thats what i mean the ling is in shock,, itl either die or live,, im on about the small plant wiyh 4 leafs, its yellow, wich more than likely means your plant has locked up or u got some bad roots that dont work any more, therefore its stopped taking nutriants in, u can give a plant to much water and the plant will either struggle or totaly stop root absorbing water to cope, also direct sunlight will cause u problems with seedlings,
or it could just be stunted , but 100ml for a ling every 2days isnt necesary, its roots wont drink that ,
keepin soil that wet means your roots dont need to travel and search for water and if they dont do that how do u expect the roots to get bigger and longer if they dont have to,,
basicly ur roots arnt gettin any time to expand and take in a decent ammount of co2,,
i take 1 of mine out ov a pot and the whole thing is basicly a root wich drinks like fuck where as u mite get a few roots around and about the pot,,,
any way its only advice, im not saying listen to me, but im sure it wud help,,
peace out,,,,,,,,,, good look with the grow,, ill stop by n see how it progresses if ur keepin the thread updated,,