My First Grow and Journal


Well-Known Member
Pic's Look Great... Bloom Is Right On Sched.! Pre Flowers Are Nice! No Burn.
A Question. In The Third Pic, She Looks Very Green... Or Is It Just The Lighting.??? Db.~tlb!:)

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
the third pic is the whole crop and it was taken under the hps so it could be that... they generally have a medium to dark leave complexion. Good to hear the blooms on schedy...

What about bloom terra- any one hear about it before- its moderatley cheap but still a more specific product from supernatural, a British Colombia brand...

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
Grn Man, IDK how...? And your right, if you still have dial up- and your reading this: Join the 21st century and get broadband, or at least steal your neighbors wireless, its faster than your dial up guarenteed...

But, I got new pics or more pics rather... Just of different plants...

Some questions about the first pic, Andrea... I have circled the area in question, and she is the only such plant showing signs such as this, but her leaves have a weird curl to them, curling in width wise and making hour glass shaped leave fingers... The pics will show better than i can describe... Any ideas what this might be...? Otherwise she and the others are pretty healthy...

First one is Andrea
Second is Heidi
Third is Holly
and Fourth is Pat

Thanks- Any and all comments are welcome, even the unnecessary ones! lol!


OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
Ohh and forgot to add... I bought a new piece that must be shown, not sure everyone is familiar with these types of glass.

Its called a glass blunt, probably my favorite smoking device hands down... Its basically a chilum with a never ending sized bowl... I kid, there is a limit- but its as big as a blunt!!! You can put just one hit in, or load it full for more than one could count...

The Dark Green Glass is the Chamber, and however far back you pull the clear glass inside, is how full it will be, the pic is taken pulled fully back, and is pictured with a decent bowl+ load... I love that it allows me to smoke as much or little as i want, and is very portable. The swirls around the outside make it easy to have a regular dosage by packing to the same swirl line.

It would be very easy to make one of these as well, and if your local head shops dont have em, ask for em, cuz they are really unique and I can only find one shop in my state that has em...

New favorite bowl...

I should post pics of my others...

Named her Bell, for her curved opening at the lighters opening, resembles a bell? and is sort of a girly name, only gonna hit a girl (dont mean abuse, mean like tap that!!!) lol

What you think? Seen Glass Blunts before?


kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
frogs don't taste nice with doughnuts (the unnecessary one)

like that pipe i will be looking out for one of them not see one before NICE
i really want a vaporizer

your plants are looking good

don't know about the leaf problem strange hope it gets better or does not get any worse

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
I had multiple vaporizers, always trying to find one that would actually get me as high as a bowl, none of them do- and the buzz isnt even like a maybe once in a while that buzz would be cool kind of buzz- i just couldnt find myself enjoying it, gave them all away- including a vapo brothers deluxe digital one with the bags comparable to the volcanos i had tried.

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
so many people rave about them, i still want to try one, i am going to the city near me over the next week or so there are quite a few smoke shops. i want a fresh bong/pipe for my first hit of my grow.
so is that your favorite way to smoke with that pipe/blunt?


Well-Known Member
I spent 600 bucks on a volcano after smoking off one at the 2006 cup... great for party's deffinatly gets ya way high.. but in the end I still love my trusty lil bubbler....


Well-Known Member
Nice piece OB I've never seen one of those before .

I plan on getting a new bong from pretty soon, they got some nice pieces.

Your pictures look great nice and bushy .

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
Yeah, Glass blunt is my fav. this is the second one i have ever seen and smoked out of, and they seem very efficent- burning it evenly to beyond what any roach can, and not tasting as bad as the bottom of any bowl because you can push the thin end and ash it out as you smoke it- push it like a needle and it dumps out the top stuff, it works great...

And plants are on par I say, waiting for a period of rapid growth, as they are growing but i understand they should really jet soon...


Active Member
Good stuff man, I am caught up on your grow. Two comments: 1) don't name your plant after your ex-wives! least if you are super paranoid. Any identifying info is a no-no in my book. 2) plants look really healthy. Mine flowered on the 29th of May, and it looks like yours did too. In the end, I think you will have much more bud sites, and much more bud than me per plant. But since I'm only growing one plant with the equivalent of about 300-350 watts, I may be getting more light than you. Since mine is small, I can bring her outside for a couple of hours when I get direct sunlight. Plus they are different strains, so I think that explains all of it. In my pic, i'm on day 14 of noticing she was a girl. Good stuff, and congrats on all the girls!

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
Mini Update: Soon will be a massive update of Plant Pics, much needed- they come along way... leaves are still showing so signs of problems... I will be uping the dosage soon and perhaps using some apple juice.

