My first grow, 4 bagseed going at the moment


hey this is my grow so far, ive had a few problems along the way but im getting there slowly. these are just bagseed. the 2 bigger ones have were vegging for 4-5weeks and the others about 3weeks. they have all been in flower for 2weeks 6 days. any general help and advice would be great. sorry for the bad quality photos i had to use my phone. oh and by the way im giving nutes every 3rd water and grow them indoors under 2x 150w MH lights and a 2ft fluro (2700k) but let them out on nice days =]



thanks =] yeh im pretty happy with the result so far, definately learning alot on the way aswell. ill keep everyone posted about how they are going. also any suggestions would be appreciated for future grow references