My First Grow!!!100% Organic Medical Garden


Well-Known Member
^^^^he's wrong you can have pistils in veg if you veg your plant to sexual maturity.......look at an old mother plant :/

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
well its shown sex throughout the entire veg had pistols and preflwoers the whole time. does this consequently take time off of 12/12 photoperiod(the expected harvest/flowertime of 70-77 days)
A plant will not have pistils the whole time.


New Member
S.A.G.E update...!!!??? first occurance of any issues i think its burn but its only on the pistols. but htis is also my first flwoer so i result in asking you guys/
was not like this last night when i went to bed or this morning when i flipped lights out. i go in tonight to turn the lights on and the first bud i see which is the biggest. it stood out for that reason. the pistols on it are turning orange almost liek theyre dieng only that little top bud is doing it the colas below are fine and every other flower onthe plant is fine.

the first picture here shows the pistols i think have some effect. any comments or concerns? Thanks guys
Sage flower day 18.jpgsage flower day 18 1.jpgsage flower day 18 2.jpgsage flower day 18 3.jpg


New Member
what are you smoking? you need to upgrade because that shits not working for your glaucoma or whatevs it is.


New Member
haha no no no you need to lighten up its a joke. and no they are not blue there that dark of green that whe nthe picture is taken it shades them blue from the lighting haha.
i use flourecents to take my pictures when i first go in because taking picture under an hps is bullshit.
i have no clue tips though thats why i asked wtf?


New Member
hah. anyone have the slightest fucking clue on why my pistols are turning orange like that this early in bloom? or is that normal?


Weed Modifier
yes it it normal...ive have some that have changed during freaked me out first time i seen it too...

your bitch is just fine grrouch ... its all part of the process :) no worries bro