My first grow and my new electric bill


Active Member
I can't see how you would pay 20$ for a 1400W OP for 1 month, In Canada, We have the cheapest electricity in the world. .04$ - .07$ per kW.

On a 12/12 daily cycle, 1400W will cost 98$ a month at .07$ rate and 56$ at .04$ rate. However .04$/kW is the industrial rate. Household usually pay .07$/kW.
I live in canada and pay 6.24cents a kwh. I am using 3000 watts in my grow room and it costs me $2.25 a day to run on a 12 hour cycle. It makes my bill in the whole year $822 higher.. Im MMAR pateint so I write of all my power as a medical expense. You are being over charged some how. Here like 95% of the places in north amerca commercial AND industrial pay more then resedential. 12cents a kwh.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i like to look at the graph that shows the monthly usage for the year. i can't really go by the cost because i pay the bill sporadically and the charges for use and delevery and crap are never the same. i am sitting in a hot ass house right now because according to my graph i'm already using the same amount of electricity as last year when i ran an a/c in the house but fewer watts growing. so no a/c this year. i still have a few fixtures around the house that have regular bulbs but they don't get used that often. before i started growing i changed most of the bulbs to cfl and the graph went way down, then back up when i started the grow. i love that graph.


Well-Known Member
Jerryrick stated his bill went up $250 a month from 400w of cfl's. There is no way in hell your bill went up $250 a month from just that. That should cost you about $30 a month at $.10 per kwh. I run 400w +/- of cfls in my veg box and a 400 hps magnetic in my flower box. I am not sure quite what it is costing me but according to what I can gather my entire grow with lights fans etc... is costing me around $2 per day.