Went out to the hydro shop today and bought a 4x25 roll of 2mm thick mylar... its time to gleem my room out... I have been using white canvases... but i admire some of these rooms on here- and while i will never have 8 fans and crome ducting running everywhere- i simply dont need it... but i love the shine, and i hope my plants do to... The mother room and the flower box will both be mylar-ed. Exciting. Pics will follow.

Other plant news... I am only one week from clone time, or rather taking cuttings and putting them in the rapid rooters i bought at the hydro shop, only 16 dollhairs with rooters included pre-moistened and everything.

Considering adding some superthrive to the nute water to work in addition with the super thrive foliar spray that seems to be making my plants leaves do the happy dance with great greenery.

Well besides the hydro shop I stopped at the head shop... bought another glass blunt, i love these things- so practical, so easy to clean, so portable, smooth hitting, and you can fill it or one hit it-

So I gotta little glass update:
All of my glass pieces... the ones that arent shattered :(

Check out the non-glass metal vaporizer piece... its weird- bought it for variety, i have had digital vapo's ehh... their ok. this things kinda stupid, really dont smoke out of it much, but its unique, like the glass blunt.

First two are new glass blunts, and my beat as grinder! my favorite tool in the universe...

Second two are the 3 other glass pieces- one spoon, one bubbler, and one baby spoon.

Third is the funky vape-o i was talking about earlier.

Think I will start a glass showing thread soon, or see if there is one, i am sure there is, and ppl have much sweater pieces i am sure...

If YOU do, post your pic here till i link said thread




Well-Known Member
What's up bro? Sorry I haven't hit the journal in awhile - I've been outa town. Also, the threads I'm subscribed to is fucking over whelming when you go look at that shit!



Well-Known Member
Not To Sound Dumb, Ok Well Maybe A Little, But What Are The First Two Pics, I Know There Pipes... But Not Sure..!??/ But The Force Feels Strong With Them Me Must Know.... I Just Got Flavor Drops For My Bong. Never Even Knew They Were Out There Till The Bro In Law Gave Me Sum!!! :)

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
The first two photos are of my new glass blunts... Glass Blunts are the shit, and I believe they are kinda rare- maybe why you havent seen em, but since i got my first one, now shattered, every shop in my local town has begun to sell them... at first i had only found one shop out west that had them...

They are essentially chillums with adjustable depth... the inner, clearer glass tube, slides within the larger glass tube, and makes an adjustable chamber... you can put 1 hit in it, or more than you could count (a blunts worth), it hits sooo smooth... Highly recommend buying one if you can. my favorite piece hands down... Its the easiest thing to clean ever, I clean it every time i use it, in less than 5 mins...

and when your smoking it, you just press the inner tube forward, and it slides the end of the bowl out so you can easily ash off the gray smoked part, and keep a clean tasting hit. Well designed...

Here's two more pics of my 2nd of 3 glass blunts... The 2nd and 3rd were in the last mini update post...

This is just the second, but notice how the depth is set differently in each of the photos...

This is with the old light blue seal on it, i have since replaced it with a nice black washer, you can see that in the first set of photos from before...


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Well-Known Member
I Like~~~those Must Start A Search Of The Head Shops Here, We Have Some Crazy Ones... 8000$ Bongs!!! Custom Glass Ofcoarse.

I Use Papers Called Cones Come In Reg. Med. And Dammmmm Sizes, U Just Pack It And Bang. I Use A Funnel. I Will Try To Get A Pic Up Here, Well In My J. Soon Of Them Cause I Roll Way To Many For The 4th,,, Well Never Too Many!!! Thanks For The Schoolin... A New Must Have.!!! Lol Db.:)

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
I hate those cones!~ lol, gotta roll it myself, and i can do a pretty damn good bob marley cone shaped J, just attaching 2 papers together, its cheaper, and comes with more per pack... And I can add a piece of cardboard myself to make the french filter, as i do with all my J's and mostly blunts, dont really smoke joints, just blunts really, with the french filter...

But the new glass blunt has basically ruled those obsolete

and did you see that vaporizer? isnt that unique? do you have those at ur shops?


Well-Known Member
Oh Ya!!! U Name It We Got. State Side.! I Dont Have The Use Of My Hands All That Much, So Those Cones Help Me. And My Rollers... Reg. And This One That Will Roll Real Long Suckers... I Just Smoked My 1st Blunt About A Mount Ago Sent To Me From It Was Diff. But The Stuff I Grow, Is More To The U Just Want It Side Of The Spec. To Tobacco. But The Blut Was A Killer Change Of Pace... Come Hit Me Journal, Theres Been A Few New Post... Enjoy! I Deff. Hunting On Of Those Glass Blunts "down"!
Db.~tlb! :)