to a slow start bc I started theese plants under clfs and I might vegg a little longer lol and I'm getting a bubbleponics cloner soon so I can grab some clones from my clone guy nl#5x blueberry (: is whats going now at 10 bucks a clone